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Everything posted by echo1

  1. Yeah, I remember the dismemberment effects made by modders for OFP were pretty comical. Often you'd kill someone and they'd turn into a pool of blood with their guts spinning around and around in mid air.
  2. This reminds of a discussion I had with some friends about laptop makers, it went like this: FRIEND: Dell have great customer service. When I got my XPS, the screen was broken, but they came out to my house and replaced it. OTHERS: Wow. ME: Well IBM did something even better for me. OTHERS: What? ME: They sent a laptop that fucking works.
  3. It might be the fan is dying, but it's hard to say conclusively. As posted above, it's only really a problem when it starts to affect you... my laptop's CPU makes a whining noise every now and then because of power state changes... Computers make silly noises sometimes, doesn't mean that something is broken =P
  4. echo1

    Another Korean War?

    Someone correct me if I'm horribly wrong, but it seems to me that a lot of US satellites and spacecraft, and those from other countries, are launched by the Russians because the Russians do it cheaply, and part of the reason why they're cheap is because they have a load of decommisioned ICBMs that they have converted into launch craft... I'm not sure how far the art in nuclear rocketry technology can advance, I mean, most of the major nuclear powers can put a nuke on any point in the globe.
  5. echo1

    Another Korean War?

    North Korea has been testing the waters (to pardon the unfortunate pun) for years with all sorts of border clashes, incursions of saboteurs and even an almost-successful raid on the presidential palace back in the 60s/70s... I think they're probably thinking that they can get away with anything. Then again, given the fact that they aren't taking responsibility, perhaps some half-wit low-level commander thought he could get his 15 minutes of fame by sinking a South Korean ship, and his superiors weren't very amused.
  6. echo1

    Another Korean War?

    Does North Korea have any usable nukes? From what I've gathered, the ones that have been tested so far are more experimental than anything...
  7. That's pretty normal, most graphics cards can handle 100^C and more
  8. There's a program called SIW which lets you monitor temps.
  9. There's a few explanations for this - 1) Overheating CPU 2) Overheating graphics card 3) Bad PSU What sort of CPU and PSU do you have?
  10. ATI drivers aren't much to write home about, especially when you leave the warm, fuzzy confines of Windows...
  11. echo1

    Military Discussion Thread

    I read somewhere that there were explosives inside the tank to enhance the effect of the explosion, although I have no idea how true or not that statement was.
  12. Tbh, at the moment there isn't too much point with sticking with nVidia at the moment, their stuff is pretty mediocre. I'd go for a Radeon HD5850.
  13. What I meant was, what sort of CPU do you have currently? Obviously there isn't much point in upgrading if you have something relatively recent.
  14. Has there been any updates to the addons since the ones listed on the first page? I know Vilas has places other than here for putting up such things, but I havent found much yet.
  15. echo1

    US will soon burn, threatens Pakistan Taliban

    If I was them, I'd be ashamed to claim responsibility for some fireworks and petrol that didn't go off. If I was one of those 'martyrs' to be avenged, I'd be pretty pissed off that there wasn't at least a suicide bomber or far-fetched suitcase nuke plot to commemorate my name.
  16. echo1

    Question about Steam

    Say what you want about Steam and Valve, but porting the Source engine to Linux is going to do wonders for people taking Linux seriously as a mainstream platform.
  17. Depends on what sort of CPU you have at the minute.
  18. That sounds like the resolution of the screen is set higher than what it can support. What is it currently set to?
  19. echo1

    SAS software

    Is it the same colour as the one in Fort Bragg?
  20. echo1

    SAS software

    10 seconds through that video, I realized exactly what this thing was - Generic bullshit enterprise software.
  21. a) How cheap is cheap? b) Depends on the mod. You can have simple addons running together at the same time, but with some bigger mods, you can only run at a time.
  22. echo1

    SAS software

    Universities (at least good ones) don't teach specific software because it can go out of date so easily. What matters is the skills you acquire which can then allow you to pick up the stuff you actually have to deal with.
  23. echo1

    Boy kills father after taking keyboard away

    If it was an old IBM, it also could have doubled as the murder weapon -
  24. Shoot moar civilians; generate extra pseudo-controversy.
  25. echo1

    China's Economy Growing: Welcome change or Danger

    Either way, resource management will be an issue.