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Everything posted by bmgarcangel

  1. bmgarcangel

    A problem with a mounted mg

    Do you guys think it might have to do with memory shit?
  2. bmgarcangel

    A problem with a mounted mg

    Yep. I can move up and down perfectly fine. Here is a picture of the AI position that they stay at
  3. would it be like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> me addEventHandler ["law",{[_this select 1] exec down.sqs}] Down sqs. would be like a small cam script and shit, that would show this one tank just before hte missile hits hehe so, what is above, does that work?
  4. well...... I kind of don't understand it........
  5. bmgarcangel

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels

    I wonder if anyone is interested in the Korean War. It sucks major ass that they don't realize that is was alot different then WW2, soldiers had weapons like ww2 ones, but, still it was different in more than one ways.
  6. bmgarcangel

    Green beret addons and new anims

    My grandpa was a Green Beret in Vietnam. He spent 6 tours there. Carried a Ak47 around and he showered around once every 1 and a half weeks.
  7. bmgarcangel

    Deleting corpses but leaving ammo

    man oh man. I hate very advanced looking scripts. In reality, it looks pretty good man. Going to try it out right now, even though......I didn't ask for it hehe
  8. whats the command that activates a something else, like when I fire a law, the moment the law leaves, a script is activated. But how is this done
  9. bmgarcangel

    Deleting corpses but leaving ammo

    So, You're deleting the soldier, then creating in his place magazines, right
  10. bmgarcangel

    Green beret addons and new anims

    I need people to give me lessons on making animations
  11. bmgarcangel

    Bipod down or up??

    Bipod my friend needs to be down. Though, it would be cool, if oyu made a script so that you can activate it, make it go down or up, and if its down then less recoil, if you're laying down, and if bipod is up then alot more recoil
  12. bmgarcangel

    Did some one say

    hehehe this will be great
  13. bmgarcangel

    A problem with a mounted mg

    shit guys. Ya, the alignment and shit is all correct. Hmmmm....... You guys need a picture to better understand the problem?
  14. bmgarcangel

    Pk animation

    NO NO NO!! not the PBT american patrol boat action, the action for the gunner in the back of the RUSSIAN PATROL BOAT!!! not this one: gunnerAction = ManActPBRGunner; but the one for the russian boat and the guy doing his pk animation thing on that boat! which gunneraction is that one??
  15. bmgarcangel

    Pk animation

    hey guys, The Pkmg that is at ofp.info, you know, the pk machine gun on a mount.....how do I change the animation so that its like the animation on the pk MG for the East Boat??
  16. bmgarcangel

    A problem with a mounted mg

    now, what I mean for the AI, artifical intel, you know, our computer friends, they angle the gun always about 20 degrees up and keep it there, in-game. Then they see an enemy, and no matter where the enemy is that they're shooting at, they don't need to move the gun up and down to shoot the target, just need to point it at them. I'm just wondering why the hell they'd do that
  17. bmgarcangel

    A problem with a mounted mg

    what do you mean??? Its facing the right way
  18. bmgarcangel

    Pinned down

    GOD DAMN!! these are just like mine. Except mine our soldiers. They will run around and shit hehe.......so i'll stick to mine. Also, I worked on a sherman that i have, deleteing hit points and making all textures transparent. Result. I have a sherman driving around instead of staying put My invissible men, just get the gun removed and they run around and the ai will shoot at him, with no affect ever!! and since he is greatest threat, well, they go for him each time Anyhow, this is the way to create a proper and most efficent crossfire my lads
  19. bmgarcangel

    Clik on map ????

    CoC Arty thing is the best that i've ever seen you guys. You should get that, but I don't think you can do it over the map with this. This is more......complicated
  20. I could do that too a while back. But now I can't. Anyhow, did you guys know that you can create huge tank columns?? I mean like around 12 tanks in one group??? having all the guys under you commanders and then just putting random people in as drivers and gunners...........hell a fun! only problem is, they will only stay in column formation like fricken bastards!!
  21. bmgarcangel

    Vietnam warfare: burned battlefiels

    Sounds promising man. But the truth is that the ofp community is low on alot of dedicated mod members ( that is mod members as in people who are willing to dedicate them selves to a new mod ) so I would suggest you just have people that you know, just random people who don't join and stuff, to do the textures and stuff for ya.
  22. bmgarcangel

    Custom binoculars

    My friend has a picture of his watch, he replaced the bis watch with his nice indiglo one. Then the binoculars he replaced too with these cool looking ones with tinted lens. But since he replaced them, he has to now copy the files he put them into, and then go and reinstall ofp or he can't install new patches!!! Sucks
  23. bmgarcangel

    Pk animation

    oh........I LOVE YOU MAN!!!..........hmmm.........one more question. How do I make it so that I can make a flash on the mounted pk. I've made a flash on it before, but it doesn't rotate all the way around with the rest of the gun so it stays in one place. How can I make it so that it stays at the end of the barrel at all times?
  24. bmgarcangel

    Pk animation

    well god damn does anybody every reply to CeRtIaN topics or what???