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Posts posted by caprera

  1. I'm new to Arma2 modding and my abilities are limited to textures, like my partner. To go on with out project we need someone capable in modeling but i don't know where/who ask to...

    Our aim is a pack of russian special forces that started with the release of a retexture of BI Spetsnaz and their new setup with the weapon pack by Vilas. First goal is to represent GRU units; this is a federal agency which kept his "contacts" even after the purges of the nineties that saw even the KGB split in two. GRU remained untouched: as a message... They were born surely during Afghan war as most of the spetsnaz units that stormed Amin' palace were to be the first Alpha, Vympel, Vityaz and GRU members.

    GRU is one of the best trained elite special force in Russian Federation Armed Forces. It could be compared to Delta Force for the close relationship to the intelligence agency, even if here it's the same "office".

    As i said now it's just a retexture, as the pack uses the BI models that need more than an overview. We need new models for different uniforms and vests, where we'll have many particulars like knives, pouches, radio. There should also be some differences between an operator and another. GRU units use not only different camouflages, but also more than 2 uniforms: mainly GORKA and KLMK suits, but also KZM and normal BDU in different camouflages. All these should be represented ingame with similar setups as these guys prefer "light luggages" even if they use BTR armoured transports and helos; in particular i noticed they don't use scopes on their weapons. Many AK74M or AS VAL - the main weapons - are used even without Kobra dots...

    In the future i planned MVD units too and a generic spetsnaz unit as a replacement.

    MVDs will be the opposite in many ways, but except the "entry team" they are not defined yet.

    I hope someone will be interested in this project that is airborne already ;)

  2. I'm new to Arma2 modding and my abilities are limited to textures, like my partner. To go on with out project we need someone capable in modeling but i don't know where/who ask to...

    Our aim is a pack of russian special forces that started with the release of a retexture of BI Spetsnaz and their new setup with the weapon pack by Vilas.

    Now we need new models for different uniforms and vests.

    Hope this is the right place to ask ;)

  3. My question is realted to the soldier's number in a single team.

    I see many units limited to 6/8 men but combat photographs show many more, around 10 even for SFs indipendently by transport. Having started to re-organize setups on some units i wanted to ask about it... More men would be a problem to gameplay? And if Yes, how?

    Thanks :)

  4. Medevac module is already in, but i think about background. For example we just released the first version of GRU units: those guys have tendency to act far behind enemy lines, often on foot. A MI-8 rescue mission wouldn't be so practical...

    About diagnosis and so on... i think it would be a useless addition. Maybe it's sufficent to have longer treating times ?

  5. Misunderstanding... I don't mean actions as first person, but general ability. One: to heal, but intended in stop bleeding and apply medication like you said; nothing more.

    After a 7,62 bullet hit i can't figure how to put together again a poor guy just because there's "the team medic". Maybe "save his life", ok. But nothing more...

    I wanted to know if this can be added to single unit's members via the unit .pbo or just by the editor...

  6. I have a question about the Team Medic role in Arma2.

    What i can see playing is that no matter the injury, a medic in the team can heal you. For gameplay i understand it's practical as every mission cannot always include extraction for many reasons, background first. But then i think about the First Aid module and i wonder if it should be used instead to limit somehow their "abilities"...

    I suppose injuries of a certain kind cannot be treated on the field so the better solution to me seems to be the elimination of medics and assignement of first aid abilities on certain members (2 max).

    What do you think about it ? And then: Can is assign first aid option to single members when creating a new unit ?

  7. Sorry for delay in posting but i wasn't home ;)

    I know, as i already said the problem for us now are new models. Some textures used in 1.0 version were used just for variety and not as definitive. KLMK needs a complete new model, that maybe will be based upon Moloch type, and not like olders ones. Berezka camo too but will be ported to BDU units in 1.1 (i hope) like new camouflages as well.

    Izlom pattern is in the summer version and again needs a different model and a Flectarn-D alternative like those Gorka-like uniforms wore by VDV.

    I hope to bring in LES2 pattern for BDU units and MVD Spetsnaz that will follow to expand the package, with an "entry team" too. This according to the help of somebody with modeling abilities. I already had a look at existing BI models ingame, but they won't do the work. At least not completely. GRU units in BDU uniforms will need less work, but Gorka uniforms needs to be redone, and in two versions - ANA/Splav.

    I know about KLMK/Berezka Gorka suits too, but sometimes i discovered translating russian sites and not just looking at pics that there are many different "commercial" versions of these uniforms. I saw many new shapes and camos wore by Spetsnaz instructors for example but it doesen't mean that are used in combat.

    About snipers, we created the Ghillie unit. I haven't defined in particulars the setup for BISweapons units, as there's more Massi's work in it. There will be surely some corrections but i'm sure they're in already... I managed to be sure on more particulars about equipment even if gameplay still deserve a second opinion. Weapons choice in particular realted to Vilas pack, that should be considered 50% of this project as there are no alternatives, in quality and choice, to recreate the modern equipment (ridicolous to use wood AK74)...


    I understand the desires and i'm with you all completely, but Vilas as well said more than once that recreating all weapon's versions and camouflages of Russian Military would be an infinite project. I think alike.
