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About brk_bigboss

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  1. brk_bigboss

    Horrible Performance...

    Do it, would mean one less moany bitch on here. lol but he does have a point. Hopefully futurepatches will help this issue as i too just purchased a new gaming computer and every other game i play is practicaly oh high, so.... i think more or less the problems many are experiencing are due to the many bugs and lack of beta testing, but.. i think only time will tell. all i know is there is no reason for a game with this much potential to have to be played with settings so low that it and the orginal flashpoint are not much different visually speaking lol ....
  2. brk_bigboss

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    yup btw, im also having crashing probs in MP. It crashes usulaly after i join server and choose a side then boom .... so , i thnk ill email bohem as well as softwrap/mysproc and let know the case although im sure sum of u alrdy have
  3. brk_bigboss

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    since when did the my sproket version come with starforce? dear brk_bigboss, This is old news that SF comes with Sprocket. SF is inactive it seems durring normal play (That is, unless its the one crashing the MP games) You can test and see that SF is here for yourself by: 1- Download the patch 1.01 (yes i know sprocket comes with it already patched) 2- install it 3- Play it and you will see that starforce pops up. Anyways Please BIS, Sprocket, or Softwrap help us fixing this problem that way we can all go home and finaly play this awsome game to its full extent! hmmm this is news to me, i was told by plenty that starforce does not come with sprocket, hence the reason for soft wrap. hmmm ill have to check that.
  4. brk_bigboss

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    since when did the my sproket version come with starforce?
  5. brk_bigboss

    video options Q

    ill try that. The reasonm i did not reinstall was b/c of the prob i stated in the my sprocket thread where after reinstalling the game the 2nd time, the softwrap software would not let my re-activate my game. It took them 2 weeks to fix the prob and i d hate to reinstall, it not be able to reactivate, and have to email them again to reedit my account. i see a bunch of diff options like shadow quality and view distance, but no resolution text.
  6. brk_bigboss

    video options Q

    i finally got my activation prob fixed but when i load the game i cant see anything but lines and such. I know this has something to do with video options but i dont want to uninstall the gae and run into another reactivation problem again. So is there anyway i can changethe video options w/o entering the game, like a setup file i can look in and open w/ notepad and change the settings there, without getting into the game. i looked for about 1/2 hour and didnt see one so,.... can anyone gimme a hand.
  7. brk_bigboss

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    still waiting, havent heard nothin. I sent them my sw2 file, dont know why, and they said they look into why i cant re-activate my game. It wont recognize my purchase ref # and holder name info still so........ I emailed them friday and set them an email last night explaining i am going to cancel the transaction on my card if they dont have it fixed in the next week. Still havent heard back from them so......it looks like im gonna cancel it and wait till the game just comes out in english in the next couple months.
  8. brk_bigboss

    Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

    Just a warning to all, dont uninstall ur game once you have installedit and activated it. I had a vid card problem, so I uninstalled the game, and tried reinstalling it, but now i can not play the game. The cdkey works fine, but the activation for softwrap does not recognize my license holder name and my purchase ref. #. Ive contacted softwrap and been talkin to them for a few days now, and it seems they are tryin to solve the prob. but it still is a prob, and i cant play the game. It obv. has somrhing to do with the verification server and doesnot want to recognize information ( yes ive entered it correctly over 100 times), so, just as a warning to all, I dont know if this is universal, but just giving a heads up to all.