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Everything posted by barmyarmy

  1. Wow This is "the shit", probably the best OPFOR addon I have seen since the game came out. Someone send that man a case of beer, and some dancing girls. BA
  2. Just to clarify when I said mod.pbo files I meant both addons and missions. But thanks Suma for finding the pesky JIP bug, we look forward to recieving a fix in some future patch. Apologies to those who feel we are hijacking the JIP-bug thread with 'off-topic' discussion of http-downloads. BA
  3. Its nice to see BIS have found a bug and are fixing it. On the matter of http downloads. I was going to suggest looking at something like unreal tournaments redirection system. Then I realised we had something similar with OFP watch, infact I believe Yoma was working on something similar as a third party client for Arma. I've flirted with writing one for our tournament but scripting keep me more than busy enough. Anything that prevents an Arma Server from concentrating on its primary function - running the game is a bad thing. Serving files is not is primary function, sub contract the job out to a web-server which is designed to do the job. Mod.pbo files are an obvious choice to host externally, but extending this system it to allow players to upload their squad.xml files and faces would futher reduce load on busy game servers. Existing community servers might be willing to offer this service in a hope of increasing circulation. Personally I'd hope that AtoW would be able to find some server space and bandwidth to contribute. The only real issue would be that of trusting the third party hosts versions of the files... but thats what signature files are for aren't they... ? As for proper multicore/processor supports - I'm hoping that sickboys comments about not needing it lost something in the translation ... Read more http://www.unrealadmin.org/uz http://forum.armedassault.info/index.php?showtopic=1100 BarmyArmy
  4. Also consider exitWith which will exit from a foreach loop, which allows you to do things like.... foundThing=objNull; { currentThing=_x; if ( _x == _anotherThing) exitWith{ foundThing=_x; }; } foreach things;
  5. Like parents you can't always chose your owners... however like friends good membership make a big difference. I think we've demonstrated at least three large groups of community minded ArmA players active. Is ArmA dead, hell no. Does ArmA have the same number of players as BF2, no. Does ArmA have the same number of idiot players as BF2, most definitely not. BarmyArmy Mod Team ArmaInteractive
  6. We've fixed a couple of bugs.... 1) black-out from vehicle exit not always clearing. 2) Camera left pointing at corpse of jumper when player dies, and respawns. 3) Dropped the odds of a bad jump to 7% 4) removed empty parachute created when a bad jump happens http://desire.endless.co.uk/subvers....ump.sqf Fantastic work, the guys over at the Arma Interactive campaign love it. BarmyArmy http://www.armainteractive.com
  7. Most of us are aware of the standard trick of placing a game logic called server onto the map, and then running the following statements; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (local server) then { .. init server }; if (local player) then { .. init player }; This works fine for players present when the mission starts - detecting/identifying and initialising JIP clients has been a major bug bear. I've rried triggers, map-objects which call runInitScript from the init-strings, publicVariables... And then I discovered this works wonderfully. The trick is that for JIP-clients not only is server non-local but for some bizarre reason player is NULL. ( If this is a bug I hope BIS leave it in...) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> execVM "init_common.sqf"; if ( local server ) then { _InitState="SERVER"; if ( isnull player ) then { _InitState="MP-SERVER"; } else { _InitState="SP-SERVER+CLIENT/EDITOR"; [] execVM "init_client.sqf"; }; [] execVM "init_server.sqf"; } else { _InitState="CLIENT"; if ( isnull player ) then { // no server and no client - we must be JIP _InitState="JIP"; [] execVM "init_jip.sqf"; } else { _InitState="MP-CLIENT"; [] execVM "init_client.sqf"; }; }; I've set it so that there are separate script for initialising on server,clients, and JIP. Obviously either of init_jip or init_client scripts can invoke the other if necessary. init.common is always called.
  8. barmyarmy

    JIP and init.sqf

    Personally I'm very new to ArmA scripting... Having almost gotten used to the whole "lost in the woods" feeling, I atleast try to leave the a breadcrumb or two for everyone else when I find one!
  9. barmyarmy

    JIP and init.sqf

    Yeah, the first lines of init_jip.sqf read: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> while {( isnull player )} do { sleep 0.5; }; very often after that I just call init_client.sqf But its nice too see someone was paying attention...
  10. Weapon names in ARMA and probably OFP are case sensetive, when detecting weapons. The following will always work.. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> player addWeapon "STINGER"; player selectWeapon "STINGER"; The following will NOT yeild the expected result... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if ( "STINGER" in weapons player) then { hint "has a Stinger"; } else { hint "has no stinger"; } ... but this will... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if ( "Stinger" in weapons player) then { hint "has a Stinger"; } else { hint "has no stinger"; } A further warning using sidechat to list weapons will result in the weapon list being force to upper case, hints are left in the orginal case...
  11. barmyarmy

    Case Sensetive weapon names...

    Ok, so the "in" function is case sensitive... I didn't realise that == was case-insensitive, but I suppose if it wasn't I'd have noticed before now and bitched about that too... *;/ Thanks for the code snippet Kyle, that does get round the problem nicely. Any idea what sort of performance hit you get using the hand-rolled function as oppose to the inbuilt "in" function ? BA
  12. What I can't get over is that a trigger has a text property which would be exactly what you need. Can I find ANY way to read this or other trigger properties... No
  13. Damn, ignore me I'm talking @!$£. Sorry it works for vehicles and units but NOT for triggers. My sincere apologies for leading you astray. From what I can see triggers do not have names like units and vehicles; the name is just the name of a variable which points to the trigger. The best I can suggest is use a an empty object such as a road-cone near the trigger to hold the name. Then use nearestObject to find the nearest object of type road-cone to the trigger, and then use the name of the road-cone. Its fugly but it will work. BA
  14. Call me bonkers but I find: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _myTrigger = _this select 0; _myTriggerName=format["%1", _myTrigger]; Generally gets me the trigger name; unfortunately if this is a trigger created from script as oppose to using the editor , then sometimes the name is a little bonkers , and more often than not contains a space - which really causes problems. -- At the risk of being accused of hijacking the thread can anyone do the reverse.... ? Create a trigger in script with a predetermined name. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _myTriggerName=format["Trigger%1",triggerNum]; _trigger=createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos]; // the setTriggerName function does not exist... _trigger SetTriggerName _myTriggerName; People are probably going to ask WHY do I need to name my trigger ...? The answer is because I'm going to refer to it by name in the condition of a waypoint... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _waypoint=createWaypoint [ gameLogic,0]; _waypoint setWayPointCondition[ format["count list %1 >0",_triggerName]; I've even tried things like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _cmd=format "%1=createTrigger[""EmptyDetector"",%2];publicVariable "%1";%1",_triggerName,_position]; _compiledCmd=compile _cmd; _trigger=call _compiledCmd; to create the trigger with limited sucess... BA
  15. barmyarmy

    FARPS - Barmy's TrainSet

    Not a mission as much as a script demonstration. Three start points (BLUFOR)Paraiso Airbase, Bangango "Tank Factory", and (OPFOR)Pita "Air Strip". All contain rather damaged aircraft, jump in any aircraft and the required vehicles will scutter along and service you. Repair first ( damaged trucks can leak fuel), then refuel then resupply. Also in my experience the driving ability of the AI means having them all show up at once results in slower service times not faster. Almost worth loading up for the comedy value of the AI driven trucks at times. The script is designed to scale, ie handle multiple trucks repairing multiple helicopters. http://red-sector.com/members/BarmyArmy/TrainSet/ Copes with the current "cannot rearm if all ammunition depleted" problem on helicopters, ie. you've fired all your rockets or hellfires. The only spoiler is a nasty fault wrt Dedicated servers where resupply trucks get stuck, because MG and/or FFAR ammo counts keep getting reset to zero before resupply is complete. ( ibelive this only occurs where a gunner is missing). For more information READ THE README: http://red-sector.com/members/BarmyArmy/TrainSet/readme.html BarmyArmy
  16. * sigh * I have a solution that uses an array... have a look at getAmmoCounts.sqf ( if you follow the link below ) I want to know if anyone can read the values from the configs, in a similar way to how Karillion read the magazine types. _mags = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> weapon >> "magazines")
  17. Not sure I need the magazines, just the ammo count ie. 8 Hellfires, I don't care so much about the magazine size. And to re-iterate I wanted to know if anyone knew how to read these valuesa from the ArmA CONFIGs, NOT using an array... BA
  18. I'll rephrase for clarity. I want to find the maximum capacity of firable ammunition for a particular weapon on a particular vehicle, FROM THE CONFIGs (I script which works fine but use hard-code values). ie. to quote from below for the M197 on a AH1W the answer is 750 I don't need to test if the vehicle needs ammo, I need to test for when it is FULL. Either way you still need to get the hard-coded values, 750 (M137) ,38 (FFAR) and 8 (HELLHFIRE) from somewhere. And yes you're right your solution is complicated. BarmyArmy If you making arrays with some REAL info about declaring max weapons... its names... its name of magazines... you can do easy maths to test the weapons of a vehicle.
  19. Resupply using trucks!! http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....1040772 I do currently use a 'hand rolled' script to detect when the helicopter is resupplied correctly. Is there a way to tell what the 'maximum FIRABLE capacity' of a vehicle for a particular weapon is from the configs. By firable I mean not cargo. Also I have heard that reading the config files can cause performance issues, anyone like to comment ? Barmy
  20. barmyarmy


    Get your helicopter add a way point aways from the squad you are picking up, with the following in the "activation" box, sqdldr addmagazine "SmokeShellgreen" ; sqdldr addmagazine "SmokeShellgreen"; sqdldr addWeapon "throw" ; sqdldr selectweapon "throw"; sqdldr fire "SmokeShellGreenMuzzle" ; then add another waypoint nearer the squad with the type set to "LOAD" Create a waypoint for the squad to be picked up with type GET IN, and finally select Sychronize and draw a between the last two waypoints. Its all there if you read the scripts for the ARMA training missions, I stole the script from the single player basic flight training mission. Barmy
  21. barmyarmy

    Unit Switching

    Awsome, looking forward to playing this if only to produce a more varied MP mission. Everyone is OPFOR bar one BLUFOR player, first OPFOR to kill the BLUFOR, replaces the blufor... repeat, in effect a game of OFP tag. BA
  22. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCaptive Copied from this original article http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....captive