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Everything posted by cobra4v320

  1. cobra4v320

    Select time

    Put this into your description.ext titleParam1 = "Daytime"; valuesParam1[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24}; defValueParam1 = 9; textsParam1[] = {"1:00", "2:00", "3:00", "4:00", "5:00", "6:00", "7:00", "8:00", "9:00", "10:00", "11:00", "12:00", "13:00", "14:00", "15:00", "16:00", "17:00", "18:00", "19:00", "20:00", "21:00", "22:00", "23:00", "24:00"}; Then put this into your init.sqf file: if (!isNil "param1") then { switch (param1) do { case 1: {skipTime 1}; case 2: {skipTime 2}; case 3: {skipTime 3}; case 4: {skipTime 4}; case 5: {skipTime 5}; case 6: {skipTime 6}; case 7: {skipTime 7}; case 8: {skipTime 8}; case 9: {skipTime 9}; case 10: {skipTime 10}; case 11: {skipTime 11}; case 12: {skipTime 12}; case 13: {skipTime 13}; case 14: {skipTime 14}; case 15: {skipTime 15}; case 16: {skipTime 16}; case 17: {skipTime 17}; case 18: {skipTime 18}; case 19: {skipTime 19}; case 20: {skipTime 20}; case 21: {skipTime 21}; case 22: {skipTime 22}; case 23: {skipTime 23}; case 24: {skipTime 24}; }; } else {skiptime 10}; You should set your ingame time to 0000 hours.
  2. cobra4v320

    Cannot Delete Old MP Missions

    Im using Vista and could not locate it at that locations you specified. I have even gone as far as deleting the game and reinstalling. The missions are still there so it is being stored somewhere just cant seem to figure this out. I even cleaned out the registry.
  3. Here is the SOM Mission menu with reinforcements. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7197
  4. cobra4v320

    Delete building

    Tested and working, well at least the first preview. Do a search on these forums there is additional info to be found with others having the same issues. Im also using the latest beta patch.
  5. cobra4v320

    Attachto boats

    Trial and error: this attachto [boat,[1,2,3]] 1 = left + and right - 2 = front + and back - 3 = up + and down -
  6. @Enonic Read here http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/2856
  7. cobra4v320

    Delete building

    You can delete a building using the deleteCollection command. Create a gamelogic and in the init line put: deleteCollection (getPos this nearestObject 123456) This is however bugged, you will get a CTD the second time you preview. So you can preview the mission one time, the building will be completely gone. The second time you preview you get a CTD, or in my case a frozen computer screen isnt that awesome.
  8. Hmmm you got me there but I understand what you are saying. As soon as it gets dark doesnt the AI put on NVG anyways?
  9. Here is the ARMA list of actions.
  10. Try what kylania said with the respawn script, otherwise you can try something along these lines: condition field Alive unit On activation player action ["lightOn", nameofyourlight]
  11. try this: Make a trigger condition (daytime > 19.75 || daytime < 4.25) on activation player action ["nvGoggles", player] on deactivation player action ["nvGogglesOff", player]
  12. [["reinforce"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; You can put this in a trigger however it will only work when members of your group have been killed. For example 3 out of 5 members of your group die then you can use the reinforce option, a helicopter will fly in with 3 new team members and drop off an ammobox. Also if you are looking for a reinforce option then try the ussupport scripts by Lucilk found here.
  13. Here is the list of actions. Also if it is night time and the vehicle is set to setbehavior "careless" it will keep its lights on if it set to setbehavior "combat" it will turn them off.
  14. player action ["nvGoggles", player] player action ["nvGogglesOff", player] List of actions can be found here.
  15. Try: player action ["engineOn", yourvehicle]
  16. cobra4v320

    Attachto boats

    Too easy: Make an empty static KORD minitripod name it kord, and place in the init line: this attachto [boat,[0,1.1,.35]] Make your pbx and name it boat. Make your driver this moveindriver boat Make your gunner this moveingunner kord ========================================================================================== The other option would be making an empty static KORD this attachto [boat,[0,-5.3,-2]]; this setdir 180 Create an empty fishing boat and name it boat. Now you have a bigger boat with a mounted KORD in the back of it.
  17. You can simplify adding your magazines by doing this: {this addmagazine "nameofyourmagazine"} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6] The 1-6 would be the number of magazines. you need to put your magazines in first before the weapon otherwise you will have an unloaded weapon at start. List of weapons and magzines can be found here.
  18. cobra4v320

    Time Check

    @Fenrir condition field daytime > yourtime here on activation your move script here move script wp1 = Groupofficer addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "start", 0]; wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; wp1 setWaypointSpeed "normal"; Something like above should work for you. @DMarkwick Come on man lets not over complicate things, you change the times to your needs. ---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:09 PM ---------- Another option would be using a trigger: OPFOR detected by BLUFOR on activation player action ["lightOn", nameofyourlight] on deactivation player action ["lightOff", nameofyourlight] Not tested.
  19. I have searched in these forums and in OFPEC Forums and cannot find anything on how to check time. Im trying to create a trigger and in the condition field would be the time check if it is dark outside. Then it would activate the searchlights. There will be no AI in the search lights and I will be activating with: player Action ["lightOn", light3] Any help would be appreciated.
  20. Searchlights will work without a man in them: Condition field (daytime > 19.75 || daytime < 4.25) 19.75 is the time on 4.25 is the time off. On Activation Field player action ["lightOn", nameofyourlight] On Deactivation player action ["lightOff", nameofyourlight] Set the trigger to repeatedly.
  21. cobra4v320

    US Support

    Did I mention I like your scripts?:p They have definitely taught me somethings I did not know how to do before. Posted below is my version of your paratrooper script, I have changed names around and changed the C130 to a MV22. I didnt like how you had the airborne infantry setup where they would delete if there were no East units present, so I used the "{alive _x} count units Airborne == 0" command. If all of the airborne units are dead then the script will end, then 5 minutes later you can recall the paratrooper script. Im using this on Utes so I have created a start marker at the LHD, simulating support coming from the LHD rather than random spawn. [] execvm "Supportscripts\Menu\Close_Menu.sqf"; para = false; publicVariable "para"; player sideChat "Crossroad we need infantry support at my location ASAP, Over"; sleep 3; [west, "HQ"] sideChat "Roger that, Airborne Infantry units are enroute to your location, over."; sleep 2; player sidechat "Roger, Out"; sleep 10; GroupLift = CreateGroup West; PC130 = createVehicle ["MV22", getmarkerpos "start", [], 0, "FLY"]; pilotMV22 = GroupLift createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; pilotMV22 moveInDriver PC130; PC130 flyinheight 200; sleep 1; Airborne = [getmarkerPos "start", side player, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "USMC" >> "Infantry" >> "USMC_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x MoveInCargo PC130} ForEach Units Airborne; {_x allowdamage false} forEach units Airborne; sleep 1; wp1 = GroupLift addwaypoint [position support, 0]; wp1 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; wp1 setWaypointSpeed "limited"; wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "[Airborne,PC130] execvm ""Supportscripts\Para_Req\eject.sqf"""]; wp2 = GroupLift addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "start", 0]; wp2 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; wp2 setWaypointSpeed "full"; wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deleteVehicle _X} forEach (crew PC130)+[PC130]"]; sleep 140; {_x allowdamage true} forEach units Airborne; wpab1 = Airborne addwaypoint [position player, 50]; wpab1 setwaypointtype "SAD"; wpab1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; para1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos player]; para1 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false]; para1 setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "NOT PRESENT", false]; para1 setTriggerStatements ["{alive _x} count units Airborne == 0", "[] execvm ""Supportscripts\Para_Req\paradone.sqf""" , ""]; paradone.sqf deletevehicle para; deletevehicle para2; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units Airborne; sleep 60; hint "Airborne Infantry Support is available again!"; para = true; publicVariable "para";
  22. cobra4v320

    US Support

    I changed this also, I did not like how the helicopters after 60 seconds would disappear in thin air, so I added a move script which is posted below. helicas = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector",getPos player]; helicas setTriggerArea [500, 500, 0, false]; helicas setTriggerActivation ["EAST", "NOT PRESENT", false]; helicas setTriggerTimeout [60, 60, 60, false ]; helicas setTriggerStatements ["this", "HeliPilot1 sideChat ""Wing One: our mission is done here, returning back to base, OVER""; [] execVM ""lkscripts\support-req\moveheli.sqf""" , ""]; moveheli.sqf wpm2 = GroupCAS1 addwaypoint [position player, 2000]; wpm2 setwaypointtype "MOVE"; wpm2 setWaypointSpeed "full"; wpm2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "[] execvm ""lkscripts\support-req\doneheli.sqf"""]; sleep 300; hint "Cobra Gunship CAS is available again!"; heli = true; publicVariable "heli";
  23. cobra4v320

    US Support

    @lucilk I like the menus that you have created. I made some changes to your scripts: For the paratrooper script: wp1 setwaypointspeed "limited"; wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", "[bpara5,b5c130] execvm ""lkscripts\eject.sqf"""]; -added a waypoint speed the C130 is flying way too fast. -added the sqf version of the eject.sqf posted below. eject.sqf if (isServer) then { _group = _this select 0; _vehicle = _this select 1; sleep 2; { unassignvehicle _x; _x action ["EJECT", _vehicle]; sleep .8 } foreach units _group; }; For the HeloCAS: doneheli.sqf deleteVehicle helitr1; deleteVehicle helitr2; sleep 60; {deleteVehicle _X} forEach (crew heli1)+[heli1]; {deleteVehicle _X} forEach (crew heli2)+[heli2]; I shortened your deletevehicle commands and added sleep at the beginning so the destroyed helicopter burns on the ground for a while rather than being immediately deleted. casheli.sqf helicas3 setTriggerStatements ["!(alive HeliPilot1) && !(alive Heli2Pilot1)", "Papabear SideChat ""Wing one has been destroyed""; player exec ""lkscripts\doneheli.sqf""" , ""]; There are two errors in the above script I made the changes below. When both pilots die and it goes to the doneheli.sqf it immediately deletes the helicopters and the casheli script is immediately available again. Also the sidechat does not work with papabear. Papabear=[West,"HQ"]; helicas3 setTriggerStatements ["!(alive HeliPilot1) && !(alive Heli2Pilot1)", "Papabear SideChat ""Wing one has been destroyed""; [] execvm ""lkscripts\doneheli.sqf""" , ""]; There was a couple other things I changed I will post them later today, you would have to change the other settriggerstatements like the one directly above. I have also modified the script and added all of the different SOM support requests under the menu individually. Let me know if you are interested and I can post them or send them to you. ---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ---------- @G-Man-853 When you did your description.ext file from the support scripts and the F2 scripts did you copy everything into a new notepad and then save it as description.ext?
  24. I have created an in game menu for selecting the SOM missions that you want. Here is the newest menu: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7197 I have also created a menu for selecting the SOM support, but have not released it yet. You can also use the ussupport scripts that have been out for a while.