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Everything posted by cartier90

  1. cartier90

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I have the PC version and am happy with it, I would like it to come too consoles though - the more people who play this type of game, the better - and the more impetus there is on devs to bring out more sims out. Another thing, noone I know has ARMA2 as I know no PC gamers - they all have consoles and look confused when I speak of ARMA2, they just havent heard of it. Online would rock on a console as well as I want to play with ppl I know.
  2. cartier90

    Realism, arma 2,

    Do the ACE features impact upon framerates anyone ?
  3. Im trying to get a random battle going, ACM synced to my unit - nothing happens, Ive read the thread thats up and running but no help. What do I have to do !!!!! In terms of syncing, does this just mean dragging a line from ACM module to unit ?
  4. Is there a ARMA2 mission creation guide for absolute beginners ?, I did try in OFP, really I did, but triggers, scripts bah !, I want to give it another go. Is such a guide available or are ARMA ones applicable ?. Please direct me to a newbies guide on editing .....
  5. cartier90

    Proper damage models?

    Surely tanks / vehicles, could be divided into more subsections, with the thicker armour values perhaps 100 times what they are. This would be a good approximation of the 'Challenger' armour, as realistically - few people would shoot a hundreds of RPGs at a target. BTW,... Are 'bullets' actually modelled in the game, as in a 3d model from the barrel ?, and is it affected by wind ?
  6. They see through Hills !!! - surely not....I almost wish I didnt hear that ;) - patch it !... All the same, stellar game... Come to think of it, what good was ARMA grass - I have never played ARMA1 - if a player is partially submerged - does the AI detection of you decrease ?, is this an equivalent of behind behind vegetation ?
  7. So Im in my Platoon, shooting at OPFOR troops on a hill and I cant see anyone to shoot !. At least not for the first 30 seconds or so. Reason being, foliage, I cant see through leaves. This is all good and well, you cant IRL. My fellow grunts can though, shouting location, type etc. From the oppositions perspective, it can be difficult to see if 'they' can see through the same leaves obscuring my view - I wont mention the problems that grass causes either - you can flatten only so much. I appreciate the question has been asked before but, can I / teammates be seen through vegetation ? and do your fellow teammates see through cover to opposition AI. OFP was much simpler - WYSIWYG.... Not bashing the game, its leaps and bounds ahead of the 'competition' - not that their is any...and hopefully the above problems may be solved by patching.
  8. Ive had the game for 2 days now and love it. I am finding it very hard to actually hit anything though. In Flashpoint it was easy to hit someone at 400 yards with the iron sights. Im finding anything over 200 m is a struggle now though. Is bullet dispersion higher (im playing on veteran) - anyone finding this as issue ? I can literally place a civilian 300 yards away, go prone, hold breath, red dot on center of mass and no hit !, this is a 505 copy of the game.
  9. I understand that ARMA was rather buggy when it came out in 2007 - never played it, last BIS game I played was OFPR. These were in time fixed with patches, and the framerate was nearly doubled some people say. I am happy with the performance I get, only 1600 view , high quality, high shadows, around 35-40 in a good sized battle in the editor. However, the campaign at times bogs a little to maybe 25-28. I put the low post process on to 'cheat' myself a little smoothness - it does work, reminds me of the PS3 in GTA4 when turning corners. For those who you who are ARMA veterans, perhaps even a BIS member, how long is it expected for a 'performance patch'?. If such a thing happened in updating ARMA,or was it more progressive - fixing bugs and performance in the same patch ? Secondly, to what degree will framerates improve ? I appreciate not all circumstances are the same, perhaps more efficient coding will improve battle performance , or when flying ( which is more inconsistent than slow ). Id be perfectly happy with 15 - 20 % increase in fps.
  10. cartier90

    ArmA II Game Of The Year Nomination?

    I cant see any other game reaching anywhere near the immersive nature of Chernarus. Iv never seen vegetation like it over such a sprawling environment, and bugs ! and chickens ! This isnt really a game, more a training tool, as VBS demonstrated - you 'live' your character, not play it.
  11. Is it possible to have a selection of weapons to place with each unit rather than 'make do' with what each member automatically receives. Haven't played since OFP days so if there is a simple fix, please bare this in mind:p.
  12. Have just bought game, am very pleased. I7 2.67 4 gb ram 1gb card. Framerates in the 30s-40s. Setting vid memory to very high helps. One thing Iv'e noticed though is the 'vaseline' - (everyone uses this analogy) like blur on everything, is this normal, have high settings and 1680 res. If this has been answered before apologies...
  13. cartier90

    Post processing - Blur ?

    Hey cheers peeps !, works great ! , sharp as f*** :D Im very , very pleased with performance, AI seems fine to me, editor worth it alone, feel free to lock.
  14. Excuse my ignorance Placebo - what position do you hold within the company - Im a bit of a newb :p
  15. :butbut: - Im usually part of the 'but its only a game' crowd when similar suggestions are made, seriously though, I'd get no pleasure from even pretending to be a terrorist. No doubt the editor will allow it...
  16. I dont want this to sound like blasphemy on here, but having only played OFP - is ARMA 1 worth getting until patches have improved ARMA2 ?. How performance of a patched ARMA1 ? on a modern rig - I7920+good card.
  17. fair one Klown - I asked many times just to get several different opinions, am considering a high end card - will wait and see what the 505 release brings...
  18. Klown - Id hardly call my system 'low' end - 4 GB is not the min for Vista , card is 1GB and runs GTA4 on max at 40 FPS - a game that rapes most comps...
  19. Are performance increases to be expected in forthcoming patches ?, I have a I7 920 / 4 GB RAM GTS250 - I want 30 FPS min on medium settings in a reasonably heavy battle...
  20. Ppl, how will I fair with a I7 920 @2.67GHZ 4 GB RAM and a GTS250 - FPS wise....I heard Quads are having a hard time of it. Will the 505 release be any different performance wise than the patched German one ?. I know you cant predict the future , but educated guesses would be appreciated...:p
  21. put it this way soulfly, there were ppl on gtaforums.net whn could run crysis fine and were suffering with gta4, ur system HAS to run arma2 wel or were all doomed!
  22. nah, I took lazy option, just bought system whole. I could change the card no problem...but hadnt thought I needed too after playing the resource hog GTA4 on max. Ah well, time will tell......
  23. fair point 123, im nt one of those infuriating ppl who post gd specs just to get a reaction, its because im genuinely concerned over some ppls experiences of gameplay wih quads performing worse than dual core! , guess im jst a worry wart ;)
  24. Right, I have a I7920 @ 2.67 + GTS250 and 4 GB ram - I need 30 FPS under most circumstances - at least at 1280 res on a 22 inch screen. Surely this is reasonable hardware - I can max out GTA4 for christs sake ! Two other questions - Will the 505 release perform better ( just educated guesses ppl ) ? , if not, having never played ARMA - only OFPR - is there much potential in the future for patches to improve ingame performance ? - one of my pet , PET hates is slow framerates....