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About begorra2

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Do you cooperate with russian LIBERATION mod? They have the best scripting for tank battles (tank hits producing sparks). I am sure they would welcome your LT-35 / 38 tanks. They would fit perfectly into their Wehrmacht inventory on the Eastern Front.
  2. begorra2

    HAC-HWM upcoming Release.

    Nice effects, I like the flying debris. But I have to agree with NoRailGunner, tanks don't explode like ammo trucks. This is a stupid issue of ArmA. My best impression of tank hits is the one of russian OFP Liberation 1941-45 MOD> A tank hit should not produce an explosion, but a flash, accompanied by sparks and a burst of smoke. The chance of explosion should be much less probable, only if the the tank's ammo explodes. Take for instance this RPG hit>
  3. begorra2

    SAP_Everon v1.0

    nice job. I would like to see a version with original OFP trees converted to ARMA some day.
  4. begorra2


    s8n, it could be ArmA engine or certain graphics card issue - I am also experiencing "darkening" of some textures. 1. great to see vilas agreed - but please change the sound of his vz. 58 - which is horrible 2. BTW - contemporary woodland vz. 97 Slovak army reskin would be also nice ... If you need some photos of camo pattern and 58 sound, contact me> itran@eudent.sk
  5. begorra2


    Yes! S8N and Vilas please put the re-skins and vilas weapons together! Can't wait for CSLA!
  6. begorra2

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Really fantastic work - I especialy love the mighty gunpods. Appeals for future updates> 1. please include some AA-equiped version (Igla) 2. please increase the pilot's zoom (numpad + key zoom) - like on MAPFACTS's AH-64 - it helps a lot ingame in flying and identifying targets
  7. begorra2

    Explosion FX

    Nice job. Is that some custom fire script ? (link?) - I can't tell from the YouTube video quality.
  8. begorra2

    Vilas' addons

    Thank you Vilas for Sa Vz.58 and Uk-59 of Nogova units. (i didn't expact these to come so quickly) Please, if you update, 1. change the sound of Vz. 58 2. remove tracers Vz. 58 3. include Nogova (maybe even CSLA?) units with red berets
  9. begorra2


    ... summary of comments: - tracers are an issue of ArmA - part of the community dislike them - BIS should make the option to TURN OFF tracers work - BIS should either make create the option to use ENHANCED tracers or the possibility for addon makers to create these Correct?
  10. begorra2


    The existing lousy tracers are one of the great disappointments of ArmA. Tracers should be 3D and emit light. There are numerous 1-st person games with great tracers, like COD. Appeal to BIS - rework them (in some future patch) or include the possibility for addon makers to change them !!!
  11. begorra2

    Invasion of Europe: Part 1   RELEASED!

    Very nice addon pack, adding new fresh stuff. Thumbs up I especially like the panzers and armored vehicles Cant you release the german panzer pack also as a separate addon on resistance side - for mods such as LiBMOD that have the germans as EAST?
  12. begorra2

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Is that a new fire?
  13. begorra2


    Glad to see that planes are getting better! Appeal: please include the possibility of ZOOMED VIEW on the HUD! It helps a lot, especially in identifying targets during ground attacks.
  14. begorra2

    World War II CZ MOD

    Hello ... great work I very much appreciate your MOD's topic selection. Yes, please cooperate with other WW2 mods (IOF, LibMOD): this will save a lot of work and time!
  15. begorra2

    Conspiracies: The Experience

    Hello, thank you for a very promising MOD with excellent vegetation ambients ! I wish you also did a common (not horror) campaign, with same addons and group skirmishes, ambushes... ... something like CONSIRACIES: Grozny !!! Chechnya was my first idea when I saw your early work.