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About andyb28

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    Private First Class
  1. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Would I be asking to much for an ETA on the 1.08 patch for Euro?
  2. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Thanks very much Maruk
  3. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    I was looking at the Ethereal logs and one thing I have noticed is most of the time you see: 2302 - 2304 and 2304 to 2302 source to destination and vice versa. Every now and then there are strange ports. For example, source 2302 - dest 19360 source 2302 - dest 64799 Is this normal?
  4. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Thanks to everyone that joined the server. I managed to capture in Ethereal when the bug happened. Sent it all off in an email to Marek, hopefully something can now be done about it. I have shut the server down now.
  5. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    We are a provider, but you probably already guessed that. As we route our own BGP network, I know for a fact there is no blocking of ports etc from our end.
  6. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    31 people playing, come on crash it
  7. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Scrub that, 18:01:25 eXTaSiS uses modified data file - CA 18:01:25 Player eXTaSiS connecting. 18:01:28 Player eXTaSiS connected (id=13774599). Then it went down.
  8. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    I just had a thought. All the people with problems, did you have Arma create a profile that was edited? E:\ArmA1\arma_server.exe -server -config=server.cfg -profiles=E:\Arma1 -name=test -port 2302 -mod= -netlog This would obviously create E:\ArmA1\Users\test\test.ArmAProfile We have been editing this file to set requirements like Vet mode, 3rd person etc. I have had a perfect working Arma server so far by not setting these values and letting Arma use the My Documents area. For reference, this was the test.armaprofile file. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> version=1; blood=1; viewDistance=1400; terrainGrid=10.000000; volumeCD=7; volumeFX=7; volumeSpeech=7; singleVoice=0; playerVoice=0; gamma=1.000000; brightness=1.000000; fovTop=0.750000; fovLeft=1.000000; uiTopLeftX=0.000000; uiTopLeftY=0.000000; uiBottomRightX=1.000000; uiBottomRightY=1.000000; sceneComplexity=300000.000000; shadingQuality=7; shadowQuality=2; soundEnableEAX=0; soundEnableHW=0; class Difficulties { class regular { class Flags { Armor=0; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; AutoSpot=0; Map=0; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=0; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=0; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; }; skillFriendly=0.800000; skillEnemy=0.800000; precisionFriendly=0.800000; precisionEnemy=0.750000; }; class veteran { class Flags { FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; WeaponCursor=1; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=0; AutoSpot=0; Map=0; Tracers=0; UltraAI=0; }; skillFriendly=0.850000; skillEnemy=0.850000; precisionFriendly=0.800000; precisionEnemy=0.800000; }; }; showTitles=1; showRadio=1; difficultyMP="veteran";
  9. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    I got an email from one of the BIS guys asking for an Ethereal log, which I have been trying to do all weekend, with the log catching the server dropping off the list. Do you think it will do it now? Grrrrr. If anyone is around at the moment, can you please join this server It seemed to be people coming and going that caused this bug before. Ethereal is running on the server...
  10. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Wow, Nightmare has managed to get this thread quite active with some interesting people it seems. Thats a good thing!!! We had just about given up on this. As previously stated, if you add your ArmA server to HLSW, it will show a time out when the error happens. On the actual box the Arma server is running fine. IMO, this is clearly something to do with ArmA accepting queries and broadcasting. Nothing to do with Gamespy as the bug can be replicated outside of the internal game browser. BIS, this should be your number 1 priority, if you kill the community you will have nothing going forward. We are happy to assist, let me know what you need to get things moving in a positive way. You can email me direct on andy [at] cybernetic-servers.co.uk for any log files required from ex customer servers that had this problem.
  11. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    I was told by someone that adding the IP address instead of the domain would work. It didn't for us, maybe it will for you guys. Anyone heard anything else?
  12. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Agreed Jack, We have converted two of our Arma customers to other games as they have lost interest since getting this problem. One customer we had to give them a dedicated server to control their server. TC Admin doesn't work with advanced profiles and they needed a way to control their server. All in all, it's not a game we will be pushing hard in the future due to the hassle it has caused us.
  13. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    This is going to seriously damage the pick up of ArmA in the UK. I am suprised they have been so relaxed about the fix tbh. If people cant play online the life span of a game is cut down by so much. Look at Prey, they forgot to make a dedicated server for it from the start, now there are no people playing this game online at all. The window was missed, people move on to new things. ETQW is coming soon, this will kill ArmA stone dead if its not fully up to speed.
  14. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Anything to report NIghtmare? I have voted on the bug page, took my a while to find how to register.
  15. andyb28

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    Damn, thats a real bummer. Was hoping for better news than that