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Everything posted by bmgarcangel

  1. bmgarcangel

    Gizmo Mapping

    Ya same here scud. But i'm starting...only slowly though starting to understand the workings behind it...
  2. bmgarcangel

    Bad news

    HAHA! Ya right dude, Cympatheey hasn't been online in like such a long time man! Oh man, and this thread....whoa...this reminds me of my begining days in my mod...when people told me not to depend on teh addon makers....and now look, i'm building most of the shit! So agent, you need help with addons or something, i can help you to make them "YOURSELF" but thats it ~Bmg
  3. bmgarcangel


    One problem with that download, the zip file is corrupt or something man!
  4. bmgarcangel


    Ya...anyhow, topic title gives it away....is there any good Car-15's out there because i'm currently on a search for one so i can better make my Operation Visnorsk Campaign that takes place in the 80's a little better....oh by the way, even in the early 90's.....car-15's were more widely used then the m4... ~Bmg
  5. bmgarcangel


    Who made this again?
  6. bmgarcangel


    problem. Â There is nothing in the Zip FOlder..... ~Bmg EDITED** P.s how do i open a resource.pff file? ~Bmg
  7. bmgarcangel


    thanks Gonna download this now! Tanks dude!
  8. bmgarcangel


    thanks man!
  9. bmgarcangel

    Gizmo Mapping

    Question...is it possible to lengthen the size of the texture in the gizmo box? ~Bmg
  10. bmgarcangel

    Tour de France

    Always. Looks like he's gonna take home the gold prize again
  11. bmgarcangel


    Only problem with this is that the link is dead. I was going to grab it to make a Car-15 out of it but the link doesn't work anymore for the download. ~Bmg
  12. bmgarcangel

    Gizmo Mapping

    Ok now i have a problem. So i'm trying to get this texture around a barrel, .30 caliber barrel to be exact Anyways, i seem to follow the directions given to me on how to get the texture on the barrel via the tool Gizmo Mapping Here is a shot at what i've done: Here is what it looks like in Bulldozer: Do you guys know what i'm doing wrong here?
  13. bmgarcangel

    Tour de France

    Armstrong has taken the lead.
  14. bmgarcangel

    Gizmo Mapping

    A good example could be the barrel of a .30 caliber machine gun...you don't want all those holes to be stretch out on the top of the barrel when you apply the textures now do you Anyways, thanks guys! If i have anymore questions i'll be sure to post them here! ~Bmg
  15. bmgarcangel


    Is there any direct link to either of these guns? Just the guns....
  16. bmgarcangel

    Cadet Forces

    Currently i'm in Civil Air Patrol, the only cadet program around where i live and the biggest in Washington State. Â My Grade is currently Cadet Airmen 1st Class.....i became a CO last month after I completed my Mitchel Award. Â Civil Air Patrol isn't exactly the program that i had in mind. Â ROTC was going to be my first choice when i was looking around back in January of 2003 but we have no ROTC. Â Then i heard about the young marines...but they are across the mountians in eastern Washington. Â So then i heard about the Air Force Cadet Program, Civil Air Patrol....so I joined up. Civil Air Patrol was founded December 1st, 1941....just 7 days before the first bombs dropped on the United States that would Start World War II. Â During the war Civil Air Patrol, made up of Cessena's and cadets ranging from ages 12 to 21 and then senior members ranging from age 21 and above sunk a totaly of 4 German Submarines off the coast of the Eastern United States with only Cessena's as there bombers. Â Through the years leading up to now, Civil Air Patrol has grown some more and we still fly around and patrol our skies. Â We participate in Search & Rescue, Survelliance from the Skies, Border Patrols, and many many other things. Â I'm part of the Bellingham Composite Squadron and will be heading off to Fort Lewis on August 18th to attend a 2 week ATS training school. ~Bmg
  17. bmgarcangel

    Gizmo Mapping

    Does anybody know how this tool works? it comes with o2 lite
  18. bmgarcangel

    Cartridges ejecting from static Guns

    I don't get what you're sayin...it looks the same to me and i opened it up...the config...and it looks the same as the so called "fixed' version that you posted....i dont get it mate ~Bmg
  19. bmgarcangel

    What's your job?

    Right now i'm 17 years of age and i'm going to be turning 18 on september 11th. So far this next year i'm going to finish up my Senior year in High School, then i'm going to stick around till i'm 19, just doing odd jobs here and there, also going to attend Whatcom Comunity College to get my AA. After that i'm going to join the United States Marine Corp and i plan to go into the infrantry. Even though my parents say this and that about not going into infrantry but try working on computers and stuff like that, I say no i'd like to have some adventure in my life. After i get into infrantry i'm hoping i can get into Marine Force Recon. It will take a while though! Currently my job is working at Crusin Coffee and a bunch of Odd jobs, under-the-table jobs, here and there.... ~Bmg
  20. bmgarcangel

    Cartridges ejecting from static Guns

    Sounds FUN!
  21. bmgarcangel

    Cartridges ejecting from static Guns

    Whoa...how do you do that footmunch? How do you get the drop command to work? Not saying that i'll use it at all because Scud is going to help me some more on getting the cartridge stuff to work, but how is your way done anyhow? ~Bmg
  22. bmgarcangel

    Addon Request: M2 & m60 on low tripod

    Hey! I got now two pictures of the basically finished project of the static M60 Machine gun and the static M2 Machine gun i've been working on! Textures by BIS, original model by Bis, edited by me to fit me needs, Animation by J-man, and troops by Hyakushiki's. This addon will be released with a campaign that i'm building right now called "Operation Visnorsk" and will not be released seperatly from the campaign! I would like a beta tester, only one, just to see how all the machine guns in my 3 gun pack work!
  23. I have a little request made by a friend... I was wondering if any of these addons that i mentioned above are already made or if someone can make them... ~Bmg
  24. bmgarcangel

    Help Wanted

    You know it would also be cool if you could actually like create not just spec ops soldiers that are girls but also a few other female pilots, us army regulars, and some russian soldiers too.....that would be so awesome! ~Bmg
  25. bmgarcangel

    Unofficial o2 manual

    Does any of your tutorial explain Gizmo Mapping?