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Everything posted by cobra@pulse

  1. cobra@pulse

    Need to know which island for airport

    Thanks, sorry, i have been in a lazy state of mind since I got home, I think its because of the huge amount of course work that i have got. God damn UK education!
  2. cobra@pulse

    Need to know which island for airport

    Sorry for being so picky etc but Tonal's a rather large package plus, it isn't very modern, and where can i grab GAIA?
  3. cobra@pulse

    Need to know which island for airport

    Yeh, i liked MAPFACT Nog, I was just windering if there was a island with a different sort of runway textures if you know what I mean. Btw, any ideas for planes?
  4. Ahhh, I understand now. Yeh, I must admit that that is very annoying with the lousy radio commands there is at the moment. Why dont you do something like put in the hand signals for the AI to use when in a certain combat mode, like stealth, instead of using the radio, why not try getting them to use hand signals.... Just wondering.
  5. Sounds good. What do you mean by unrealistic radio control? I think it would be good if you could do it in away that you had to go to your radio man to use it, lol, or is that what you meant? btw BoweryBaker: Your days are numbered
  6. cobra@pulse

    U.K. Air Craft

    Rock, pritty sure you'd get enough support from this here forum. I have been waiting for this aircraft for sooooo long! hehehe, It was almost the reason why i wanted to try and get into addon making, i failed misserably though. lol AEW: it scares me!
  7. cobra@pulse

    Let's see you

    Apparently this is me. Look, just dont ask, alright!
  8. cobra@pulse

    addon problem

    What addons where they specifically?
  9. cobra@pulse

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    Sometimes when you get no sound its because of too many addons, do you have -nomap added when u start up, thatr solved the problem for me.
  10. cobra@pulse

    COMBAT! HMMWV Pack Released

    Im loving these vehicles. Really top quality. What are you going to be starting on next then Combat, or is it a secret? *shhhhhhhhhhhh*
  11. cobra@pulse

    First imported model from pc halo

    me likey. too amazed to type properlyyyyyyyyyyyy.
  12. Hi there all! Just a quick question, would a MILES (laser training system, you fire blanks and lasers, if hit by a laser you are "dead") system actually be possible in OFP, ofcourse with incrediable scripting. Such as if hit twice it switches deletes you but replaces where you where with another person, sitting down. But the "kills" and the damage would somehow need to be able to be recoreded. But I suppose one hit could kill you. I just wondered as it would be good for Clan training if they didn't want to kill each other. lol So what do you think?
  13. cobra@pulse

    Flashing lights

    thanks peeps, really helpful. now back to mission editing, muhaaa!
  14. Hello there all! Just a quick question, how would you have lights flashing on and off, pritty quickly, with red, to white then nothing, red to white, nothing etc. I believe its just a simple script but knowing it may be very useful for me. Plus, I know this isnt the addons forum, (if you have to move, go ahead) but what type of addon would you recomend for that type of idea? Any help greatly aprecciated. Cheers Cobra
  15. cobra@pulse

    Flashing lights

    Cheers for those, any ideas of a script?
  16. cobra@pulse

    New Wallpapers

    Thought I'd do a OFP wallpaper, really simple, here ya go: (Real pic is brighter)
  17. cobra@pulse

    New Wallpapers

    Edited with faster mirror, top one Hello there everyone So, I have decided to release some of my new wallpapers for all the masses out there for you all to enjoy! Its in a Zip file, and you get 5, 1024x764 wallpapers, all made by me, on behalf of Pulse Studios Wallpapers. Enjoy, Download Download Mirror (Not always active) EDIT: The wallpapers are now available: Seperately: Sporty Wallpaper Halo Wallpaper Talking To Me Wallpaper Twirl Nation Wallpaper Electric Wallpaper Please Rate
  18. cobra@pulse

    Pulse Studios, Pulse Gaming Released!

    Just wondering, has anyone download this yet, anyone got any suggestions for content?
  19. cobra@pulse

    Pulse Studios, Pulse Gaming Released!

    Download has been fixed, faster download as mirror 2! So, we are here. It is time for the first issue of Pusle Gaming to be released. A complete 28 page e-magazine full of gaming infomation and reviews. So, the all and important download link: Pulse Gaming, August Issue (Suggest you right click and "save target as") Mirror 2, Thanks to OFP Central! (Much Quicker Download! ) The e-magazine should be released each month, usually at around the same time this one has. So, see what you think. Pulse Studios and Pulse Gaming team
  20. cobra@pulse

    New Wallpapers

    Im considering making some more wallpapers. Any ideas or suggestions for themes? EDIT: The wallpapers are now available: Seperately: Sporty Wallpaper Halo Wallpaper Talking To Me Wallpaper Twirl Nation Wallpaper Electric Wallpaper Please Rate
  21. cobra@pulse

    Help me please, internet problem

    Hi there all! Well Just posting to ask yall if theres a way of solving this problem. When I go to hotmail.com, I sign in with my name and password (which are correct). I click sign in, and he pop up which says you are entering a secure website etc comes up, I click ok, then I get taken to a blank page where nothing loads up, and i do not get the second message telling me I am leaving a secure location. Its like I am stuck there. This is really bugging me now as the number of e-mails are getting alot larger and I keep getting told I have them. I have also tried with another account but the same thing happens. I have tried turning off all the security, allowing all cookies, and tried different webrowsers: Avant & Internet Explorer 6 Any Help you people can provide will be imensly helpful. Looking forword to hearing from you, Cobra@Pulse
  22. cobra@pulse

    Help me please, internet problem

    Woooooo, good old firefox, solved teh problem. Dont know how but it did. Thanks for all the help guys!
  23. cobra@pulse

    Help me please, internet problem

    Its damn annoying isn't it FS. I have e-mailed Hotmail. They replied. But told me to "check my Connection"! Really good help there isnt it, lol I have replyed to them but have had no luck so far. I tried it on a Mac, runing OS 8.6 and Internet Explorer 5.1 and it worked fine. AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  24. cobra@pulse

    Help me please, internet problem

    no, it says i have e-mails, I click on it and it takes me to the blank screen.
  25. cobra@pulse

    Help me please, internet problem

    update: tried creating another account, tesingemailaccount@hotmail.com password 123456 Welcome to try it But not even that worked! Damn computers!