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Everything posted by cub1

  1. Hi DAP, Having fun with your mission, thank you. One thing I have noticed, sometimes when I respawn at base, the screen stays blurred after respawn and I cannot clear it. Running Beta version with no mods. It sometimes happened before when running Alpha version also. Regards, Cub 1.
  2. Steam hasn't updated to this build even though I have chosen development build in the beta options. Also my rpt file shows Alpha 0.5.102571 STABLE branch at 12.01pm on 12/03/2013. Any thoughts ?
  3. I second that.... Locked from public posts and maybe reverse the post order to always show latest fixes/additions at the top (first post). As I'm sure we are all hanging on every thread for any new info. BTW Alpha running like a peach here... no crashes... loving it.
  4. Already said sorry..... Didn't want to start another thread. The post mentioned does have something to do with your thread as your using most of the aforementioned AI Mods. Just wanted to help with the combination. Already sent a pm days ago.
  5. Hey ChrisB, Sorry to hijack this thread, but I have been experimenting with your AI mod mix and just wondered what your GL4 settings are in the GL4 userconfig ? I have watched all your videos and can also confirm its a good setup for the AI. Can you list your mods again just so i can check i have them all. Cheers, Cub 1.
  6. Hi Gunter, arma2oa.RPT has the line....... Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgCloudlets.BloodBig'. then further down................. Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgCloudlets.BloodBig'. Warning Message: No entry '.particleShape'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.animationName'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.particleType'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.onTimerScript'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.beforeDestroyScript'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.angleVar'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.sizeVar'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Warning Message: No entry '.interval'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .interval Warning Message: No entry '.circleRadius'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .circleRadius Warning Message: No entry '.circleVelocity'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Error during compilation of .circleVelocity Warning Message: No entry '.timerPeriod'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .timerPeriod Warning Message: No entry '.lifeTime'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .lifeTime Warning Message: No entry '.moveVelocity'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Error during compilation of .moveVelocity Warning Message: No entry '.rotationVelocity'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .rotationVelocity Warning Message: No entry '.weight'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .weight Warning Message: No entry '.volume'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .volume Warning Message: No entry '.rubbing'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .rubbing Warning Message: No entry '.angle'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .angle Warning Message: No entry '.size'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Warning Message: No entry '.color'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Warning Message: No entry '.animationSpeed'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Warning Message: No entry '.randomDirectionPeriod'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .randomDirectionPeriod Warning Message: No entry '.randomDirectionIntensity'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .randomDirectionIntensity Warning Message: No entry '.lifeTimeVar'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .lifeTimeVar Warning Message: No entry '.positionVar'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Error during compilation of .positionVar Warning Message: No entry '.moveVelocityVar'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Error during compilation of .moveVelocityVar Warning Message: No entry '.rotationVelocityVar'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .rotationVelocityVar Warning Message: No entry '.colorVar'. Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Error during compilation of .colorVar Warning Message: No entry '.randomDirectionPeriodVar'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .randomDirectionPeriodVar Warning Message: No entry '.randomDirectionIntensityVar'. Warning Message: '/' is not a value Error during compilation of .randomDirectionIntensityVar Error during evaluation of expression _interval in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _circleRadius in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _timerPeriod in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _lifeTime in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _rotationVelocity in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _weight in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _volume in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _rubbing in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _angle in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionPeriod in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionIntensity in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _lifeTimeVar in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _rotationVelocityVar in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionPeriodVar in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionIntensityVar in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _interval in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _circleRadius in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _timerPeriod in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _lifeTime in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _rotationVelocity in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _weight in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _volume in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _rubbing in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _angle in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionPeriod in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionIntensity in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _lifeTimeVar in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _rotationVelocityVar in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionPeriodVar in BloodBig Error during evaluation of expression _randomDirectionIntensityVar in BloodBig and all above is repeated further down the file. Hope this is enough info. Not sure how to attach complete file. Pete. ( sorry for large post. )
  7. Yea, your probably right about using group members as cannon fodder, just have to keep the team alive. Loving the new features, keep em coming.
  8. Hi Gunter, version is latest COSLX without ACE or other mods running. Have seen this error on and off for a while now - happens just before a blood burst on someone you've just shot. Not a real problem as you just close the message box but would be nice if we fixed it. Pete.
  9. Hi, Anyone have any ideas how to fix the "Blood Cloudlets Big " error that pops up every now and then ?
  10. Hi Kronzky, Great work, and I love the way you went the simple addon route and not scripts. Feature request............. any chance you could add a small reinforcement group of maybe 4 units including a medic that paradrops close to your position available from the menu, and allow them to join your group under your control. This would be the icing on the cake. Pete.
  11. Okay, its time for a noob question. How do you recruit AI to your squad in this mission in the base ? Ta Pete.
  12. Hi Shay, Having a ball with your Sandbox in singleplayer. great addon. Is there a way to call in paratroopers (spawn) as per the manual and then get them to join the player and become part of your team. Almost like reinforcing your group and hence being able to control them, or is this only possible using the RTE Editor addon ? Thanks for your help, Pete.
  13. Just a thought are all the people who are seeing the standing dead AI using SLX_GL3.pbo in their addons folder ? Gunter put this pbo into the problem folder. Tested with and without SLX_GL3.pbo and without it no standing dead AI soldiers. Its a shame because this pbo is responsible for alot of SLX like House Garrison, Overwatch etc. One day i'll get to complete a mission. Back to tweaking.........
  14. Hi HR4, Just noticed you posted at 4.30am Uk time - and i thought i went to bed late ! ( off topic ) Also wondered what your settings were for GL4 in userconfig, are they default ? I am also using COSLX, GL4 and ASR_AI together with no real problems. I too have noticed the standing dead pose which happens quite frequently and also friendly AI standing still twitching as though they are firing rapidly. With SLX I noticed the friendly AI sniper using his pistol in close town combat then switching to his sniper rifle in open country for the long shots - quite cool I thought.
  15. Hi PVPscene, Have you another download link for: PvPscene Tweaks: SimpleFirstAid (Gameplay) (beta) as web link doesn't work and its not listed on the PVPscene wiki. I would like to try this addon. Cheers Cub 1.
  16. Hi folks, Just looked into the SLX_GL3.pbo for you and found buried in the " f " folder is a SLX_GL3_settings.sqf which according to the instructions below should be put into a scripts folder in Documents\Arma 2\....... Quote: Group Link 3 Global Settings Configuration File Used by SLX_GL3.pbo and SLX_Wounds.pbo This file should be placed in \<ArmA 2 username folder>\scripts\SLX_GL3\f\ You can set up your preferences for Global Group Link 3 in here. Uncomment the parts you want to configure by removing the "//" in front of them. File is loaded at mission start so you can restart the mission to see the changes take effect. ......Further testing seems you don't need to move this file. Placebo. Leave as it is. Also this gl3.pbo mentions the radio settings. Still testing, but i got excited and had to post. :bounce3: Hope this helps you out Gunter. Cub 1.
  17. cub1

    COWarMod Release

    Gunter, thanks for your comprehensive reply. After testing with weapon dispersion and doubled infantry armour i couldn't see much improvement so i have removed them - also I forgot about SLXmodman_armor which is similar. GDT Mod Steerable Parachute - Is very clippy and I thought you could steer a parachute now in the vanilla game after the updates - i may be wrong. DoubledGetInRadius (Gameplay) DoubledSupplyRadius (Gameplay) - In real life you have to go right up to a car door to open it, so why not in the game ? Keep it real. AI Accuracy is realistic with Zeus, ASR AI, and inf stealth recognition running, but I still get pwned - old age eyesight i guess ! Again thanks for your mod. Cub1
  18. cub1

    COWarMod Release

    Kommiekat: Also try this as I explained above: In response to earlier posts regarding AI ADD : DoubledInfantryArmor_by_Rg_Gameplay_C_PvPscene REMOVE : DisabledInfantryWeaponDispersion (Gameplay) This might make things a little easier ! DoubledInfantryArmor can be found at http://pvpscene.net/wiki/doku.php?id=english:list_of_pvp_addons_and_mods:pvpscene_tweaks DoubledInfantryArmor by Rg (Gameplay) Quote: INCREASED armor by 2x for ALL soldiers. Only slight increase for civilians. The main thing you will notice is that you can take some more damage before you are dead. This will make medic roles more important, since you may be playing hurt more often then normal. Hope this helps Cub1
  19. cub1

    COWarMod Release

    Hi Kommiekat, I play " Regular " with the following settings using COWarMod: class regular { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=0; HUDGroupInfo=0; AutoSpot=1; Map=1; WeaponCursor=0; AutoGuideAT=1; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; CameraShake=1; UnlimitedSaves=1; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=0.98500001; skillEnemy=0.995; precisionFriendly=0.5; precisionEnemy=0.4899998; These settings as recommended by Zeus_AI Cheers.
  20. cub1

    COWarMod Release

    Hi Gunter, thanks for collecting and tweaking these mods as I rarely play with ACE Mod and play mostly single-player. In response to earlier posts regarding AI, I have added " DoubledInfantryArmor_by_Rg_Gameplay_C_PvPscene " and removed " DisabledInfantryWeaponDispersion (Gameplay) " to help beat the marksmanship of the AI. Also just as a personal preference and as I don't have performance problems, I have added and removed the following Mods to your Mod:- REMOVED: AdditionalGameTypes (MP) BD Tracer Lights BlackBackgroundForGearDialog (Visuals) DisabledInfantryWeaponDispersion (Gameplay) DisabledPPEffectsForVehicles (Performance) DisabledPPEffectsForWeapons (Performance) DoubledGetInRadius (Gameplay) DoubledSupplyRadius (Gameplay) GDT Mod Steerable Parachute GDT Mod Plants2_bush GDT Mod Plants2_clutter GDT Mod Plants2_misc GDT Mod Plants2_plant GDT Mod Plants2_tree GDT Mod Rifle Zoom GDT Mod Grass GDT Mod HDR GDT Car MG Zoom GDT Rifle Zoom ImprovedSizeOfCompassAndGPS by defunkt (Visuals) KeyshortcutsForTheGameMenus (Controls) LongMissionSelectionListInEditorLoadMission (Visuals) OpaqueBlackBackgroundInInterface (Visuals) Sam Handsignals SAP Clutter SeparatedEditorButtons (Controls) SolidBackgroundForChat (Visuals) VF Ladder ADDED: ASR Lowgrass DoubledInfantryArmor_by_Rg_Gameplay_C_PvPscene This list may help other people to tweak their game.
  21. cub1

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    I have also noticed the water sound problem as i am using Jarheads Sound Mod. Maybe loading Lingor Island after Jarheads mod may fix it. The sounds are correct when using vanilla sound. Only played the first mission in singleplayer but loving it so far. Nice one Lightspeed.
  22. Hi Loki, One small request - within the key, can the placement of enemy troops be made to spawn at a random position within say 600 metres of the player, instead of you clicking their position on the map. This way you don't know where their coming from. I confess i don't use the tool for mission making only for spicing up user missions ! Also a toned down version of the ACM Module would be good instead of all out war. Maybe 1 button for infantry, 1 for vehicules. All the best Cub 1.
  23. cub1

    SLX Mod WIP

    Make sure you have the mods running in the correct order. This makes a big difference as the last mod that runs overides the first. The order i use is : expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@cba;@ace;@acex;@acex_sm;@jsrs-e;@jsrs-v;@jsrs-vw;@jsrs-w;@slx Keep SLX last in the list. ( all of the JSRS mods are soundmods ) I also use Yoma's Addon Sync program to update and order the mods properly when launching. Cub 1.
  24. cub1

    SLX Mod WIP

    The freeze / crash in SLX is down to slx_gl3 or slx_gl3_giveradios.pbo. I found this out after many hours testing. I know it deletes some of the functions but you can run SLX without these two pbo's, without problems. I notice that Zeus seems to be using a simular pbo in his AI mod ( zeu_GLx )and this also freezes, but eventually recovers itself. I hope someone fixes this in SLX as its a great mod. Just a heads up ! cheers Cub 1.
  25. Hi Goliath I have the Medevac Script working a treat in my missions. However, is it possible to move the " call medevac " menu item into the 0-8 Communication menu to go along side the GL4 scripts like " force move " and " call artillery ". It would make it more difficult to press by mistake, by putting the menu deeper in the commands list. Nothing much i know, but it would be nice. I would love it if you could make this as an addon and not a script, then we could just add it to any mission easily. Thanks, Cub. :) P.S. Sorry G. Just read your last post .... doh !