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Everything posted by coderdfox

  1. coderdfox

    Custom Faces

    Will there be custom faces in ARMA? I've been looking around and havent found really anything about it. Will there be custom faces in ARMA? Cause the faces dont look like just a texture map, looks almost like what we have in Oblivion. Anyone know or is it just another well see when its out? Thanks
  2. coderdfox

    Latest screenshots available

    Yes thats what it is, dont be fooled. Look at the other screenshots and you will see in the background there is no grass.
  3. coderdfox

    Infrared searchlights

    well! one thing that is good with these new directX render is this may work. It all comes down to the shaders used. If the shaders changes when looking through a targeting computer then it could be. I dont thing BIS will include it, but just like the direct X plugin for OFP, the mod community will find a way. I wouldnt put it pass them
  4. coderdfox

    Latest screenshots available

    Well they are a bunch of soldiers....unless the army is a bunch of average people.
  5. coderdfox

    little things that change life

    3, target that house at 12 'o clock. 3, fire ... yeah...then your troops look at you like "what"
  6. coderdfox

    Armed Assault for MAC

    cant beat them, join them
  7. coderdfox


    Well that narrows it down to five months......so we got some time then
  8. coderdfox

    Wildlife & Civilians

    I had made a basic scripts for a bunch of civilians. What they would do is randomly set way points between 0 and 100 units away. Example: wander.sqs ~2 #start _this setbehaviour "safe" _this DoMove [(getpos city select 0) + random 100, (getpos city select 1) + random 100] ~random 20 goto "start" This caused the civilians to walk around. The next version of my script was going to be a player radius based script. Now this could be done with animals if you could add 1. run away when loud sounds happen. 2 run away when people are nearby. 3. ect others
  9. coderdfox

    William Porter's Blog

    Please move all the wildlife and civilians talk to :Wildlife & Civilians thread This is for the William's blog only
  10. coderdfox

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I'm still gonna wait until its out. for the time my box hits the min specs. It would suck to go out and get a new box only to have the game delayed 8 months (never know) and have to re-upgrade.
  11. coderdfox

    lockdown on modding

    I think the new Join in Progress will change how the game is played and modded. Most good servers will have a website saying what they are using and/or will have a pack to download. While I understand where your going, but I think its the wrong way. Just trust the Servers to make sure everyone wont have a problem.
  12. coderdfox

    Armed Assault FAQ

    Well, lucky for me i didnt have to research far to get an answer to this question: The forum's subtitle. I think he asked a good question no reason to make him look like an ass. In your way of thinking there is no "game 2", cause I dont see a "game 2" fourm here. There is next gen but that doesnt say "game 2" so there must not be a game too. Go get a beer and be a nice man.
  13. coderdfox

    William Porter's Blog

    so theres no rabbits, wolfs, camels, dogs, cats, cows, sheeps? The only pic I ever saw was five or six white dots far off in the distance and everyone said there sheep. But I have yet to hear of any animals other than birds. I'm sure there is a thread talking about this somewhere? go there to find out more
  14. coderdfox

    lockdown on modding

    LOL no way in hell! I can see a BIS approved mod or a (@WGL, ECP,FURR) only mod. I hear you with no being able to get into any servers but isnt that what OFPwatch was?
  15. coderdfox

    William Porter's Blog

    cause the only wildlife is bees and butterflys. And maybe a few birds here or there.
  16. coderdfox

    little things that change life

    Well you can target houses and such, but you can never get them to fire. You should be able to fire on anything the game allows you to target. Houses, empty cars, trees. My two cents
  17. coderdfox

    ArmA VOIP - like to see it in?

    Wow I have to say this has to be the best idea I have heard of. This idea is "ARMED ASSAULT". This is what we all are looking for. Kudos to you and your idea! You get three dancing banannas
  18. coderdfox

    Give us the beta now!

    So if you guys dont know Microsoft Fight sim X Demo was released today as a beta. And its not going so well. This is a good example of why BI could be holding ARMA back along with the demo. The backlash to the FSX beta is crazy. "Wow. I don't like it at all. It's very bad..." "... and nothing looks like the screenshots" ".. Yep, way laggy. If this is how it will be, I think I'll cancel my pre order." "OK this sucks, its way sh*tty, F*ck Microsoft they lost my money" Now if a huge game like FSX with its crowd of loyal gamers could rip a beta up and say things like "I think I'll cancel my pre order". Imagine what would happen if BI released a E3 beta like most people are yelling about. After watching this go down today all I say is "keep working on the game until you guys think its great, cause I would hate to see all the "I dont realize it a beta" people coming out of the woodworks. Cause just like life people will only judge you with what you got to show. No amount of "yo ppl its just a beta" will stop the wave of bad publicity.
  19. coderdfox

    Latest screenshots available

    Everyone raving about "Game2" and you all know it will be a few more years before its out. The game2 talk should stop or be moves to the next gen fourms. Were not waiting for game2 right now. Another note the grass looks cool, but its all show. Every screenshot is from the ground because the grass doesnt render that far. I would rather see some effects like missles or rockets firing, maybe a RPG firing, night time shot? These are the things were waiting for. We've see the great grass over and over. I know there working hard and we love it. But maybe some other nonclone screenshots? I mean there is a night cycle right?
  20. coderdfox

    ArmA Progress Updates

    OH god I hope you cant run and reload!!! a small movement would be nice, even a walk, but please NO NO NO NO NO BF2 run reloads. Thats almost as bad as dolphin diving
  21. coderdfox

    release over steam

    While I'm a "I want a box" kinda guy. If BI cant find a publisher because of (PC game sales are down, no money, controling Pubs like EA) I say go at it how you want. Box or download I'm still getting it. Cause if the games being held back because of a little box with a DVD in it then that would suck
  22. coderdfox

    Custom Faces

    The custom height thing would rock!
  23. coderdfox

    William Porter's Blog

    Maybe this is a good sign that hes too busy to write.....
  24. coderdfox

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Look there not a huge company! theres like what 12 of them? I want it out bad too...but its alot of work
  25. coderdfox

    Latest screenshots available

    ok I stand corrected. My buddie here use to use one, but he didnt know what the star patten on the front was from. Maybe a rubber gasket?