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Posts posted by caprera

  1. I suppose it will be inevitable for me to reinstall everything, because i have only .pbo's in my addon folder. No mod commands running as now...

    I understand i cannot run multiple pbos together without anykind of order thanks to mod folders, is that right ? Btw i don't understand why all these are released in pbos and then put together they give problems....

  2. Hi everybody...

    I hope to be in the right section:rolleyes:

    First error message is this one:


    It pops out starting the game after the boxes are checked...

    And the second one, popping out at the startpage and everytiume i look for new stuff to put in my mission in the editor, is this one:

    No entry: Bin\Config.bin\Cfg vehicles/T72_RU.Scope.

    I thought it was because of me forgetting to insert the RVMAT of the Rus tank pack but it wasn't...

    Some1 can help me ???
