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Everything posted by blanic

  1. anyone able to get boats to attach in multiplayer? If i drive one up it wont attach, it will in singleplayer, just not multiplayer
  2. blanic

    [AS] Editor Updates

    Server Key link is no good, might you repost it please.
  3. blanic

    Scuba mod/sea plane

    no link works for it to download :(
  4. what I mean from the class name is, to work on the object itself as opposed to what name you give it. The name will be random so there is no way for me to place it on the name, thats why if say I want it to initialize when an ATV spawns, I want the code to initialize it with it at that time.
  5. If i put the following into the init of the vehicle it works fine nul = [this,"CAR"] execVM "mountOnC130\mount_vcl_init.sqf" but what I want to do is add it to the vehicle after a trigger happens, but when I try it is not initializing it. Also I want it to trigger if you are in a certain vehicle, from the class name not the actual name. Thanks
  6. is there a way to find the class name for these plants? So if you wanted to spawn one?
  7. any help out there on this????????
  8. bump................................
  9. did anyone figure out where the 5th rock is? donde los rios se encuentran, existe un claro, norte y el oeste se puede evadir I cannot find where
  10. Love the island, working on the mystery he has put in, but stuck on the 5th one........ donde los rios se encuentran, existe un claro, norte y el oeste se puede evadir no idea where this is at.
  11. Are they going to come out with a patch for STEAM users anytime soon? Or is it going to be business as usual?
  12. Well seems typical of Bohemia, patch has been out now for a few days, instead of holding it back and test it prior, they just set it out, and we all suffer for it. So many people have steam cannot join due to this issue, GOOD JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. We are 100% sure that it is battleye, I have installed everything from steam, patched all, updated both battleye's and we still get the same issue.
  14. we had to password our server until this battleye issue is resolved. Tried the above recommended and none of us can join a battleye enabled game server. There is still something wrong.
  15. Really rediculous how many of us have it form STEAM and we cannot get on BATTLEeye servers due to this. I have also bought last nite the full version of BAF and tried it with the patch and still no go. It is not initializing battleye. I tried using the OABattleye intall, even after uninstalling it and still it does not WORK. Really rediculous, hope BIS is paying overtime to get a HOTFIX out TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Well I have steam and have tried everything I can find and nothing works. I even got the full version of BAF and reapplied the patch to try and fix it, but still NADA. Most people got the steam version and the issue is that BATTLEYE is not initializing, so since you all BORKED this patch, how bout getting this fixed ASAP like TODAY.
  17. Is there a vehicle damage system? Is there a way to only damage the tire via a script or trigger as opposed to damage vehicle 0-1?
  18. How do you call another .PBO from the main mission? Like if I want to create a admin .pbo that only admins have and use.
  19. no i mean a PBO for like an admin tool, where only the admins have this pbo
  20. Still no replies, ANY IDEAS???????????????????//
  21. Sometimes when someone disconnects it bugs the slot and it becomes AI or when the person joins they are a bird. Is it possible to use something like deleteunit to restore the spot back to a player slot? Is it possible to make an array of player units, then loop a check every few minutes that checked if they were alive but not a player and if not turn them back into playable units? Any code or ideas are appreciated.
  22. My script works fine, even in multiplayer, but it only affects the person who uses it. It is a spike strip, but only disables the person who drops it not anyone that just drives across it. Any help would be great, i know its not going global not sure how to do this. What this does is sees if you use the inventory item of spike strip and if on USE then activates. It is in its own .sqf _art = _this select 0; if (_art == "use") then { _item = _this select 1; _class = _item call INV_getitemClassName; [_item, -1] call INV_AddInventoryItem; _pos = [(position player select 0) + (sin(getdir player)*2), (position player select 1) + (cos(getdir player)*2), 0]; _obj = _class createvehicle [0, 0, 0]; _obj setdir getdir player; _obj setpos _pos; _vcl = nearestobject [player,"LandVehicle"]; call compile format['_obj setvehicleinit "this setvehiclevarname ""%1%2""; %1%2 = this"; processinitcommands', player, _class]; (format ["if (local server) then {publicarbeiterarctionarray = publicarbeiterarctionarray + [ [%1%2, %1] ];};", player, _class]) call broadcast; _obj setDammage 1; while{!alive _obj} do { if((vehicle player != player) and (player distance _obj < 3)) then { (vehicle player) setDammage .6; (vehicle player) setVelocity [0, -2, 0]; (vehicle player) setfuel 0; deletevehicle _obj; Sleep 6; (vehicle player) setfuel 0.2; }; }; };
  23. well i think i kinda got it, problem is if you place more than 1 then it will only work for the 1, instead of multiple ones. Really thought I would have found a spikestrip .sqf somewhere.
  24. anyone have any ideas? should I call this as a public variable?
  25. I have read and not having much success at this problem. If you have mission.pbo on your server, but you want to call a file somewhere else on the server, like one directory up, how do you call it? I put this into the init.sqf [] execVM "\ServerScripts\test.sqf"; and nothing happens.