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Posts posted by chefd261

  1. LOL Carl ya beat me to it posted while I was typeing

    very simple for you to fix yourself Nichevo (as long as you can depbo a file and if not Dl cpbo its in kegetys tools google it or www.armaholic.com it and you will be fine) next go into i)server and look 1/2 to 3/4 the way down until you see a table that will have entrys that read like this

    [[1,0], 1], // tanks

    [[1,0], 1], // apc (bmp)

    [[1,1], 1], // apc2 (brdm)

    [[1,1], 1], // jeep with mg (uaz mg)

    [[1,0], 1] // jeep with gl (uaz grenade)

    you will have to do some reading in there but it is commented (don't want this post to take up to much room or I would do step by step) after all these values are where you want them put the missions into you A2 user missions folder start the game and go to editor you should now see your mission in there.then save as a mp mission and your good to go locate the mission in your main A2 mpmissions folder put it on your server and you are good to go if you have any questions I am normaly over at.

    ts.jsoc-gamer.org port 9988 (ts3 server) website www.10thsfg.org any of the guys can help you contact me if I am not there.

    remember adding vehics and simple tweeks can be done by you and Xeno can use his time for the framework.I time permitting can even help with more advanced changes if you need them just ask.

    Cheer's ChefD

  2. Man I would love to see a community BAN list if it could be kept fair there are already some groups that the 10th works with that share Ban lists (Serf's being one of them) but a bigger list would at least help me keep an eye out for the dumb ones who don't change there name.Would love to catch some more of the ********* guys (the ones who use the hacks).Some times I feel like changing my name to ChefD The Hacker Hunter.

    Cheer's ChefD

  3. Hi everyone just a quick question anyone have an Idea why DAC and Ace Wounds could cause everyone to become almost invulnerable. Dac is default and mission is basic default Dac and Beta Ace Arma Patch 1.07.If anyone would like to have a look PM me and I will send mission.everything runs fine when I separate the parts ( of the mission framework ) only when I put them together that the problem occurs.P.S. problem occurs on Hosted and Dedi and results are varied as far as how many hits it takes before you or the AI die.

    any help would be apreciated

    Cheer's ChefD

  4. Wow I am late getting in on this one PAID DLC + BIS = (what has this world come to)

    They already gave us the tools to make almost anything we desire.

    Ok getting off my soap box now if they put out DLC that is better than what we can make I am for it if not I will wait for us ( the community ) to put things out that are free and for the most part functional.

    LOL Steak Ya had to know this one was coming as soon as I noticed the thread.

    Cheer's ChefD

  5. Hey guys if either of you (or anyone for that matter) wants it the merged version is on the 10th server now under 05_realism_dom reg the init prob true vehic will not have the same init when it respawns but fixing that tonight.

    P.S sorry about snagging your thread but figured I would offer the merge up for the heck of it.( quietly withdrawing back into my cave )

    Cheer's ChefD

  6. should be in i_client.sqf should be able to comment out the pos for the one's you don't want.here is an example of what I am referencing in the script

    #ifdef __ACE__

    d_ace_boxes = [

    ["ACE_RuckBox_West",[4250.8345,2165.585,0],55], // position, direction ACE_RuckBox

    ["ACE_HuntIRBox",[4255.1836,2165.5305,0],55] // position, direction ACE_HuntIRBox


    (this is a commented line and the above is uncommented)

    //["ACE_MedicBox",[9664.12,9979.25,0],0], // position, direction ACE_MedicBox


    Cheer's ChefD

    Ps that example came out of Duala Dom If mem serves me correct they are using the Everon Def

  7. don't know off the top of my head how to script it yet (may play with this one for you though) but I can tell you how to go about it now.use a condition X unit has X item then on the activation run X IED script the condition should be something along the lines of hasweapon X forgot the exact syntax but ofpec comref will have it.

    found it here ya go for a simple non MP solution just use a trigger and marker spawn a explosion at the marker and your good to go.

    player hasWeapon "insert class name here"

    Now there are other ways to do this but I thought I would throw out a quick one.

    Cheer's ChefD

  8. LOL this exact problem is something Jynx and I have been working on for awhile now we were working on a way to grab Player ID's (for people using the key I still think it can be done but have not looked into it in a few weeks) I still wonder if it would not be possible to tag them by looking at who is trying to call something from the server but at this point its a learning curve for me as I am not sure how or if it could be coded to look for this.

    P.s. if it is only a matter of detecting a class during a gaming session you might talk to Doolittle as I seem to remember he was able to detect JTD fire and smoke and block those people using it but the the others are correct if someone knows what they are doing you can just change the class name in the .Pbo

    Cheer's ChefD

    Almost forgot Lost key is not the only thing you will need to look for there are some others out there that are as common if not more just check youtube the key may be the easy one to detect compared to the others as it is so well known.

  9. well tried the force hold fire by rep resetting the command no dice seems major slowdown in mission and did not seem to work consistently anyway so I echo my previous advice go with the setcaptive switch it will work and trying to fiddle with behavior and combat mode is more trouble than it is worth for a design aspect that can be handled easy by another method that the player should not even notice.

    Cheer's ChefD

  10. hello all just wanted to second Big Dogs Setcaptive switch trick it is the most cut and dry way in this situation while ArmA 2 is intended to be a mil sim geared toward realism you will never get a real life simulation unless you use PvP elements or join the "insert branch here" .(No Game) can do it 100% the code Bis has does what they intended it to do.That being said there may be another way to do this that I will look into tonight that is script based, I will post in the morning with the results Going to try to keep reseting the guys to hold fire until you need the loop broken.I do think it will be more trouble than its worth but I need the practice.

    Cheer's ChefD
