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Everything posted by bob1787

  1. bob1787

    wounded animation

    ah that wilco pack is perfect, thanks sanctuary thanks for the feedback redface but not quite what i was looking for, thanks anyway
  2. bob1787

    FDF HandCuffs

    ill just download the FDF mod and have a look
  3. bob1787


    choppers or planes choppers could be done using setpos other than that i dunno
  4. bob1787

    Triggered Waypoints

    press F5 (synchronise) and drag from the trigger to the waypoint, sorted. not an obvious option in the mission editor similar to triggers and groups but i find them extremely useful. im sure that someone has posted that before
  5. bob1787

    heli/para problem

    could you change the altitude of the waypoint with setWPPos or did you mean that feersum? you could try using domove or move
  6. just add a switch to the end of your shortcut to the flashpoint EXE, right click and goto properties then in the target location you just put -nosplash on the end so it should look like this... C:\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE -nosplash just thought i might share that with you for anyone that didnt know EDIT: i just saw all the other posts in the troubleshooting, im such a dumbass
  7. bob1787

    Splash Screen

    lol yeah, i had been searching for how to turn off the loading screens, but then they are called splash screens. im such a dumbass
  8. bob1787

    dead troops in choppers

    you could try loading a group of gamelogics and deleting them after <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">GL1 moveincargo chopper1 ... GL12 moveincargo chopper1 deletevehicle GL1 ... deletevehicle GL12 you could probably write a little script that would create, load and delete the game logics EDIT: and it would go a little something like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_CHOPPER = _THIS SELECT 0 _intC = 0 _intB = 0 _intA = 0 _pos = [0,0,0] #newlogic "LOGIC" createunit [_pos, logicG, "logicG=this"] _intC = _intC + 1 ? _intC <= 12: goto "newlogic" _logicGN = units LogicG #loadlogic (_logicGN select _intB) moveincargo _chopper _intB = _intB + 1 ? _intB <= 12: goto "loadlogic" #deletelogic deletevehicle (_logicGN select _intA) _intA = _intA + 1 ? count[units logicG] > 0 then goto "deletelogic" exit you may need to create a placeholder game logic (create a gamelogic in the editor and give it "logicG=this" for the init) aswell as running the script on a waypoint such as move rather than the unload but you shouldnt need to. if you are using a big chopper or a plane (osprey, C130, anatov, chinook) then you might want to create more groups, easily done sure you can do it
  9. got it working OK now, reinstalled the game and it works great now
  10. i seem to be getting this error \zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs and where do you change the properties line to "Zombi Mod - HARD Game"?
  11. that is very very nice
  12. create a script that continuosly loops repeating the command switchmove "CombatToCrouch" e.g. #loop _unit switchmove "CombatToCrouch" goto "LOOP" so what if its 3 years late....
  13. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0 _weapons = weapons _unit _mags = magazines _unit _magsSTR = format ["%1", _mags] _weapSTR = format ["%1", _weapons] _unit sidechat _weapSTR _unit sidechat _magsSTR exit this will return magazines and weapon names of units into sidechat (v1.75 or higher) use is as [unitname] exec "scriptname.sqs"
  14. is there by chance a way to make AI really inaccurate apart from skill and courage....? i wan't to make them shoot fast but have about 1% chance of hitting you....
  15. try re-installing your flashpoint and/or not using a beta it may even be a gfx or cpu problem, re-install ure card drivers and run a cpu diagnostic. u can download one from here >>>www.download.com<<<