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Everything posted by cleanrock

  1. cleanrock

    BUG: tank setPos [x,y,z>0]

    the workaround (found by me and salisan together) work as long as the tank does not stop after moving it back to the original position over ground, i.e. if the tank comes to a halt on ground after it is repositioned then setPos and setVelocity stops to work
  2. cleanrock

    BUG: tank setPos [x,y,z>0]

    While i was doing some heli-transport scripts i found a bug that makes it impossible to place a tank in air when the tank is not over sea, i.e. it works as it should when placing the tank above sea but not over ground. Download this 1kByte mission to see the bug in action: TankSetPosBug.intro.pbo
  3. cleanrock

    BUG: tank setPos [x,y,z>0]

    test my mission (see first post) that show the bug and u will understand that it is a bug it is probably a new bug since i dont think the "east malden" mission has been that crappy for transporting tanks
  4. cleanrock

    BUG: tank setPos [x,y,z>0]

    u can what ? does a tank stay in air for u when it is setPosed above ground ? what version do u run ?
  5. cleanrock

    BUG: tank setPos [x,y,z>0]

    that mission suffers of the same bug .. maybe this bug was introduced recently .. i am running 1.96
  6. cleanrock

    Repair Bug (1.96)

    I am posting this in case that BIS will release a version after 1.96. When you repair a vehicle at a Repair Truck the damage will not go down to 0, it will stay at a very small number (~10E-10). The repair script/code will never exit since the damage will never go down to 0. This has two bad effects on game: 1. AI will not board vehicles that have previously been rendered immobile. If you use "setDamage 0" on the vehicle AI will board the vehicle. 2. Vehicles that are not moved after a repair action has been initiated will be repairing forever. This can and has been used as an exploit in CTI-games (damage ur MHQ slightly, start repairs, get out). To see this effect you can do the following in the mission editor: 1. Place an empty jeep and rep truck in mission 2. Start mission and drive the jeep to the rep truck 3. Get out of jeep and damage it slightly with ur M16 4. Get in jeep and start repairs 5. Get out of jeep and try to damage/destroy the jeep with ur M16
  7. cleanrock

    Repair Bug (1.96)

    by Tactician this is a clean but expensive way to fix it, in a cti game u will have ~50 of those scripts running on the server all the time .. and u should add an exit in the loop if the vehicle is destroyed (damage==1)
  8. cleanrock

    Repair Bug (1.96)

    I searched the forums a lot before posting this. If you can show me a previous post about this I am interested in reading it.
  9. cleanrock

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Idea: To make sure all players have the right WG version is it possible and a good idea to add a unique addon (e.g. wgl_version_410) to each release ? Then we can add that as a required addon in the mission.sqm file.
  10. cleanrock

    1.94beta is out

    Is the "ammo bug" fixed in 1.94 ? (I think the bug is still there) What I call "ammo bug" is when ammo boxes or weapons get littered all over the ground when u put/get ammo/weapons from or to vehicles. I beleive it only happens when the player has some desync. This bug ruins a lot of CTI-games.
  11. cleanrock

    Patch 1.91 beta/final feedback

    It seems as the Linux server (version 1.91c) has a minor bug .. here is the problem description: I installed an addon that requires version 1.91 (CfgPatches::requiredversion=1.91), which the Linux server didn't accept. When I modified the AddOn to only require 1.90 the server accepted the addon. From this it seems as you have forgotten to change some version constant in 1.91c. Btw, the unmodified addon works fine on a Windows 1.91 server.
  12. cleanrock

    Fade and virus in exe

    I got my flashpoint exe infected by a virus, but I successfully removed the virus. Can this trigger the FADE-function ? I.e do I need to reinstall flashpoint ?
  13. cleanrock

    Ofp mp map filename convention

    Why are underscores so evil ? Is it only estetic reasons or something more serious ? /cleanrock