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Everything posted by barbolani

  1. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi guys, AFAIK ACE medical module + AI is not a good choice, not for Antistasi but for any mission. I think ACE med module aims some realistic med environment only for players. Indeed Antistasi disables automatically it's own revive when ACE is detected.
  2. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    wow haarmdhast, will check all your improvements. Don't mess with baseCA, if I remember well is not called, just there for nothing. The important one is combinedCA. Will check the waypoint thing anyway, because I've never noticed anything on that.
  3. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    @Joubarbe: There are some scripts to make that kind of actions useless. Don't worry about that. @callmesarge: It can be done but you may find some trouble, for example if you destroy one the economics script may mess up, or if not, at least AAF economics won't get reduced by that. After all, changing a vehicle is not a great addition IMHO. RHS has been integrated thinking about players wanting to be guerrilla soldiers with old AKs
  4. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    @Pictou: Or even just one :) @Joubarbe: That message reports something has been unlocked, but it can be anything, some magazine types, items, whatever. Arsenal is well explained in the tutorials you have seen and you have additional info on the briefing.
  5. Hi! I have a very weird bug report from a player which we know is caused by one of those: CBA,RHS, ACE or TFAR. But the weird thing is not whatever those mods are doing. I'll explain: I have an editor placed unit which is the "Default Commander" of the mission. It has on it's init an assigned variable: "comandante" Ok, initServer.sqf waits for all the players to connect and after that, checks if someone has picked the default commander and if not, selects a random player as commander. It's something like: If (isNil "comandante") then {comandante = (playableUnits select 0)}; if (isNull comandante) then {comandante = (playableUnits select 0)}; Ok, here is the funny thing in .rpt: 1:07:17 Error position: <comandante) then {comandante = (playable> 1:07:17 Error Undefined variable in expression: comandante Ok, so I "bulletproofed" that variable and I have an undefined variable error? WTF??? I know the isNull part is useless but I putted it just in case. And the other funny thing, remember, when the player starts on vanilla, no error...
  6. Well, if those mods are ruining editor placed variables I think authors should spend some time on hollydays... But anyway I'm more interested on the solution. So the question still is, if some variable has been niled, no matter why and how, and then I have this: If (isNil "comandante") then {comandante = (playableUnits select 0)}; That variable should have been bulletproofed against anything, isn't it??? And please count it worked in the past, and indeed works for other players which just have nil'ed that variable because they just don't pick that slot.
  7. Oh no friends, the script is initServer.sqf, and of course the player with the issue is having it in MP And, as I said, all this is after some waitUntil which checks all the non-jip players are in. More specific: waitUntil {({(isPlayer _x) and (!isNull _x) and (_x == _x)} count allUnits) == (count playableUnits)}; Don't know if that's the best way, but worked for ages.... And, remember, removing the mods removes the problem!!!!!
  8. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Haven't tried but mission is ready for that. On a second thought, I will explain deeper how it's done, as, on a second thought, I noticed is not as super-easy as I said. First step is a simple merge or copy paste of the units, gamelogics and objects, respecting whatever init and variable names they have. They are only a few. Mission is based on markers and arrays containing their names. The script in charge of creating the zones is initZones.sqf Each array has it's own explanation it's easy. - Some markers are placed automatically on zones which are automatically detected by the code, that's the case for cities and hills. Some island could need fine tune, script exceptions etc.. (Altis exception is Sagonisi, and absurd city in an small island) only experience will tell. - Some are placed manually. For example bases. An editor must pick all the map in built bases, put markerks covering the whole base, and name it in the way it's done in the script ("base_1","base_2" etc..) - Roadblocks are an exception: you can place them manually, in the same way you do with the other markers (with a very small size, let's say 20x20) but the game will also put some dynamically. Colors don't care. Be careful to not fill the array with more names than markers exist, game will search for those names and drop errors. Also try to put the same seaports than the Altis version, as it affects pricing on vehicles. Uhm, now the complicated things: banks and Radio Towers. Antistasi uses a positions array DB for their detection, you have to build your own (in the script you will find the snippet to do it). I cannot adapt it to each island because it would literally freeze your server init. Be careful with the building types, if the island does not use vanilla types, you will have to select which building type use as bank, radio tower etc.. That applies to mil buildings, if the island does not use the vanilla ones, the bases, outposts etc.. won't have static weapons on them. With all this, hopefully you have ported the game to any island in little time.
  9. WTF are you saying? SaOk you have been a reference for lots of people around the Arma mission editing scene. I think WLA has been the mission that showed us how far can we go on Arma editing. I've seen lots of good code you built in the past for OFPEC only for the comunity, with no personal interest. I want to make it public: I built Antistasi because I did see the pontential of Arma thanks to WLA. I could understand you got simply tired, but saying "I'm off Arma because the jury thought my work is bad" it's a bit... childish, isn't it? I'm pretty sure you won't just like Arma again because of your moral state, but saying in public this kind of things does not make ny good for you and anybody.
  10. lol, sorry, christmas hangover...
  11. That seems a tough one. It could be done with a combination of handleDisconnect EH + profileNameSpace storing in a variable the vehicleVarName of the unit and the date he disconnected + some checks on initPlayerLocal.sqf (check if no player has the unit with that variable, check if not enough time has passed) + BIS_fnc_endMission locally executed on the client if the conditions are met.
  12. Well, you can allways make a sheep convoy...
  13. and make sure you LOAD the mission after modifying anything on description.ext, as the file is not loaded when you click on Preview, but when you load the mission file instead.
  14. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Yes, just change to a civ one and you will see
  15. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi! 1. No. Everything is in the HQ Ammobox if it's not in the arsenal already. 2. What message appears? The system should inform you why you cannot become undercover. Being in underwear won't allow you to become undercover (is something very noiceable) you have to wear a civilian uniform. 1. No ATM.
  16. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    @ice Age: Antistasi can be easily ported to another island. You only need to change the zone arrays in initZones.sqf and create markers in the new islands. If you know well the island, It can be done in 30 minutes @megusta90: asset reconstruction. CHECK the tutoríals
  17. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hola megusta90, I recenlty discovered a bug in the backpacks which will probably solve your issues. Next release. About roadblocks: you must use the HC mode (CTRL+SPACE) to command them to go to the RB place. If they don't obey, you can control AI their leader. To know more how to do that, check the video tutorials. @nazarovtr: the script is "Addon free Stat Save System" by zooloo75, with a heavy adaptation for Antistasi variables + a fix for allowing save in dedi.
  18. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi! Can't tell you. I have never done it, only from SP to MP hosted and I had nothing to do, it was automatical.
  19. barbolani

    Vehicle pursuit?

    Not if the Driver it's me... and the AI is on road. Now seriously. I scripted a mission on which the target once he spotted you he tries to board a pickup and flees to the nearest base. Well, sometimes you can believe me it was everything but easy for me to reach him. Not most of them, but once the AI is "engaged" in a road, performs pretty well. So the answer is a partial yes. You can make an AI drive through a road and be some kind of challenge to keep distance with him. But if the AI sees you as enemy, I don't think they will keep on track, And also don't think the AI will pass you. When it reaches your position, will see you as an obstacle, and their try to pass you will be pathetic... well this is no Sega Rally.
  20. barbolani

    I really need help

    Presence triggers on each bank which executes a countdown script. You know how to do it?
  21. barbolani

    [TVT-18] Arma 3 - Olé

    Hi! Yesterday we had the first "serious" session in a Dedi with a few players. Despite we found some bugs (AAF was practically unplayable), we had a lot of fun!!! I spent a good part of the match laughing as never in Arma. Hope you have a good time too! Mission has been patched and seems to run quite well. If you have any idea to suggest, it's welcome. Even more if it's a total nonsense.
  22. Welcome to Arma 3 - Olé! "Anything but serious" mission for those who want fast fun in Arma. Totally focused on being fun, unrealistic, and everything what Arma is not supposed to be :) Have fun! Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=575221877 Designed for minimum 4 players, maximum 18. Specially suitable for Open Dedi environment. Creds to Mariokart, Carmaggedon and of course Bullfighting shows. If you find a bug, and it's a fun one, I won't remove it, don't post it anywhere. If it's not that fun, please report and will make any change ASAP.
  23. barbolani

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi! I recorded some gameplay that may be used as showcase and mini tutorial for Antistasi commoner. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTb3au7otmY&feature=youtu.be
  24. barbolani

    Issues calling functions

    What gives you the .rpt file?
  25. barbolani

    [TVT-18] Arma 3 - Olé

    Hi! I'm afraid this time we have to stay on the MP only. AI here is or totally dumb or super killers. The RPGs manned by a human in a moving car make more noise than damage, which is the objective :) But if an AI is using an RPG, even with the skill set to zero, is deadly. And of course this mod is fun if the driver drives like crazy, and Arma AI drives like my mother...