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Everything posted by bmgarcangel

  1. bmgarcangel

    Red Hammer Studios

    Same here. Finally some nice ass soldiers to go onto the battlefield with.
  2. bmgarcangel

    An error

    Hey guys I got a problem. SO I downloaded the Kegetys sky and some cool water and then some cool new stars and moon just hte other day. SO I and make hte Hisky folder, get it all ready and set, install everything. THen I unpbo the pbo's and put the missing files that the hisky system always misses put back in there. Then I open up OFP:RES and go to play the game and then this one intro that i'm working on and like it exits out of the game and gives me a return error message saying: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Bad file format in p3d file error One thing, if I exit the game and delete the hisky mod directory and then go back in game, the intro and other things work just fine. I don't get whats happening. Can someone help me out here? ~Bmgarcangel
  3. bmgarcangel

    An error

    LIKE i'm alerady going outside ya dude ya know I'm never on the computer anymore!!
  4. Hey I've been like looking on ofpec and stuf, I havent been able to find a tutorial on getting animation into the config so that my new custom animations will work with my new gun and stuff....I was wondering if either any of you guys know how to do this or if you know where i can find a tutorial (instructions) on how to do it. ~Bmgarcangel
  5. bmgarcangel

    Configing animation tutorial?

    Be awesome if he could assist us in animations and stuff. We have J-man that does some of them at the moment too but he can't do cpp.s I can do CPP.'s but i'd rather someone make a tutorial on them instead, not making animiations but just putting them in the CPP. Something for a beginner to medium level. I can do all the other parts of the cpp.
  6. bmgarcangel

    Concrete divider

    LOL Okie, thats better then mine.
  7. bmgarcangel

    The day after tomorrow

    THis movie was good. I saw it on Sunday after Ski-to-Sea. I like it actually, I think its really possibly. Massive de-salitation is really possibly and if that were ever to happen because of an Ice shelf breaking away, climiates would change dramatically. One thing i loved about the movie.... Mexican officals have closed the border because of an extreme flood of American refuges coming in from the north. I just burst out laughing about that, that was hilarious~! Now other then being a really good movie, it also had alot of humor in it like every day shit. I like that alot. Tornados were awesome too in LA. Poor weather man bastard and his hot corny chick. Not to mention, remember how people froze like instantly in some parts of the movie. That really happened back in the last ice age 10,000 years ago. Temperatures in some spots really in reality got even close to -150 degrees Fahrenheit. I looked itu p in a book and stuff and they talked about it on T.V. They actually have a few animals from back then that really had food still in there mouths that they had just picked off the ground and everything else about the mpreserved so bassically, soem animals just walking along and frooze almost instantly. ~Bmgarcangel
  8. bmgarcangel

    Configing animation tutorial?

    Bedlam, don't know why. But if someone else does who that would be a big help to me too because i have the same damned problem with my .30 Caliber machine guns. I'm like "hey chinese, chinese, shoot me ya stupid bitches!" and they're like "Fuck you fuck you, I can't see you" it sucks majorly. But anyhow, bratty, could you do configs for us every once in a wwhile. Or at least just the animation parts and possibly advice us on what animations we will need for every new animation. I don't have time to learn everything over again. My life has all the sudden got so much more social then what it use to be so its hard to keep up-to-date on things these days. ~Bmgarcangel
  9. bmgarcangel

    Concrete divider

    I don't think textures need any work. They are quite fine the way they are to my observation. I'm hoping these can be released soon....its would be good for security reasons like this |------------ | | | | | | | | ------------| | | | | | | |------------ | | | | | | | |------- -------|
  10. bmgarcangel

    An error

    One thing, pappy...I like that avatar, wish I could do that in OFP So like then....I think that might be the problem. I have a few AA soldiers on this one cutscene for my Operation Visnorsk Campaign and LIKE if I delete that bastard then it will work and LIE it will and be LIKE ok and LIKE cool and LIKE stuff you know what I mean LIKE right? **Hint.HINT**I'm sounding like a fricken valley Dog**End.HINT** Man thats weird i Gotta say though. Does it corrupt anything else?
  11. bmgarcangel

    The b-52

    Hey I'm very surprised about this information, so I was watching the news and the Air Force said they plan to use the B-52 well INTO 2040'S!?!?!?! wtf is going on here? Â Like don't we have a nice replacement for it....the B-1 Aside from the massive payload the B-52 can carry, its older then anyone in these forums! Â I also found that on the internet that hte workhorse has been no other then the B-52 during this recent wars: ~Bmgarcangel
  12. bmgarcangel

    Please update your profiles

    Errghh....aren't we talking about profiles and where we live so we can all visit each other some day??
  13. bmgarcangel

    The b-52

    I guess so,,,,,,,,
  14. bmgarcangel

    Configing animation tutorial?

    WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THIS!?!?! NOTHING!!!! God, damn spammers.... Can anyone help our mod with configing and working on animiations?
  15. Hey I think someone should start a new modification based on making weapons that were planned to be built during world war II but ones that were never made because they didn't have the time or technology completely right. So i'm wondering if someone can start a mod based on this. LIke the germans, in world war II they had plans for a massive tank with 4 200 mm cannons.......lots of machine guns, and platforms for troops to position themselves on along with AA guns and extremely thick armor. But the size the resources were too great as they neared the end of the war, and thus it was failed. ~Bmgarcangel
  16. bmgarcangel

    New games

    I loved blueshift reason = good story and the high definition pack upgraded everything from shity looking to high def looking!
  17. bmgarcangel

    New games

    When is half-life coming out? Oh ya, Homeworld 2 kicked ass! Anyhow, Medal of Honor: Pacific assault for PC looks like its going to kick ass! hALFLIE two!! [mg]http://www.half-life2.com/img/screenshots/hl2_screen.Patrol.gif[/img]>100kb [mg]http://www.half-life2.com/img/screenshots/hl2_screen.UrbanRenewal.gif[/img]>100kb
  18. bmgarcangel

    Please update your profiles

    Back on topic updating your profiles...I mean why give away public information? Just have people talk to you on IM then they can talk about their lives....but heck, why would you want to know what I do for a living or what i like to do with chicks in my free time, eh? I mean seriously, you all have pals to hang out with right?
  19. bmgarcangel

    Decrypting pbos

    righto, so its impossible. Well, i bet the problem is then that the person is using another Un-Pbo program then the other person used. I've tried to un-pbo this crap a Czech guy built a long time ago, but I found out that he was using another program that added one or two things to the pbo. encryption and I was like....WTF!!?!?!?
  20. bmgarcangel

    Please update your profiles

    For shizzel *Grabs Hellfishes hand, does secret hand shake* hell fish replies withFor shizzel my friend, for shizzel Alrighty back on topic ya maggots! Now, yes, update your profiles...Golum is a little....different like me ya know what I mean, we should know about his ways before he jumps us while we're walking home at night
  21. bmgarcangel

    Please update your profiles

    So stalker, I got this nice beach by my house, want to meet me their when no one else is around  ....I got some drugs to trade, you know...the normal mairjuna substances  I'll sell it to you for 60$ a bag.  What'ya say? For shizzel my friend I snapped back that mother Frickers nizzel and he feel back like I had just chizzeled him with my neighboors nizzel Anyhow...you might know some stuff about me now, eh?
  22. bmgarcangel

    Decrypting pbos

    wtf...so I can make it so that I can encrypt my pbo.'s?? how?
  23. bmgarcangel

    Please update your profiles

    You think I like...Gollum...he's big and green Hell no, sorry Gollum, you're not the one for me....
  24. bmgarcangel

    Sfp 4.0 trailer..

    Agreed. Deadmeat and everyone else took my words away !!! Awesome video, units look great. Can't think of a better way to demonstrate it all.
  25. bmgarcangel

    Please update your profiles

    Exactly....that gives me thoughts from when me and my old girlfriend use to have fun...lots of fun...at least his avatar does Â