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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. barbolani

    Check if a unit has opened fire

    Answer to the first question, in the EH arguments you may see what weapon has been fired, so an exceptio nlike if _this select 1 != "weapon you want to exclude" then civilian setcaptive true etc.. will work. Excellent also If you want to exclude your civilian when fires a supressed weapon etc.. the second question requires some scripting, but AFAIK in armaholic you may find some made scripts that cover this.
  2. barbolani

    AI detection

    Just a suggestion / workaround. addEventHandler Fired is a nice workaround for having some point on which the alarm of a detected enemy unit may sound for all the side / base. This has been used in lot's of stealth missions.
  3. barbolani

    [Release] Fire Support System

    Can you put a copy paste of your code so I may try to use / tweak it or inspire me for a new one?
  4. barbolani

    [Release] Fire Support System

    Hi! Grumpy, In your suite I cannot find the static script. Even worse, the .rar seems to have duplicated all the files (except the static.sqf :( ). A weird thing...
  5. A suggestion, all those fancy ways are good if you plan to make a CoD ambush, on which the units appear suddenly, very close and engage. If you want to make something more realistic, just spend time placing those units in good spots, hiding them behind rocks, bushes etc.. and changing their combatMode when it suits you....
  6. Just a question, are those playable units in the same group? If so, maybe it is not working because support can only be called by group leaders?
  7. just an idea: simultaneously say and playSound.... you will have a .lip and an audible chat... Indeed, inside a real vehicle you wouldn't hear anything from someones lips, you will hear from your headphones and vehicle radio....
  8. barbolani

    Disable AI in Editor?

    The old way was: Place a trigger covering all the playable units. Condition side of those units present, on act {deleteVehicle _x} forEach thislist Deletevehicle ignores players. Made in the office, may have mistakes.
  9. Hi, I'm shit on MP scripting but I guess you may set an array of playable units and add the EH forEach that array... Try a MOVE waypoint with a LAND command instead a LOAD waypoint, because maybe the heli is waiting until you order the units to getin (happened to me) The trick for synch the heli and passengers: you are adding waypoints via scripting, just don't add any other waypoint to the heli after the LOAD, until all the units in the group are in the heli... then, add waypoints or doMove
  10. Exactly. I add the EH when the evac is needed, not from the begining of the mission.
  11. Create a trigger, condition CSAT present, on act, { choppername reveal [_x,1] } foreach thislist
  12. The best way I found to do what you want is a combination of event handlers and scripts. Do this with triggers seems very complicated. First, whenever you please, add an eventhandler to the player: player addEventHandler ["fired", {_this execVM "evacuacion.sqf"}]; And the script: _magazine = _this select 5; _smoke = _this select 6; if ( _magazine == "SmokeShellGreen" ) then { hint "smoke!"; player removeEventHandler ["Fired", 0]; sleep 5; _smokepos = getPos _smoke; _pad = createVehicle ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", _smokePos, [], 0, "NONE"]; //here you may code the heli to move to the heli pad, land, wait for anybody in the heli etc.. } Coded in the office, may have mistakes...
  13. I think your idea is the bright idea :)
  14. Easier: unitname playSound ["soundname",true], will do the trick
  15. Hi, My experience is, when you use an attack chopper, on vehicles will be a reliable target and they will destroy them effectively. To see infantry attacked, I've seen only the transport choppers with gatling guns are effectively attacking, and the situation needs lots of targets to have a constant effect. I suppose attack pathfinding is not very accurate in choppers against infantry.
  16. @RTEK this is solved with an easy script to make the AI planting charges, you don't need to give them an ID, you may need a buildingPos if you want them to plant the charge on a certain part of the building, and this is easy with waypoints.
  17. barbolani

    sideRadio help

    It seems you are talking about the new conversation system made for Arma 3. The advantage is it "radio effect" the message when you are at certain distance of the unit saying something. Also measures the lenght of the message in order to wait until it's done before playing the next sound (aka, no sleep calculation after playSound) The disadvantage: is hard to understand for brainless coders like me.
  18. barbolani

    Can't get unit to MOVE

    Cyper, AFAIK moveInCargo does not make the unit to "know" he's in the vehicle, try to assignAs... before or after, maybe that's the solution. Maybe this way you don't have to spawn a fake group or at least make the fake group move....
  19. barbolani

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Thanks Cool. It Works, but I noticed something that HAS to be your suite. In my mission, maybe when I am detected by enemies, a roadcone appears and dissapears in front of me like "the dancing phantom roadcone". Don't know the purpose of this, but, letme suggest to use any marker or GL.... Or something smaller... EDIT: Maybe it this, luckilly I found it. Seems the reoutine for pathfinding on flanking manouvers. while {_loop} do { { _pos = _x select 0; _dest = "RoadCone_F" createVehicleLocal _pos; hideObject _dest; _los_ok = [_loglos,_orig,_dest,20, 0.5] call mando_check_los; sleep 0.5; deletevehicle _orig; if (_los_ok) exitwith {_loop = false;_frontPos = _pos}; } foreach _bestplaces;
  20. barbolani

    2 bis_fnc_spawnvehicle asks

    Check my last post to know how to do it. In other hand: I recommend to use local variables (the ones with the _) instead of global (without the _) when you are scripting. Reason: imagine you want to use this script two times. You will be calling the same names to groups, units etc.. which will mess things up a lot For example if you call the script two times with this: grp1 = [getMarkerPos "espawn", east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; You will créate two identical groups in the same position, but you will be only able to refer to the last one as grp1, so if, for example in the later script you put something like leader grp1 doMove position, only the leader of the last created group will move.
  21. barbolani

    New OSD Script?

    Ahm I see! Yes, if you catch it please publish it here! The types look good on the campaign one!
  22. barbolani

    2 bis_fnc_spawnvehicle asks

    Easy, first, I recommend to assign local variables to parts of the heli array, I mean: _heli = grp4 select 0; _groupheli = group _heli; Or something like that, it will be more comfortable. Second: to put the infantry in cargo: {_x moveInCargo _heli} forEach units grp1; Now with waypoints: _wp3 = _groupheli addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "espawntarget", 0]; _wp4 = grp1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "espawntarget", 0]; [_groupheli, 0] setWaypointType "UNLOAD"; [grp1, 2] setWaypointType "GETOUT"; [_groupheli, 0] synchronizeWaypoint [ [grp1, 0] ]; I recommend to put via script or map an invisible helipad near "espawntarget" marker. From this you may add another waypoint to the _heli to move from there once unloaded to anywhere of the map. Hope this helps (been messing with this yesterday) I also recomend you check the wiki commands regarding waypoints, is very easy to understand.