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Everything posted by cleanrock

  1. cleanrock

    At time 0

    dolittle, i reg my onMapSingleClick 0.1 s after game start .. work fine so far my guess is that some of the players use some addon or mod that also calls onMapSingleClick which will override ur
  2. cleanrock

    Armed Assault Community?

    BIS should start using a better forum for ArmA to make searching more fruitful.
  3. cleanrock

    MF or CR...

    everyone should make up their own mind about which cti they prefer .. dont listen to anyone in this thread .. its all a matter of personal taste u probably shouldnt listen to this either: crCTI is completely new implementation of Mike Melvins great CTI-mission idea. Before i started on crCTI i modified MFCTI and called it MFCTI CR-x.x.
  4. cleanrock

    Quick array question

    then this will do it: _allunits = [] { _allunits = _allunits + (units _x) } forEach _units
  5. cleanrock

    Quick array question

    its better to not have different variable types in an array .. here u are mixing groups and units and then call it _units i suggest u have one _units array and one _groups array e.g.: _units = [u1, u2, ...] _groups = [g1, g2, ...] _allunits = +_units (copy of _units) { _allunits = _allunits + (units _x) } forEach _groups
  6. cleanrock

    Skye Island

    Hi Waterman, We just started playing crCTI on your great Skye 3.0 and it is a bit heavy for CTI games (players get very low framerates). Is it possible for you to release your previous Skye islands and add a version number so people can have different Skye versions installed ? (e.g. skye20, skye30 etc.) Right now i have Skye 3.0 on my web site (cr-ofp.dyndns.org). You can add/upload your stuff there if u register.
  7. cleanrock

    Why did BIS different OFP Country versions?

    the Resistance language versions are a mess for filecheckers when even config.cpp/bin differs between languages i hope they will do it proper or skip multi-languages for OFP2
  8. cleanrock


  9. cleanrock


    Although it is nice to see someone modding ur mission i am of the opinion that if it is a mod of a complex mission u should not change the name of the mission. As long as I modified MFCTI i always called the missions "MFCTI CR-x.x ...". Naming this mission GDTCTI i consider bad taste in the open source world of OFP. I feel the same about the name ZCTI which is a mod of MFCTI. Most people probably dont care about stuff like this, but when u have spent lots of hours making scripts like i have done to crCTI u dont want to see someone changing the name this easily. by the way .. the mission and addons can be downloaded from my site http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org
  10. cleanrock

    Longest CTI

    FYI: Malbeuf and his followers (RN clan) are on a crusade to destroy my crCTI missions reputation .. no idea why, but make sure u filter their arguments heavily when reading their posts PS. I have put a lot of effort into minimizing network traffic (via PublicVariable) and script cpu utilisation
  11. cleanrock

    Problem with positioning

    u need to do a setPos after the createVehicle to position it on exactly the coords u want
  12. cleanrock

    Logitech mx 700 mouse problems

    I think not. That mouse is crap, I have tested it one day and it is imprecisely as hell. Better go with MX500/510. MfG Lee i exchanged my mx1000 for an mx510 and got some money back, mx510 seems to work as it should
  13. cleanrock

    Logitech mx 700 mouse problems

    Has anyone got the MX1000 working good in OFP ? I havent.
  14. cleanrock

    SetVelocity in multiplayer

    The bug is present when playing on server. (read the topic i linked if u are interested) no, bug still in 1.96
  15. cleanrock

    SetVelocity in multiplayer

    BIS introduced a setVelocity bug on tanks after 1.91. see http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=41530 setVelocity works fine on wheeled vehicles (jeeps etc.) if the vehicle is local where the script is executing.
  16. cleanrock

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    changing equipment is very easy and should be self explanantory, here u have an example anyway: equipDefs set [_type, ["5.56 Mag", 2, "west", isGeneral, 1, "JAM_W556_30mag", "<path to new image here>" ]] at556x30 = _type _type = _type + 1 weaponDefs set [_type, ["M4 ACOG", 10, "west", wtPrimary, "BAS_JM4ACOG", "<path to new image here>", [[at556x30,4],[atMortar,0]] ]] _type = _type + 1 PS. ur default loadout problem and this is very basic stuff .. i wish u good luck
  17. cleanrock

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    AI side plays well, i.e. if u play vs a full AI side u will usually have a tough game.
  18. cleanrock

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    i guess _si does not match any of your si's and exits.
  19. cleanrock

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    Dont take Malbeoufs word as fact .. for some weird reason he is on crusade to scare people away from crCTI. Test crCTI and find out if u like it or not.
  20. cleanrock

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    salisan is correct
  21. cleanrock

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    If Malboeuf did take the time to unpbo a crCTI mission he would find out he is wrong . crCTI is written from scratch .. of course it is inspired by Mike Melvins MFCTI (which i modded for a year into MFCTI CR-#.#). When i planned some major changes to my MFCTI CR mod i ended up with rewriting everything from scratch.
  22. cleanrock

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    unit (infantry and vehicles) definitions Common\InitUnitTypes.sqs structure type definitions Common\InitStructureTypes.sqs check my site for news about crCTI http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org
  23. Sorry .. BIS did not make it easy for us
  24. My solution is to compare the group name with the group name plus a colon and a number. This solution is a bit expensive but works good. Here is an example of how I figure out the AI numbers for the player group and add some info about them to a list box in my crCTI: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _units = units player _units = _units - [player] _texts = [] _index = 0 _indexAI = 2 { while " format[""%1:%2"", playerGroup, _indexAI] != format[""%1"", _x] && _indexAI < 13" do { _indexAI=_indexAI+1 }; _texts set [_index, format["%1%2%3%4", [_indexAI, _x] select (_indexAI==13), ["", ",In Vehicle"] select (_x != vehicle _x), [",No Legs", ""] select (canStand _x), ["", ",Bad Aim"] select (handsHit _x)] ]; _index=_index+1 } foreach _units lbClear IDC_LB_UNITS { lbAdd [IDC_LB_UNITS, _x] } foreach _texts This script only works for local units. If the unit is not local u should compare to a different string, see below. group: WEST Alpha Black local unit: WEST Alpha Black:2 not local unit: WEST Alpha Black:2 REMOTE
  25. cleanrock

    New release date worldwide: Spring 2006?

    I just hope that BIS will be able to sell OFP to console gamers. But it seems a bit far fetched to expect console gamers to play a war simulator when OFP is too non-arcade for most PC-gamers. I wonder if OFP for XBOX will have to be a success for us to see OFP2 for PC in 2006. Perhaps BIS will have the time to improve OFP and make it harder to cheat in OFP .