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About chinch123

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  1. chinch123

    INQ_WeaponPack + ECP + GRAA

  2. chinch123

    INQ_WeaponPack + ECP + GRAA

    ...but how do I combine INQ_WeaponPack with ECP? I know how to join ECP with GRAA, but do not have the knowledge to join also INQ_WeaponPack... please help!
  3. chinch123

    back to OFP!

    got it. it is wonderful, no chance to get me to ffur/slx ;-) man, OFP is so much way better than ArmA! Its just no comparison...
  4. chinch123

    back to OFP!

    thanks, do you know where i can get the newest version of ECP and GRAA?
  5. chinch123

    back to OFP!

    just bought OFP Geame Of The Year edition via amazon, already installed it and patched it to 1.96 - now, before i screw things up by installing a bunch of mods over each other, can you please help me out: back then i used to play with a mod called ECP, which was REALLY GREAT as it added a lot of immersion and better graphics to the game. is there a new version of it, if yes, where to get it? or do you recommend another such "all-in-one mod"? what about that ffur/slx i read about in the forum? is it similiar to ECP? better? thanks for giving me some help and sorry for the naive questions...