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Everything posted by barcode6
From the Readme: Here is a Co-op mission involving a hasty counter-attack against invading SLA forces. You start at a forward base and advance through Corazol. There is an additional objective revealed when your troops reach the DMZ. Clear Corazol and accomplish the revealed second objective to win. Mission is lost when all US forces are dead or the second objective cannot be completed. Group respawn. Select time of day, dynamic weather and vehicle respawn on or off as options at mission start. Vehicle respawn affects only the MH-6, the Stryker, and the HMMVWs. These units will reappear once when respawn is on. Regards, Barcode bug reports: [email protected] Edit: Link kindly posted by El nino Foxhound @ Armaholic.com: Corazol Flashpoint v1.4 v1.1 Changelog: - Fixed the second objective. A script issue prvented the second objective from being completd. - Fixed a couple cycle waypoints. - Changed the combat stance of some of the units. - Changed one BMP to a T-72. Kept unit POP of about 70% - Changed the one large aircomms sound loop to a collection of snippets. - Reduced overall mission pbo size from ~900KB to 678KB. v1.2 Changelog: - Fixed script error at mission start.
I had something here, but to understate, the above is much more informed. Cool vid and nice description of the effect.
Why is it impossible to find this game in Canada?
barcode6 replied to oblisk's topic in ARMA - GENERAL
I checked all the EB's here in Calgary and only one had the game (1 copy). I was going to get a few for my brother and some friends but no luck. I already have the CZ release and the UK DVD which I bought as an import from a local games shop so I'm not left out but... The lack of availability (and version splits and no NA servers etc) isn't helping me sell this fantastic game to my vidiot friends. -
Some impressions from messing around in the editor this morning: I like the new higher chopper speeds, I can get to 200 easily now with the LB when before I had trouble going over 150-175 in level flight. Choppers seem more agile as well. FFAR attacks were harder at the higher speeds but AA is more aggressive so the higher speeds are generally positive. I also like the new FOV settings overall. You can now see over the UH-60 window frame and get a better view. It makes it harder to see out of the mi-17 when at steep forward pitches but in all others it feels like an improvement to me. Vehicle handling (cars, bikes) seems to have been tweaked slightly. The bikes are much easier to drive with a wider FOV in 3rd person and dont throw me off when offroad. It feels more like the BAS bike from OFP but a little heavier if that makes sense. The editor seems smoother when dragging the map around. I have a P4 2Ghz, 2GB ram, 7600GS AGP. Textures still lag for me but the overall framerate seems to be higher and I was able to turn up my details and viewdistance. The A-10 is fun. 2 platoons of t72s were a workout with only 5 mavericks. The last three tanks engaged very aggressively. The A-10 seemed to be able to take some serious fire but still goes down quickly if you expose your plane. I have joystick mappings probs but bugs are for the other thread here. Early impressions are positive, and certainly shows that BIS is working hard to make this game great.
Hats off to you gentlemen for bringing this fine piece of work into ArmA and sharing it with everyone. Thanks!
Mission updated to ver 1.4: v1.4 changelog: - Fixed a jip bug where an array was not populated for new players, thus triggering a mission failure. Known Issues: - New version still shows as 1.3 in mission breifing. Please report any outstanding issues in this thread or at the official forums. If the JIP issues are truly resolved than this is the final.
Mission updated to ver 1.3: v1.3 changelog: - Addes Kegetys Spectating Script, including hotfix. - Added M107 and ammo. - Added West motorbike. - Added lite version. No helo comms loop to reduce mission size. Included comms version for LAN play or high bandwidth servers. 320 KB vs 750 KB. It appears that this mission has a problem with JIP. Looking into it now.
I would aslo like to know what the asnwer to this is. I have read the discussion on the differences between an sqf script and an sqf function but not this specific question. I think it has to do with cpu usage and the fact that sqf are more efficient in that regard but I could be talking out of my behind. I'm guessing that the more complicated the script or desired effect, the better it is to use sqf over sqs. if you are just doing something small like joining to a group or checking if a group is alive then I'm sure that the sqs is sufficient. BIS has declared the sqs deprecated but if you open the BIS missions that came with ArmA you will find tons of sqs scripts, and very few useful examples of an sqf. Make you maps the way you want, let the people that complain make the maps they want to make. After all is said and done you should be able to find help with optimizing the mission if it needs it.
No. There is still a GEO limit and it is close to, if not the same as OFP. That's what gnat was talking about one page back. I also have a WIP navy project of the Canadian Halifax Class frigate. I got it into ArmA last night and found that any collision problems (holes in the deck, etc) I was having in OFP seemed fixed. That is until I ran onto the foredeck and ended up swimming. Incidentally, here is the ship: The roadway works from the back all the way to the front of the bridge. In OFP-land I had it as a static obj, and a moving ship, with a working phalanx and semi-working sparrows that wouldn't launch straight up and then guide, but would come out of the tubes at a bit of an angle. The main gun isnt done yet and the ArmA version will be a while to say the least. I can't wait to see the Arleigh Burke... thats been something I've wanted since I saw a WIP of someone elses model a year or two ago. Looking great Gnat!
Hello, I wrote a simple ArmA sqf script that respawns vehicles. It accepts variables for respawn delay, respawn repititions and location. I would like to know if there is anything specific that should be present to use this in MP. OFP had ? !(local LocalServerObject):Exit to run only on server, avoiding multiple spawned vehicles, does ArmA have similar? I have not found that information thus far in my searches of this board and ofpec. This is also my first ArmA script so if there are any issues please post. Anyhow here it is: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">private ["_veh","_time","_reps","_marker","_type","_pos","_dir","_i"]; _veh = _this select 0; _time = _this select 1; _reps = _this select 2; _marker = _this select 3; _type = typeof _veh; _pos = [(getpos _marker select 0),(getpos _marker select 1)]; _dir = getDir _veh; _i = 0; while {_i < _reps} do { if (alive _veh) then { sleep 10; } else { sleep 30; deletevehicle _veh; sleep _time; _veh = _type createvehicle _pos; _veh setDir _dir; _i = (_i+1); sleep 20; } } it is called with [AH_1,340,4,spawn01] execVM "scr\bar_spawn.sqf"; as a line in the missions init.sqs where AH_1 is the named target unit in the mission, 340 is the respawn delay, 4 is the number of times the unit will respawn, and spawn_01 is a named target (usually an invisible marker). Barcode
I don't know if there is a wav2lip equivalent for Arma yet, maybe that's why there is no mouth movement. Â At any rate, I for one am happy to see lolsav with a copy of Arma in his hands, as he has made some great (& humorous) missions for ofp. Â Â The video was not the point of the exercise I'm sure, but it was fun share, and fun for me to see him messing around. More I say!
Ebud, Nice work on the update. Â I always found myself making missions on one side of the island or the other depending on the units I was using (and the camo). Â It's nice to have the full island at my disposal and not end up in the desert with soldiers clad in woodland camo and vice versa. Â There is still the old Tonal issue with the ILS at the airport. Â I seem to have a problem with addon jet aircraft not being able to taxi/takeoff. Â They get to the end of the taxiway and start to turn onto the runway, but before they are fully lined up, the AI hits the gas and the airplanes head off to the left about 45 degrees and crash into the terminal. Â I can get AI to take off in addon prop planes like DKMs Bronco, and the standard OFP jets are fine. Â I know that the Nogova runway allows the plane to turn and taxi a few meters before that 'go' point is reached, which might work here as well. Â No biggie if this can't be addressed; Â Air support can be created with a script or pos'ed instead of taking off from a parked position. Thanks again Ebud for all your hard work, not just on this update but for everything else as well.
Operation Flashpoint: 5 Year Anniversary
barcode6 replied to Placebo's topic in BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE - GENERAL
Congrats BIS! 5 years. I wonder just how much of those past 5 years I've spent playing and modding this game? 6 months straight, I bet. If I was taking pilots lessons instead I'd have my license and then some... -
Absolutely, it will have to be used appropriately. I'm also worried about abuse in MP, like having a critical slot taken by someone that is there just to screw around. Again this depends on how it's implemented, that may not even be an issue.
The char. switching doesn't bother me at all, and BIS likely will have a way to turn it off. The game will probably be much like OFP in that it will be highly exstensible so even if it is 'on' all the time someone will make a script to turn it off if it serves them. The way I see it, the more functionality in the game when it ships, the better. The function calls that char. switching uses may be incorporated into a script by someone in a novel way that breaks one of the new games future 'engine limitations'. I think you could do cool things with it (depending on how it works, that is). For instance, play the campaign through once, and then have the option to replay compatible single missions from west, east, or resistance perspective from the menu. It would also be very useful for mission making and testing purposes to be able to switch perspectives.
The first computer I owned, now in OFP. The circle is complete. This makes me want to go grab an emulator and play choplifter...
I for one will wait till the end of time for anything made by BIS. minus 2 votes.
I'm working on some Canadian Forces Jet Pilots/SARTechs/Helo pilots. I had planned on using your excellent p226 to arm them, but I also wanted to cover the earlier era of Canadian sidearms and do the Hi-power. I figured I would have to tackle it myself, and resigned myself to having my crappy hi power alongside your nice sig. Like an early xmas present, here it is... and it's far better than my skills would allow. Thanks Syphboy, nice work.
I would argue that I'm not stupid (who wouldn't). By your logic they should make smoking, alcohol, dangerous sports, fatty foods, and a host of other personal indulgences illegal. We need to be told how to live I guess; let's all run and hide behind the gov'ts apron strings. I also never claimed that smoking was a right, but the choice to smoke or not is. There's always non-compliance as an option... Considering the Premier of my Province is a smoker, an alcoholic, and a fat bastard too boot I'll be the first one to ignore any new laws.
Only some places in Canada have a ban, but more are on the way. Â For instance in Calgary, where I live, they have banned it from pub patios so as not to expose passers by to the secondhand smoke. Â This struck me as an odd way to go about it since it doesn't protect the workers inside the pub from secondhand smoke, which is the central argument here supporting the ban. So now we can't smoke on the patios and the servers still get lung cancer. Â Not logical, but then when has a governing body (anywhere) been logical? I'm a smoker, and since I smoke less under the new rules, I don't necessarily mind them. Â But I have a problem with being compelled to alter my behavior by force of law. Â Smoking is bad, and a burden on the healthcare system because we all pay for my lung cancer (ignoring the large tax revenues from sales of cigs that offset that). By the same logic I should be able to demand a law that keeps my neighbor from eating at McDonalds because I don't want my tax dollars to pay for his heart attack. Â Granted, sitting next to him while he is stuffing his face isn't going to make me fat too, but it's still someone else making decisions for me. Â Another example: I wear my seatbelt because it is a smart thing to do, and hate getting stopped on my way to work with a seatbelt spot check and a threat of a fine. At times I feel like I'm being trained to let others do the thinking and deciding for me, and that the governing entities that rule my life think I'm too stupid to breathe on my own. Â Welcome to the 'nanny state'. Â I don't mind that others don't want to be exposed to my secondhand smoke, and with that in mind I've always been a considerate smoker. Â I'm just waiting for the day when I won't be able to smoke on my own porch...
Neato. It says something about the fidelity of the OFP experience when we already have several Army approved and funded computer games out there and the Marines are playing Flashpoint. While I'd love to see some of these missions made public (yeah right) I would be more interested in seeing what community content they are using....
Looks great! One small request if I may: could you please put a "DKMnoScripts = true" type option similar to the combat and RHS addons? It would help make this addon more usable on lower spec machines or allow replacement with other effects by mission makers. I also just noticed the Canadian markings... very nice as I use the ONS pack quite a bit and the proper CAF AA unit will be cool to have. Thanks!
Sub crashes and other incidents are not uncommon... Â The U.S.S. Memphis in particular has had some bad luck: Memphis runs aground off Florida And in unconfirmed reports (ie from the tinfoil hat brigade) Â it has been linked to the Kursk disaster: Memphis arrives in Norwegian port with damage following Kursk incident I've always wondered why this doesn't happen more often, it's not like you can look out a window and see where you are going...
My first foray into cfg making so I've tried something simple.  I want to add 4 custom color smoke shells but Ive run into some problems.  In a mission I have a soldier with a normal hand grenade, a red smokeshell and a custom one, and I can see the other two.  I can see the ammo in my gear, and I can drop it, but it doesn't appear as an option to load.  I figure it's a problem with my declarations in the weapons section and the throw part, but I can't figure it out.  There was info at OFPEC, and A-lone-wolf made a custom smokeshell addon the can be found at OFP-info but that doesn't work for me, and copying the config doesnt help me either.  I also looked at the ZIG glowsticks, which is how I at least got the ammo to appear. Any help would be appreciated, here's the config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches {     class BAR_Smoke     {         units[] = {};         weapons[] = {BAR_Smoke};         requiredVersion = 1.75;     }; }; class CfgAmmo {     class Default {}; class Grenade: Default {}; class GrenadeHand: Grenade {}; class SmokeShell: GrenadeHand {}; class BAR_SmokeShellOrange: SmokeShell { smokeColor[]={0.100000,0.498000,0.000000,0}; }; class BAR_SmokeShellYellow: SmokeShell { smokeColor[]={0.100000,0.100000,0.000000,0}; }; class BAR_SmokeShellBlue: SmokeShell { smokeColor[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.100000,0}; }; class BAR_SmokeShellPurple: SmokeShell { smokeColor[]={0.627500,0.125500,0.941200,0}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class throw: Default {};     class GrenadeLauncher: throw{}; class HandGrenade: GrenadeLauncher{}; class SmokeShell : HandGrenade {}; class BAR_Smoke: SmokeShell     { magazines[]={"BAR_SmokeShellOrange","BAR_SmokeShellYellow","BAR_SmokeShellBlue","BAR_SmokeShellPurple"};         reloadtime=1.50000;         autoreload=1;         reloadSound[]={"",1,1}; picture="\dtaext\equip\m\m_smokeshell.paa"; // bugfix only }; class BAR_SmokeShellOrange: BAR_Smoke { ammo="BAR_SmokeShellOrange"; displayName="Smoke Shell (Orange)"; displayNameMagazine="Smoke Shell (Orange)"; shortNameMagazine="Smoke"; }; class BAR_SmokeShellYellow: BAR_Smoke { ammo="BAR_SmokeShellYellow"; displayName="Smoke Shell (Yellow)"; displayNameMagazine="Smoke Shell (Yellow)"; shortNameMagazine="Smoke"; }; class BAR_SmokeShellBlue: BAR_Smoke { ammo="BAR_SmokeShellBlue"; displayName="Smoke Shell (Blue)"; displayNameMagazine="Smoke Shell (Blue)"; shortNameMagazine="Smoke"; }; class BAR_SmokeShellPurple: BAR_Smoke { ammo="BAR_SmokeShellPurple"; displayName="Smoke Shell (Purple)"; displayNameMagazine="Smoke Shell (Purple)"; shortNameMagazine="Smoke"; }; };