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Everything posted by bmgarcangel

  1. bmgarcangel

    Tfwcik missions

    Hey...I got this comment from drow Is there a way I can get by this problem...? If so, then we'll have a hell of a battle going on ~Bmgarcangel
  2. bmgarcangel

    Tfw: cik mod thread

    Hey Guys Here is three pictures of the M1A1 Thompson Sub Machine gun that I am currently working on!
  3. bmgarcangel

    Tfw: cik mod thread

    This thread is dedicated to The Forgotten War: Conflict in Korea modification. Have any ideas for our mod? advice? want to encourage us on through to victory? post it here my friends! I do have some news right now though. Our m1919a6 30 caliber browning machine gun is going great ( just in case you don't know, the A6 is the version of the 30cal with a bipod at the end of it instead of a tripod under it, so its more easily transported and used than the A4) We are planning to make animations for it which will be the following: When in careless and safe mode, the 30cal will remain on the shoulder of its owner, even when you lay down. When in Aware and combat mode, the 30cal. will also remain on your shoulder, but when you go to lay down, the owner will take the weapon off his shoulder and put it in front of him, and then hell be able to fire. This weapon will be our first in many weapons. But we need the communities help in getting the job done. If you are interested, please contact me via pm or email address. One more thing, i'm just curious if any of you guys know anything about the korean war
  4. bmgarcangel

    Irish army

    LOL same here, create dublin with it too, Irish like weapons..... And them pretty nice irish women too!
  5. bmgarcangel

    Bas ussr helicopters

    Hey Sorry to post it here, can't find RHS's old thread...but...can you give me the download link for the RHS tank pack? Cheers! ~Bmgarcangel
  6. bmgarcangel

    Irish army

    Look, ya I know stuff about that area, not too much about them military though because hell, such a nice country, who wants to study their bad side. I have family that lives in Dublin
  7. bmgarcangel

    Bas ussr helicopters

    How long do you guys think till they get some helos out? Hell, I haven't even played with their tanks!
  8. bmgarcangel

    Irish army

    DUDE!! I ALREADY KNOW THAT!!! I know there is one good IRA and one bad IRA, i'm talking about the bad IRA ya Whack Anyhow, create Irish Republican Army troops and I thought about it...create some terrorists too, so I can pretend i'm riding Ireland of them. Tanks! Bmgarcangel
  9. bmgarcangel

    Fixed mg lights off???

    WHAT that easy@!!! Tight... Also, can you make the light move around and stuff? You know, if I attached it to the end of a barrel and then wanted it to follow with the guns movements?
  10. bmgarcangel

    Some basic questions

    So.. right here or so... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class SoldierEB:Soldier{}; class SoldierWB:Soldier{}; class tfw_CSoldierPPSHA: SoldierEB { class reflectors{}; displayName="PPSHA-41"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"TFW_PPSH41","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=5; magazines[]={TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag}; }; class tfw_CSoldiertype56: SoldierEB { displayName="SKS Rifle"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"TFW_SKS","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=5; magazines[]={TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag}; class tfw_UNSoldierM19a4: SoldierWB { displayName="M1919A4"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"tfw_30calA4","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=5; magazines[]={tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag}; }; class tfw_UNSoldierM19a6: SoldierWB { displayName="M1919A6 Bipod"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"tfw_30calA6","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=15; magazines[]={tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag}; }; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class Tank: LandVehicle{}; class APC: Tank{}; class M113:APC{}; class M2StaticMG: M113{}; class M2StaticMGW: M2StaticMG{}; class tfw_UNarmorM19a4: M2StaticMGW { vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Armored )"; displayName="M1919A4 on Tripod"; picture="m2"; model="\TFW_Weapons\Machine Guns\TFW_bunk_30cala4.p3d"; cost=15000; weapons[]={"TFW_30calA4tri"}; magazines[]={"TFW_30calA4tri","TFW_30calA4tri","TFW_30calA4tri"}; side=1; getInAction="ManActLying"; getOutAction="ManActStand"; gunnerAction="ManActm19a4gunner"; gunnerInAction="ManActm19a4gunner"; camouflage=3; secondaryExplosion = 1; gunnerCanSee=31; threat[]={1,1,0.400000}; crew="SoldierWB"; armor=120; armorStructural=50.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-15; maxElev=+15; minTurn=-34; maxTurn=+34; }; }; class tfw_UNbunkerM19a4: M2StaticMGW { vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Armored )"; displayName="M1919A4 On Box"; picture="m2"; model="\TFW_Weapons\Machine Guns\TFW_bunkcala4.p3d"; cost=15000; weapons[]={"TFW_30calA4bunker"}; magazines[]={"TFW_30calA4bunker","TFW_30calA4bunker","TFW_30calA4bunker","TFW_30calA4bunker"}; side=1; getInAction="ManActStand"; getOutAction="ManActStand"; gunnerAction="ManActSandBagGunner"; gunnerInAction="ManActSandBagGunner"; camouflage=8; gunnerCanSee=31; secondaryExplosion = 1; threat[]={1,1,0.400000}; crew="SoldierWB"; armor=120; armorStructural=50.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-15; maxElev=+15; minTurn=-34; maxTurn=+34; }; }; };
  11. bmgarcangel

    Irish army

    Look...i'm part irish, and the IRA can go to hell for all I care. They are the extreme bad side of the Irish and i don't want it protrayed in here. Do it somewhere else..please ~Bmgarcangel
  12. bmgarcangel

    Tfw: cik mod thread

    Hey all Just to let you know, our website is back up again!
  13. bmgarcangel

    Fixed mg lights off???

    Where do you put this?/ Like for my .30 cals...please no light!!!
  14. bmgarcangel

    Tfwcik missions

    but....no mass dead bodies laying around
  15. bmgarcangel

    Irish army

    LOL Don't disrespect the Irish people more by making units like this.....I would hate to see IRA in OFP....cause I hate those the most out of any terrorist organization...reason = they are causing more pain among the British and their own brothers and I believe they should stop.... ~Bmgarcangel
  16. bmgarcangel

    Some basic questions

    LOL But...where do I put this?
  17. bmgarcangel

    The Iraq thread 3

    The assault has begun, or so it seems.....it said on CNN today that firefights are begining all over the place. Bombs are going off from both sides. Its time!
  18. bmgarcangel

    The Iraq thread 3

    This is false. I agree with you about taht avon
  19. bmgarcangel

    Some basic questions

    One other question...what do I do to make it so that the god damned light on my .30 Caliber Machine guns is never on!!!?!?!?!?
  20. bmgarcangel

    Visnorsk island

    OH MANIT! I found out how to make it align to the ground. Thank Bullz_eye_on_my_back for this one! I really don't know that this works, but guess you'll have to try it out hey? Cheers! ~Bmgarcangel
  21. bmgarcangel

    Su-34 platypus

    Ya there was...but no news on them for like a long time. Perhaps they are just laying low for the moment. ~Bmgarcangel
  22. bmgarcangel

    Unsung - updates

    Since i've never used SEBNAM before and probably won't because The Unsung is look tight....is that one picture J-Man used to show a sample of the animation for the SKS rifle that i made, the one picture with a VC guy in it, is that a guy from the SEBNAM or your mod? Oh ya...when are you guys going to have some HUEYS!!!
  23. bmgarcangel

    No entry error

    OK i have a problem with my config. I get an error that says this in game <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">No Entry 'config.bin/cfgvehicles/cfgnonAIVehicles.scope'. I haven no idea what this means... here is my config <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//****************************************/ //CPP by TFW:CIK Modification //Animations by TFW:CIK Modification //Soldiers by TFW:CIK Modification //Weapons by TFW:CIK Modification //Textures by TFW:CIK Modification //© 2003 - 2004 Copyright The Forgotten War: Conflict in Korea Modification //****************************************/ // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeRye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches { class TFW_Weapons { units[] = {tfw_CSoldierPPSHA,tfw_CSoldierSKS,tfw_UNSoldierM19a6,tfw_UNSoldierM19a4,tfw_UNarmorM19a4, tfw_UNbunkerM19a4}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.75; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Weapon: Default{}; class TFW_ppsha41: Weapon{}; class TFW_SKS: Weapon{}; class TFW_30cala4: Weapon{}; class TFW_bunk_30cala4: Weapon{}; class TFW_30cala6: Weapon{}; class TFW_30cala4notri: Weapon{}; }; class CfgAmmo { class default {}; class BulletSingle :default{}; class Bullet7_6: BulletSingle {}; class TFW_PPSH41Ammo :BulletSingle { hit=9; indirectHit=2; indirectHitRange=0.100000; visibleFire=16 audibleFire=16 visibleFireTime=3 tracerColor[]={0.700000,0.700000,0.500000,0.400000}; tracerColorR[]={0.700000,0.700000,0.500000,0.400000}; model="shell"; simulation="shotBullet"; simulationStep=0.050000; soundFly[]={"objects\bulletnoise",0.251189,0.700000}; explosive=0; minRange=1; minRangeProbab=0.100000; midRange=200; midRangeProbab=0.380000; maxRange=600; maxRangeProbab=0.040000; cartridge="FxCartridge"; cost=0.700000; initSpeed=400; }; class TFW_SKSAmmo: BulletSingle { // changed // parametes to make AI decide what mode should be used hit=10; indirectHit=1; indirectHitRange=0.100000; minRange=1; minRangeProbab=0.10; midRange=400; midRangeProbab=0.80; maxRange=800; maxRangeProbab=0.15; visibleFire=25; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired audibleFire=25; visibleFireTime=5; // how long is it visible cost = 2.5; }; class 30cala4a6Base : Bullet7_6 { hit=9; indirectHit=2; indirectHitRange=0.1; tracerColor[]={0.900000,0.000000,0.000000,8.000000}; tracerColorR[]={0.900000,0.000000,0.000000,8.000000}; visibleFire=9; audibleFire=27; visibleFireTime=2; cartridge="FxCartridge"; minRange=0; minRangeProbab=0.100000; midRange=520; midRangeProbab=0.700000; maxRange=1000; maxRangeProbab=0.040000; }; }; class CfgRecoils { //time, rear, up 30calrecoil[]= {0.050000,0.020000,"0.04*1.35",0.050000,0.010000,"0.01*0.5",0.050000,0.030000,"0.04*1.35",0.050000,0.020000,"0.02*0.5",0.050000,0.040000,"0.04*1.35",0.010000,0,0}; 30cala4recoil[]= {0.050000,0.020000,"0.04*1.35",0.050000,0.010000,"0.01*0.5",0.050000,0.030000,"0.04*1.35",0.050000,0.020000,"0.02*0.5",0.050000,0.040000,"0.04*1.35",0.020000,0,0}; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class MGun: Default {}; class Riffle: MGun {}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun {}; class MachineGun7_6Manual: MachineGun7_6 {}; class M60: MachineGun7_6Manual {}; class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6{}; class Browning: MachineGun12_7{}; class TFW_PPSH41:Riffle { displayName = PPSH 41; displayNameMagazine="PPSH Mag"; shortNameMagazine="PPSH Mag"; scopeWeapon = public; scopeMagazine = public; model="\TFW_Weapons\SMG\TFW_ppsha41.p3d"; modelOptics="optika_PK"; optics = true; opticsZoomMin=0.35; opticsZoomMax=0.35; picture="\TFW_Weapons\Pics\ppsh.jpg"; count=71; ammo="TFW_PPSH41Ammo"; magazines[]={"TFW_PPSH41mag"}; reloadMagazineSound[]={\TFW_Sounds\PPSHreload.ogg,0.0316,1}; modes[]={"FullAuto","Single"}; class FullAuto { ammo="TFW_PPSH41Ammo"; multiplier=1; burst=1; dispersion=0.0015; displayName="PPSH-41 (Auto)"; sound[]={"\TFW_Sounds\PPSH.ogg",db0,1.85}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.11; ffCount=30; recoil="riffleBurst3"; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=0.085; aiRateOfFireDistance=50; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; class Single { ammo="TFW_PPSH41Ammo"; multiplier=1; burst=0; displayName="PPSH-41 (Single)"; dispersion=0.000200; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.10; sound[]={"\TFW_Sounds\PPSH.ogg",db0,1.85}; ffCount=1; recoil="riffleSingle"; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=200; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; class TFW_SKS:Riffle { displayName = SKS Rifle; displayNameMagazine="7.62 x 39 Clip"; shortNameMagazine="7.62 x 39 Clip"; scopeWeapon = public; scopeMagazine = public; model="\TFW_Weapons\Rifles\TFW_SKS.p3d"; modelOptics="optika_m16"; optics = true; opticsZoomMin=0.35; opticsZoomMax=0.35; picture="\TFW_Weapons\Pics\SKS.pac"; count=10; ammo="TFW_SKSAmmo"; magazines[]={"TFW_SKSmag"}; reloadMagazineSound[]={\TFW_Sounds\SKSreload.ogg,0.0316,1}; modes[]={"Single"}; class Single { ammo="TFW_SKSAmmo"; multiplier=1; burst=0; displayName="SKS (Single)"; dispersion=0.000200; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.10; sound[]={"\TFW_Sounds\SKS.ogg",db0,1.85}; ffCount=1; recoil="riffleSingle"; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=200; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; class TFW_30calA6: M60 { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; model="\TFW_Weapons\Machine Guns\TFW_30cala6.p3d"; optics = true; opticsZoomMin=0.35; picture="\TFW_Weapons\pics\Ma6_w.paa"; opticsZoomMax=0.35; displayName = "M1919A6 Bipod"; displayNameMagazine = "7.62mm 150 Round belt"; shortNameMagazine = "7.62mm belt"; modelOptics="optika_m16"; magazineType = 2 * WeaponSlotItem; magazines[]={"tfw_30calmag"}; count = 150; multiplier=1; magazineReloadTime=4.8; burst=1; dispersion=0.0017; reloadMagazineSound[]={\TFW_Sounds\30cal_Reload.ogg,0.0316,1}; drySound[]={"weapons\m16dry",0.000316,1}; modes[]={"Fullauto"}; class Fullauto { ammo="30cala4a6Base"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="M1919A6 Bipod"; reloadTime=0.09; sound[]={"\TFW_Sounds\30cal_shoot.ogg",db0,1.85}; soundContinuous=0; dispersion=0.005000; aiDispersionCoefX=4.000000; aiDispersionCoefY=3.000000; ffCount=150; recoil=riffleSingle; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=0.9000; aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; class TFW_30calA4: M60 { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; model="\TFW_Weapons\Machine Guns\TFW_30cala4notri.p3d"; optics = true; opticsZoomMin=0.35; picture="\TFW_Weapons\pics\ma4_w.paa"; opticsZoomMax=0.35; displayName = "M1919A4"; displayNameMagazine = "7.62mm 150 Round belt"; shortNameMagazine = "7.62mm belt"; modelOptics="optika_m16"; magazineType = 2 * WeaponSlotItem; magazines[]={"tfw_30cala4Mag"}; count = 150; multiplier=1; magazineReloadTime=4.8; burst=1; dispersion=0.0017; reloadMagazineSound[]={\TFW_Sounds\30cal_Reload.ogg,0.0316,1}; drySound[]={"weapons\m16dry",0.000316,1}; modes[]={"Fullauto"}; class Fullauto { ammo="30cala4a6Base"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="M1919A4"; reloadTime=0.09; sound[]={"\TFW_Sounds\30cal_shoot.ogg",db0,1.85}; soundContinuous=0; dispersion=0.005000; aiDispersionCoefX=4.000000; aiDispersionCoefY=3.000000; ffCount=150; recoil=riffleSingle; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=0.9000; aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; class TFW_30calA4tri: Browning { ammo=30cala4a6Base; displayName="M1919A4 Tripod"; displayNameMagazine="7.62mm 250 Round belt"; shortNameMagazine="7.62mm belt"; count=250; reloadTime=0.107; magazineReloadTime=4.8; sound[]={"\TFW_Sounds\30cal_shoot.ogg",db0,1.85}; soundContinuous=0; initSpeed=1000; autoReload = false; aiRateOfFire=0.4; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero reloadMagazineSound[]={\TFW_Sounds\30cal_Reload.ogg,db-0,1}; }; class TFW_30calA4bunker: Browning { ammo=30cala4a6Base; displayName="M1919A4 Tripod"; displayNameMagazine="7.62mm 250 Round belt"; shortNameMagazine="7.62mm belt"; count=250; reloadTime=0.107; magazineReloadTime=4.8; sound[]={"\TFW_Sounds\30cal_shoot.ogg",db0,1.85}; soundContinuous=0; initSpeed=1000; autoReload = false; aiRateOfFire=0.4; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero reloadMagazineSound[]={\TFW_Sounds\30cal_Reload.ogg,db-0,1}; }; class tfw_30calMag: TFW_30calA6 { picture="\TFW_Weapons\pics\ma4_a.paa"; scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; }; class tfw_30cala4Mag: TFW_30calA4 { picture="\TFW_Weapons\pics\ma4_a.paa"; scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; }; class TFW_SKSmag: TFW_SKS { picture="\TFW_Weapons\Pics\SKSm.pac"; scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; }; class TFW_PPSH41mag: TFW_PPSH41 { picture="\TFW_Weapons\Pics\ppshm.jpg"; scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class SoldierEB:Soldier{}; class SoldierWB:Soldier{}; class tfw_CSoldierPPSHA: SoldierEB { displayName="PPSHA-41"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"TFW_PPSH41","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=5; magazines[]={TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag,TFW_PPSH41Mag}; }; class tfw_CSoldiertype56: SoldierEB { displayName="SKS Rifle"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"TFW_SKS","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=5; magazines[]={TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag,TFW_SKSMag}; class tfw_UNSoldierM19a4: SoldierWB { displayName="M1919A4"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"tfw_30calA4","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=5; magazines[]={tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag,tfw_30cala4Mag}; }; class tfw_UNSoldierM19a6: SoldierWB { displayName="M1919A6 Bipod"; vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Men ) "; weapons[]={"tfw_30calA6","Throw","Put"}; accuracy=15; magazines[]={tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag,tfw_30calMag}; }; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class Tank: LandVehicle{}; class APC: Tank{}; class M113:APC{}; class M2StaticMG: M113{}; class M2StaticMGW: M2StaticMG{}; class tfw_UNarmorM19a4: M2StaticMGW { vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Armored )"; displayName="M1919A4 on Tripod"; picture="m2"; model="\TFW_Weapons\Machine Guns\TFW_bunk_30cala4.p3d"; cost=15000; weapons[]={"TFW_30calA4tri"}; magazines[]={"TFW_30calA4tri","TFW_30calA4tri","TFW_30calA4tri"}; side=1; getInAction="ManActLying"; getOutAction="ManActStand"; gunnerAction="ManActm19a4gunner"; gunnerInAction="ManActm19a4gunner"; camouflage=3; secondaryExplosion = 1; gunnerCanSee=31; threat[]={1,1,0.400000}; crew="SoldierWB"; armor=120; armorStructural=50.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-15; maxElev=+15; minTurn=-34; maxTurn=+34; }; }; class tfw_UNbunkerM19a4: M2StaticMGW { vehicleclass="TFW:CIK ( Armored )"; displayName="M1919A4 On Box"; picture="m2"; model="\TFW_Weapons\Machine Guns\TFW_bunkcala4.p3d"; cost=15000; weapons[]={"TFW_30calA4bunker"}; magazines[]={"TFW_30calA4bunker","TFW_30calA4bunker","TFW_30calA4bunker","TFW_30calA4bunker"}; side=1; getInAction="ManActStand"; getOutAction="ManActStand"; gunnerAction="ManActSandBagGunner"; gunnerInAction="ManActSandBagGunner"; camouflage=8; gunnerCanSee=31; secondaryExplosion = 1; threat[]={1,1,0.400000}; crew="SoldierWB"; armor=120; armorStructural=50.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-15; maxElev=+15; minTurn=-34; maxTurn=+34; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyTFW_ppsh41: ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyTFW_30calA6: ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyTFW_30calA4: ProxyWeapon {}; class Proxytpillbox: ProxyWeapon{}; class ProxyTFW_30calA4bunker: ProxyWeapon{}; class ProxyTFW_SKS: ProxyWeapon {}; }; class CfgVehicleActions { m19a4gunner="m19a4gunner"; SandBagGunner="Crouch"; }; class CfgMovesMC { class Default {}; class DefaultDie: Default {}; class States { class DeadState: Default {}; class Driver: Default {}; class m19a4gunner: Driver { file="\TFW_Anim\m19a4gunner.rtm"; speed=10000000000.000000; looped=1; variantsAI[]={"m19a4gunnerV1",0.700000,"m19a4gunner"}; interpolateWith[]={"m19a4gunnerV1",0.500000}; equivalentTo="m19a4gunner"; interpolationSpeed=1; connectTo[]={"m19a4gunnerDying",1}; }; class m19a4gunnerV1: m19a4gunner { file="\TFW_Anim\m19a4gunner.rtm"; speed=-4; looped=1; }; class m19a4gunnerDying: DefaultDie { actions="NoActions"; file="plazenismrt.rtm"; speed=-1; looped=0; soundEnabled=0; connectFrom[]={"m19a4gunner",1}; }; class m19a4gunnerDead: m19a4gunnerDying { actions="DeadActions"; file="plazenismrt2.rtm"; speed=10000000000.000000; terminal=1; connectFrom[]={"m19a4gunnerDying",1}; connectTo[]={"DeadState",1}; }; }; };
  24. bmgarcangel

    No entry error

    Then I have another error too in the config....the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class TFW_PPSH41:Riffle Part...well...it doesn't like it for some odd reason...at least when I try to bin it up it says there is an error with the riffle or something...I made it rifle once, but still got the error
  25. bmgarcangel

    Some basic questions

    OK...I hope I remember that when Iget home today...