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Everything posted by bmgarcangel

  1. bmgarcangel

    The best war movie ever

    Hey Best movie every made eh? God thats a hard one, The village ain't it, that was crappy, you know...i don't know man, red dawn was the most suck ass movie ever made, hmm....We were soldiers was good, and alot of other non-war movies are pretty good. I think others should be recognized here like.....Secret Window ~Bmg
  2. bmgarcangel

    Laser Sight

    hey guess what guys, its easy to create this. All you do is get two versions of the weapon, both the same. But......one has something different.....a long line........make it nice and long too.........or you can do it some other way, don't know.... How did mapfact pull it off? ~Bmg Combat-Ready Moderator
  3. bmgarcangel

    Us presidential election 2004

    You know the funny thing about this thing, i believe its all a politcal lie. I don't believe this group is telling the truth, because if they were telling the truth, then why the hell wouldn't they talk about it way before now? Eh?? Its stupid, not to mention the combat report made up at the end when they got back to base well, it wasn't written by Kerry so guess what? This story this Newly Founded veterans group is giving out is most likely another one of those fakes. ~Bmg Combat-Ready Moderator
  4. Hey all Sorry i've been gone recently, my mod, the Forgotten War: Conflict in Korea was doing really good and stuffuntil i kind of disappeared from my computer over the past month and stuff. Anyways, it still doing good, we still have some tight models going but they just need some textures and some other things. Right now i'm doubting anyone would want to get involved with a mod that has alot of work to do but I need someone who can maintain the mod when i'm not around, bassically this person would have complete control of it when i'm not there. And believe me this mod has potential, just ask some of my friends... But anyways, i'm off to FT LEWIS, an army base just south of Seattle, Washington, tormorrow mornining.....so i won't be able to come here and reply for about 1 week........so if you are interested, and i'm really hoping i can get a feel people interested because i know there is lots of great people out there that could get this mod going, send me an email or a Private Message. My email is: Bmgarcangel@yahoo.com Oh and i don't have any worries about giving my email out so don't ask ;) ~Bmgarcangel Combat-Ready Moderator
  5. bmgarcangel

    Lets talk usmc

    Hey One thing, ya...boots too bright.....Second thing, ya.....camo...i don't know, looks...different..... ~Bmg Combat Ready Moderator Ps. then again it always looks different in a picture.... *****EDITED****** Oh ya, helos look awesome guys
  6. bmgarcangel

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    I dont know about anyone else, but i'm begining to dislike Pappy's sense of looking around and actually seeing if there is quote "ok" russain units to replace the "bis russian" units....i know of a few that represent the 80's version pretty well.... Oh ya in the case of Civilian, 5-ton trucks, and the bis civilian cars and other different vehicles like jeeps and other shiiet....they don't need to be replaced, they are just fine i believe. Just certian things need to be replaced.....personnelly, i think both are ok though i don't play either anymore because i've always loved regular ofp just fine. Oh ya, not gonna post here again so be good CHILDERN ~Bmg Combat Ready Moderator
  7. bmgarcangel

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    There is enough 85 addons to go around, if you're blind then you haven't seen them mate. We got weapons packs out there (good ones some), soldiers (Hyakushiki's US Infantry 1.2, 85 variant), tanks (sigs us and russian tanks, 85 variants), and even more shiiet out there that we can use and i don't understand why people don't use that shiiet. You act like there ain't the shiiet out there for a 85 conversion, there is. ~Bmg Combat Ready Moderator
  8. bmgarcangel

    Addon request

    Word of advise from bmg. This is addon & mods: Discussion area...not scripting and surrendering to a tank in a mission section. I suggest you make this topic in Mission editing catagory ok?
  9. bmgarcangel


    Hey Got that email dude! Sent it back with a bunch of snaps of shiiet that i've done! ~Bmg Combat Ready Moderator Ps. i'll fix your wheel ;)
  10. bmgarcangel

    addon request: navy seals

    Ya seriously...the stuff looks top notch and pretty realistic like spencer said...
  11. bmgarcangel

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    y8k5 you want a year 8005 mod?  personaly i think Y2K3 is the best   then again 4 months and hundreds of hours of work plus the lack of sleep and overabundance of updates and ideas may cloud of unbiast judgment  the difference between the mods is. and i hope kur doesnt take this the wrong way EECP is 100% down to the letter realisum. its all realisum all the time Y2K3 is realisum for the gamer. its a balance of realisum meets gaming. both our mods (EECP and Y2K3) both have large ammounts of required addons, but keep in mind thier total conversion mods. not just some "hey new addon" type thing, we take the stock shit and toss it out the window.  so when it comes to download size thier simaler. cept my final version will ofer an amazing compression installer file(s). now i tried EECP when it was first born, it was the inspiration for my mod cuz there was mod after mod like this and none of them used INQ weapons, GMR fire, and DR sounds. it was 1 or 2 out of 3. i wanted all 3 so i made my own. but i notice kur actualy changes weapon models, chariceristics and other features which althou is nice, looses nearly 68% of compatabiltiy with other addons that require the "default" information for thier base classes. mine is a more simpler conversion keeping more around 98% compatibility with 3rd party addons. so to answer your question: Which Mod Is Better? it all depends on what your looking for. are you lookin for something that replaces all the stock stuff with better stuff and makes the game more fun overall without loosing too much orginal compatabilty? or are you looking for 100% realistic specs? althou our mods seem simaler they are inheirently different. except i think kur will continue workin on his mod for months to come now waiting on addons to come out that arent schedualed for releases for months from now. and Y2K3 is gonna be called Final with mere trouble shooting in a week or two when fischkopps releases his humvees Dude, you're missing the point...Operation Flashpoint replaced with all these new units isn't totally the best thing right out of the market man. I want better, CWC 80's units not modern M16a4's......i do want those but i won't more so replacements for bis's stuff. You know if they did create a mod for 80's time period, m4a1 was invented after the 80's and widely used ;) ~Bmg Combat Ready Moderator
  12. bmgarcangel

    What shall I do

    edejl, i'm pretty experienced with models and other things, even though i started october of 2003 building shiiet, i'm really good with weapons and some what with buildings. I'm also experimenting now with textures. If you need help with anything just pm me. ~Bmg Combat Ready Moderator
  13. Hey So i'm working on yet again another static machine gun and i need some major help in getting Cartridges to eject to the right of the gun each time you fire it. I'll been asking around and so far i haven't had any luck. I know its possible of course because BAS has already done it with there choppers as everybody already knows. I'm personelly not that good at addon script so....can someone please help me? ~Bmg
  14. bmgarcangel

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    overall mates....like 80's y8k5 please...
  15. bmgarcangel


    *Time to smuggle some chinese into the northern nogova province...* I could help you some...send me an email: bmgarcangel@yahoo.com Oh and yes, i know i'm giving my email out...like i care....i don't
  16. bmgarcangel

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    first off, i like eecp...haven't tried the y2k3 yet
  17. bmgarcangel

    Cartridges ejecting from static Guns

    Hey Now i just got one more question for all you other then ScUd because scud ain't sure....in my mind i'm not sure bout wat he says at times either ....but anyhow i got this problem, this error keeps coming up that says: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">No Entry 'config.bin/cfgvehicles/cfgnonaivehicles.scope'. and i can't figure out why its comin up like this...anyhow, heres the config.... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeRye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches { class BGPKmg { units[] = {BGPKmg,BGM2mg}; requiredVersion = 1.91; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default {}; class Weapon: default {}; class m60m: Weapon { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"0","bullet1","bullet2","bullet3"}; }; class pkmg: Weapon { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"0","bullet1","bullet2","bullet3"}; }; class m2p: Weapon { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"0","bullet1","bullet2","bullet3"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle : Default {}; class m60mAmmo: BulletSingle { hit=10;indirectHit=0.1;indirectHitRange=0.1; minRange=0.4;minRangeProbab=0.80; midRange=500;midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=3000;maxRangeProbab=0.05; cost=30; }; class mpkAmmo: BulletSingle { hit=21;indirectHit=0.08;indirectHitRange=0.1; minRange=0.4; minRangeProbab=0.80; midRange=500; midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=3000; maxRangeProbab=0.05; cost=200; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; class MGun: Default{}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun{}; class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6{}; class Browning: MachineGun12_7{}; class mpk: Browning { ammo=mpkAmmo; displayName="PK"; displayNameMagazine="PK"; shortNameMagazine="PK"; visibleFire=14; audibleFire=24; visibleFireTime=2; cartridge="FxCartridge"; count=650; sound[]={"\vis_mg\PKFire.ogg",db10,1}; soundContinuous=0; initSpeed=1000; aiRateOfFire=0.001; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; class m60m: Browning { ammo=m60mAmmo; displayName="M60"; displayNameMagazine="M60"; shortNameMagazine="M60"; count=100; sound[]={"\vis_mg\M60Fire.ogg",db10,1}; reloadSound[]={"\Weapons2\M60full",db10,1}; MagazineReloadTime=6; soundContinuous=0; maxLeadSpeed=865; aiRateOfFire=0.001; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land: AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class Tank: LandVehicle{}; class APC: Tank{}; class M113:APC{}; class M2StaticMG: M113{}; class M2StaticMGE: M2StaticMG{}; class bgPKmg: M2StaticMGE { class reflectors {}; displayName="PK machine gun (Standing)"; picture="m2"; model="\Vis_mg\pkmg.p3d"; cost=15000; weapons[]={"mpk"}; magazines[]={"mpk"}; side=0; camouflage=3; gunnerCanSee=31; threat[]={1,0.900000,0.100000}; crew="SoldierEB"; armor=60; armorStructural=20.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; hiddenSelections[]={"0","bullet1","bullet2","bullet3"}; animated=1; class Animations { class ani_bullet1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet1"; axis="osa bullet1"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; class ani_bullet2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet2"; axis="osa bullet2"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; class ani_bullet3 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet3"; axis="osa bullet3"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; }; class EventHandlers { fired = "[_this select 0] exec ""\vis_mg\ShellEJecT.sqs"" "; }; }; class m2p: M2StaticMG { displayName="M2 (Gunner Prone)"; picture="im113"; model="\Vis_mg\m2p.p3d"; cost=15000; class reflectors {}; weapons[]={"Browning"}; magazines[]={"Browning","Browning","Browning"}; side=1; crew="HYK_USsolGLWL85"; armor=60; armorStructural=20.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; gunnerAction="ManActm2pGunner"; gunnerInAction="ManActm2pGunner"; class Turret { gunAxis = "OsaHlavne"; turretAxis = "OsaVeze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-30; maxElev=+20; minTurn=-45; maxTurn=+45; }; hiddenSelections[]={"0","bullet1","bullet2","bullet3"}; animated=1; class Animations { class ani_bullet1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet1"; axis="osa bullet1"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; class ani_bullet2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet2"; axis="osa bullet2"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; class ani_bullet3 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet3"; axis="osa bullet3"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; }; class EventHandlers { fired = "[_this select 0] exec ""\vis_mg\ShellEJecT.sqs"" "; }; }; class m60m: M2StaticMG { displayName="M60 Machine Gun (Prone)"; picture="im113"; model="\vis_mg\m60m.p3d"; cost=15000; class reflectors {}; weapons[]={"m60m"}; magazines[]={"m60m","m60m","m60m","m60m"}; side=1; crew="HYK_USsolGLWL85"; armor=60; armorStructural=20.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; gunnerAction="ManActm60mGunner"; gunnerInAction="ManActm60mGunner"; modelOptics="optika_M60_MG"; class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-30; maxElev=+30; minTurn=-60; maxTurn=+60; }; hiddenSelections[]={"0","bullet1","bullet2","bullet3"}; animated=1; class Animations { class ani_bullet1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet1"; axis="osa bullet1"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; class ani_bullet2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet2"; axis="osa bullet2"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; class ani_bullet3 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=0.4; selection="bullet3"; axis="osa bullet3"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.57; }; }; class EventHandlers { fired = "[_this select 0] exec ""\vis_mg\ShellEJecT.sqs"" "; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon{}; class Proxytpillbox: ProxyWeapon{}; class Proxym60m: ProxyWeapon{}; }; class CfgVehicleActions { bgPKmgGunner="ManActM2Gunner"; m2pGunner="m2p_anim"; m60mGunner="m60_anim"; }; class CfgMovesMC { class Default {}; class DefaultDie: Default {}; class States { class DeadState: Default {}; class Driver: Default {}; class m2p_anim: Driver { file="\vis_mg\m2p_anim.rtm"; speed=10000000000.000000; looped=1; variantsAI[]={"m2p_animV1",0.700000,"m2p_anim"}; interpolateWith[]={"m2p_anim",0.500000}; equivalentTo="m2p_anim"; interpolationSpeed=1; connectTo[]={"m2p_animDying",1}; }; class m2p_animV1: m2p_anim { file="\vis_mg\m2p_anim.rtm"; speed=-4; looped=1; }; class m2p_animDying: DefaultDie { actions="NoActions"; file="plazenismrt.rtm"; speed=-1; looped=0; soundEnabled=0; connectFrom[]={"m2p_anim",1}; }; class m2p_animDead: m2p_animDying { actions="DeadActions"; file="plazenismrt2.rtm"; speed=10000000000.000000; terminal=1; connectFrom[]={"m2p_animDying",1}; connectTo[]={"DeadState",1}; }; class m60_anim: Driver { file="\vis_mg\m60_anim.rtm"; speed=SPEED_STATIC; looped=1; variantsAI[]={"m60_animV1",0.700000,"m60_anim"}; interpolateWith[]={"m60_animV1",0.500000}; equivalentTo="m60_anim"; interpolationSpeed=1; connectTo[]={"m60_animDying",1}; }; class m60_animV1: m60_anim { file="\vis_mg\m60_anim.rtm"; speed=-4; looped=1; }; class m60_animDying: DefaultDie { actions="NoActions"; file="plazenismrt.rtm"; speed=-1; looped=0; soundEnabled=0; connectFrom[]={"m60_anim",1}; }; class m60_animDead: m60_animDying { actions="DeadActions"; file="plazenismrt2.rtm"; speed=10000000000.000000; terminal=1; connectFrom[]={"m60_animDying",1}; connectTo[]={"DeadState",1}; }; }; };
  18. bmgarcangel

    Help Wanted

    Hey Also, cut in a lil relationship with Armstrong and like this one blackops chick or something...get married, then we have some kids to make ~Bmg Combat-Ready Moderator
  19. bmgarcangel

    Help Wanted

    Ya....well, it would be nice if ofp2 can have some women soldiers and i don't want to have like optinions for women voice or man voice......i just want the computer to deal with it, find out if its women or not and choose the right dialog if you know what i mean. ~Bmg
  20. bmgarcangel


    lol monster...that would be awesome...oh ya, manticore....wat ever happened to that independence day video you were making for the fourth of July? ~Bmg Combat-Ready Moderator
  21. bmgarcangel

    Help Wanted

    Hey Cassie, wonderful job here mate! This is quite amazing work or so it seems so far! I've always hated those women that ofp made, at least i've only hated the part where u shoot them and they sound like dudes dying...its a lil weird....but now to hear that this woman will actaully have some woman sounds....thats awesome!! Now my sister is gonna love this... When do you think you'll be able to release it? ~Bmg
  22. bmgarcangel

    Combat-Ready Forums Ready

    Combat-Ready Forums Combat-Ready forums are up and running. Created by the British OFP fan, Magoo, the forums have area's for: - Photos/videos - Humor & War Stories - Army - Navy SPECWAR - USMC ( Marines ) - Air Force - Military Preparation - Links - Area for General Chatter & Off-topic So get there now, chat about our troops over sea's, the war in Iraq, how the USMC is one of the most elite US military forces, and much much more! Best move that Middle East thread over here! Combat-Ready Forums
  23. bmgarcangel

    Gizmo Mapping

    hey Got a question about this Gizmo Mapping tool in ofp...how does it work and what does it do? ~Bmg
  24. bmgarcangel

    Bad news

    mmm k. wrong answer, lets have a look: 1. BAS - Tigershark. Cant do anything? nonsense. he can texture. 2. FDF - MikkoFin and Kegetys. Talentless? I think not. 3. CSLA - Maa. Cant do shit? U ought to get shot if u say that. 4. Invasion 44 - (was) Sussmorri now jojimbo (if im not mistaken). The first was a very talented mission maker the second has talent in practically everyfield. 5. DigitalGrenade - They wern't called Suchey and Earl for nothin. 6. Combat! - all members have some form of talent. and any other GOOD mod has a leader that knows how things work otherwise u look like ur running a slave factory. So put some effort into it and lear something. But hey it dont have to be modeling or texturing, try scripting and coding, or sound design, whatever its still equally usefull but much easier to master. bravo mate, i praise you! Â Good come back! Anyhow, back to topic. Like i said, get learning how to make addons.....people started getting pissed at me when i was trying to get all these people to join up so i had to learn addon making, basic texturing, configing, scripting, advanced mission making skills (including cam scripting)...........so get out the old tutorials and start the work yourself!. Don't have other people do the work for you in your mod, because if you do that then you can't have a mod because everyone will disrespect you like shiiet. A mod is not a monarchy or some kind of dictatorship where the mod leader sits up high and tells everyone to do his dirty work. The Mod Leader Most get involved for if he does not he is not worth of the position. ~Bmg Combat-Ready Moderator Leader of TFW:CIK Modification
  25. bmgarcangel

    Vote for what you want most in ofp

    Really dude...don't know what i won't anymore...there's so many god damned addons like the ones mentioned above and one thing that gets on my nerves every day is that people create missions based around today with newer weapons. What i'd like is a nice early 90's, 80's, and 70's units going around the place. You all those people who create black hawk down missions with bas soldiers, it sucks ass because they didn't have the m4a1 being used by special forces in the early 90's. Ever hear of something called the Car-15? Anyways, other then my complaints.....we need SAS troopers and we need more mission makers willing to make missions with them before we get them because its a waste build all these kick ass addons and then never use them in truly realistic missions if you know what i mean. ~Bmg Combat-Ready Moderator