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Everything posted by bmgarcangel
Didn't mean it that way LOL Jus crusing and i find another girl in OFP!!!! THIS IS GREAT!! i mean seriously, if we didn't have any girls playing in ofp it would be so so so gay! I believe we need more girls playing ofp, enough to overide us almost Anyhow, i could help ya with your addon here. ~Bmg
Keg i think is one of the dudes who really hit a point in OFP recently with that one file that he made.  Its just amazing, even though it doesn't work on my computer.  But it proves you're probably able to do alot more with ofp, possibly even creating more then one gunners position, with ofp you never know. I wouldn't be surprised if we advance so much more in OFP1 before OFP2 gets here..... ~Bmg Vote Kerry in '04 ....guess wat, i'm actually voting for him too ya lil MilitiaSniper lil kid  .....SPETZNATZ, SHOOT BUSH!!!  Â
WOW! you should have told us! Go to ofpec and look for BAS soldiers, not that hard to do you can do it yourself ya know...they have some good desert m4' go get them! ~Bmg
Are you a girl? Just curious :-D Anyhow, nice lookin chick you got there!! Can't wait till she looks better ~Bmg
Agreed. Childern would be the bomb but it would be tought too though to make them. Imagine, we have a campiagn someday where Gavstowski has his wife and his kids, and they are touring Nogova or Maldevic. ~Bmg
I just want Huyk to like release a new pack of his soldiers with one of these weapons pack so everything can be more CWC era type stuff you know, i mean we all have modern stuff like the M4A1 and the 80s, the m4a1 wasn't even real... ~Bmg
I'm being serious dude, wtf is the matter with you? ~Bmg
Agreed. Tons of addons, not enough missions.
You know, Hyakushiki's US Infantry Version 1.2 is top notch too. I think we need to build some 1980's weaponary for those troops, as you know we haven't created the one thing that alot of people have been longing for a long time now. 80's weapons, cwc crisises weapons that are top notch. ~Bmg
Cartridges ejecting from static Guns
bmgarcangel replied to bmgarcangel's topic in OFP : CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
its still a little confusing to get it working....i've tried several approaches already and the bullets either go out really fast or they go around and around the gun for some odd interesting..... ~Bmg -
Wow....this kid hasn't even tried out the BEST in the world and he denounced all the m4's already made, saying they are crappy and shiity..............pathetic arrgh..why don't u get it yourself...arrgh Allrighty now, here is your link ya stupid...something Marine Assault Pack...has m4's, the best, all we need, ya lamo!
LOL Messiah, he should be working instead of BIS to make ofp2 that much better!
Well, if you want that get a good video card and buckle up for kegs tight ass mother fricken dll. thingy! ~Bmg Ps. Wish i had a better video card then geforce2
Awesome, thats what i thought. Well, we'll be having mps in the end I can tell you that for sure! Man, can't use this dog if you guys are going to build em at least.....and then having like biting stuff...jus make it better then SST bugs acting like they are bitting your leg off.... ~Bmg
Cartridges ejecting from static Guns
bmgarcangel replied to bmgarcangel's topic in OFP : CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
hey Sorry scud, i emailed him before you replied to me last night because i thought you were ignoring me or something, i was just growing really desperate to try and understand this and even now i'm confused...i'm a slow learning folks  I'm sending the email now, i guess last night it failed!?! **EDITED** Hey thanks for that file scud...gonna check it out now mate! ~Bmg -
question though I lost he model when I was trying to rotate around, its still in o2 but....its like above or below somewhere in the void and i'm trying to find it!! is there an easier way to do this!?!? Now its still there though because if I click Ctrl+A then it selects the model but I can't see! I lost...this!
Dont think you can do that...not sure though, never heard of not being able to target your own men lol ~Bmg Ps. unless you don't want to target them ever!
Cartridges ejecting from static Guns
bmgarcangel replied to bmgarcangel's topic in OFP : CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
@Scud: Honestly mate, i don't know what to do with the bullet part and stuff about o2 lite....i dont know where to put anything, keep in mind this is new stuff for me! ~Bmg -
Cartridges ejecting from static Guns
bmgarcangel replied to bmgarcangel's topic in OFP : CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
This is my CPP. Currently only one gun, the Pkmg, is using the event handler...basically i'm using it to test it out to get it working before i move on to the other guns.... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define WeaponNoSlot 0// dummy weapons #define WeaponSlotPrimary 1// primary weapons #define WeaponSlotSecondary 16// secondary weapons #define WeaponSlotItem 256// items #define WeaponSlotBinocular 4096// binocular #define WeaponHardMounted 65536 #define CanSeeRadar 1 #define CanSeeRye 2 #define CanSeeOptics 4 #define CanSeeEar 8 #define CanSeeCompass 16 #define CanSeeAll 31 class CfgPatches { class BGPKmg { units[] = {BGPKmg,BGM2mg}; requiredVersion = 1.91; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Weapon: Default{}; class  pkmga : Weapon { sections[]= {zasleh}; }; class pkmg : Weapon{}; class m2p : Weapon{}; class m60m : Weapon{}; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle : Default {}; class m60mAmmo: BulletSingle { hit=10;indirectHit=0.1;indirectHitRange=0.1; minRange=20;minRangeProbab=0.80; midRange=500;midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=3000;maxRangeProbab=0.05; cost=30; }; class mpkAmmo: BulletSingle { hit=21;indirectHit=0.08;indirectHitRange=0.1; minRange=0.2; minRangeProbab=0.80; midRange=500; midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=3000; maxRangeProbab=0.05; cost=200; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; class MGun: Default{}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun{}; class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6{}; class Browning: MachineGun12_7{}; class mpk: Browning { ammo=mpkAmmo; displayName="PK"; displayNameMagazine="PK"; shortNameMagazine="PK"; visibleFire=14; audibleFire=24; visibleFireTime=2; cartridge="FxCartridge"; count=650; sound[]={"Weapons\AK74full",db10,1};          soundContinuous=0; initSpeed=4900; aiRateOfFire=0.001; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; class m60m: Browning {  ammo=m60mAmmo;  displayName="M60";  displayNameMagazine="M60";  shortNameMagazine="M60";  count=100;  sound[]={"Weapons\M60mgun",3.162278,1};  reloadSound[]={"Weapons2\M60full",db10,1};  MagazineReloadTime=6;           soundContinuous=0;  maxLeadSpeed=865; aiRateOfFire=0.001; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land: AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land{}; class Tank: LandVehicle{};  class APC: Tank{}; class M113:APC{}; class M2StaticMG: M113{}; class M2StaticMGE: M2StaticMG{}; class bgPKmg: M2StaticMGE {  class reflectors {};  displayName="PK machine gun (Standing)";           picture="m2";           model="\Vis_mg\pkmg.p3d";  cost=15000;  weapons[]={"mpk"};  magazines[]={"mpk"};       side=0;  camouflage=3;  gunnerCanSee=31;  threat[]={1,0.900000,0.100000};  crew="SoldierEB";  armor=60;  armorStructural=20.000000;  icon="kulomet.paa";  class eventhandlers    {      fired = _this exec {\Vis_mg\ShellEject.sqs};   }; }; class m2p: M2StaticMG {  displayName="M2 (Gunner Prone)";          picture="im113";          model="\Vis_mg\m2p.p3d";  cost=15000;  class reflectors {};  weapons[]={"Browning"};  magazines[]={"Browning","Browning","Browning"};      side=1;  crew="HYK_USsolGLWL85";  armor=60;  armorStructural=20.000000;  icon="kulomet.paa";  gunnerAction="ManActm2pGunner";  gunnerInAction="ManActm2pGunner";  class Turret { gunAxis = "OsaHlavne"; turretAxis = "OsaVeze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-30; maxElev=+20; minTurn=-45; maxTurn=+45; }; }; class m60m: M2StaticMG {  displayName="M60 Machine Gun (Prone)";          picture="im113";          model="\vis_mg\m60m.p3d";  cost=15000;  class reflectors {};  weapons[]={"m60m"};  magazines[]={"m60m","m60m","m60m","m60m"};      side=1;  crew="HYK_USsolGLWL85";  armor=60;  armorStructural=20.000000;  icon="kulomet.paa";  gunnerAction="ManActm60mGunner";  gunnerInAction="ManActm60mGunner";  modelOptics="optika_M60_MG";  class Turret { gunAxis = "osahlavne"; turretAxis = "osaveze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate2,db-30,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; minElev=-30; maxElev=+30; minTurn=-60; maxTurn=+60; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon{}; class Proxytpillbox: ProxyWeapon{}; class Proxym60m: ProxyWeapon{}; }; class CfgVehicleActions { bgPKmgGunner="ManActM2Gunner"; m2pGunner="LyingToBinocLying"; m60mGunner="Crouch"; }; -
Hmm...a Fishing mod where the ai is smart with boats and the AI drives around a nice Boston Whaler, which in my opinion are some of the best small boats around. They are so god damned tight, i love them! ~Bmg Ps. George Bush kills baby Seals and Kittens, vote for Kerry, he saves baby Seals and Kittens
Cartridges ejecting from static Guns
bmgarcangel replied to bmgarcangel's topic in OFP : CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
Ok scud this is what i did. In the vehiclecfg area i messed around with a pk machien gun so i can test this out...i added this anyhow to the config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class bgPKmg: M2StaticMGE { class reflectors {}; displayName="PK machine gun (Standing)"; picture="m2"; model="\Vis_mg\pkmg.p3d"; cost=15000; weapons[]={"mpk"}; magazines[]={"mpk"}; side=0; camouflage=3; gunnerCanSee=31; threat[]={1,0.900000,0.100000}; crew="SoldierEB"; armor=60; armorStructural=20.000000; icon="kulomet.paa"; class eventhandlers { fired = _this exec {\Vis_mg\ShellEject.sqs}; }; }; At least I added the eventhandler. Now, after that i used that one trigger you gave me and then i put it in the folder and shit. Then i went into o2 lite and created three shells inside the gun, then i pressed ctrl + H to hide them and i named each one Bullet1, Bullet2, or Bullet3........then i went in game and nothing is flying! ~Bmg -
you know, funny thing about this topic...didn't BIS have this problem and then they like had to release an update that made shadows come back? Oh ya and there is a limit to how many "faces" that you can have on your Shadow Model or it won't work. Believe my I just tryed putting more than 600 on this soldier and weapon and it wouldn't work ~Bmg
What does the error say? You probably just made a little minor error that needs to be fixed before it can go back to bin. *EDITED* This also sounds like a addon configing problem....gonna be moved i bet ~Bmg
Addon Request: M2 & m60 on low tripod
bmgarcangel replied to bmgarcangel's topic in ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Hey guys.... Been working on modified versions of that .50 Caliber Machine Gun on Low Tripod and I put a M60 Machine Gun on a Low Tripod too.....they will be using Hyakushiki's US Infantry Version 1.2 so you'll have to have that and they will not be released seperatly from the Operation Visnorsk Campaign that i'm building! Going to have I hope at least if i can get it working, well I hope to have cartridges flying out everytime you fire the weapon! Also, J-Man is going to do the custom animation for them! -
Drow, i can battle 400 East Soldiers on the desert island without any fog at all.....with no lag  Now the war that i'm going to portray, the Korean War, will be something that has never been done in OFP.  I will try and make it as realistic as possible, all the way to the very limit of the ofp engine but still try to reduce the lag.  With others that we pick up and drop off along the way to the end of the journey, TFW:CIK will break many grounds just watch and wait.  I bet ya too we could be one of the most realistic mods in the end considering the story of the Korean War I hardly want to edit.  Bayonets will be one of our major breakthroughs. Even though other mods like PUKF has already created bayonets, Bayonets are the key to the Korean War....if you didn't have them when fighting against the enemy you were in big trouble because basically the Korean War was all about Close Quarter battles, fighting thousands of enemies off. Back to topic now, if you think about it guys.....ofp has one of the biggest modding communities ever and one of the most active.  We can do so many god damned things that other mods for other computer games can't do.  We can even recreate the civil war, Revolutionary war, and other wars.  If you don't believe me talk to that one guy who has already recreate it with new anim for reloading and all this other shit to make it awesome as hell...... Like i said before, never say WWI, Civil War, or Revolutionary War is impossible for it is possible, you just have to have hte Brains to deal with it and get through the hard times eventually ending up in a place never before dreamed of in the minds of many of the OFP:CWC and OFP:RES Players. ~Bmg