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Everything posted by armatech

  1. OOOO cant wait to test [93680] Optimized: MP: attachTo no longer sends a message when the attachment does not change.
  2. umm well yes please You already have the following the remove the ammo but there is no way to remove the weapons maybe this would be a good solution
  3. the simple answer is make your own map/missions that is why arma is so good you have freedom to make your own content with very little hassle that give your countless hours/months/YEARS of enjoyment
  4. no as i use almost all BIS script commands it renders it pointless
  5. we get this on City Life RPG server also but only if the server has been running for 20+ mins
  6. love the new update cant wait for direct messages to single players
  7. Very true but still would be nice to have a defined path and also would be nice to have an option to force -noFilePatching via the server config on all clients
  8. Would be nice to have a server side config value say allowedscriptpath="some path" this way it will still have the required secrity but will also allow us coders to live debug with it. The all in a PBO form will take so much time to test code it would be silly if(!(isnil "_Derka))then{hintsilent derka derka";}; Errror shut game down change code to if(!(isnil "_Derka"))then{hintsilent derka derka";}; repbo re-launch reload mission error shut game down change code to if(!(isnil "_Derka"))then{hintsilent "derka derka";}; repbo re-launch reload mission success
  9. armatech

    Dedicated Server RPG

    We have full permission from BIS to do so as we disclose all our accounts with them don't drag City Life into your shit
  10. armatech

    BattlEye problems

    This issue is fixed now and the issue is "client not responding" on a mass scale
  11. armatech

    Citylife 2 Released

    New save system added and its now instant saving also the factory now saves
  12. Here is a little demo to test out the rope system http://armatechsquad.com/addonswork/...uth_Asia_H.zip
  13. Here is a little demo to test out the rope system i quickly created with help form this topic http://armatechsquad.com/addonswork/TKOH/ropetest.South_Asia_H.zip
  14. Due to having this model in my archives i have now ported it to A2:OA as a replacement for the Unmanned Little Birds (ULB) Note: This is very much alpha but it works Still needs works help welcomed Engine/Environment sounds http://www.armatechsquad.com/addonswork/RQ8A_FireScout.7z [/url] RQ-8A Fire Scout Alpha v0.0.2 0-0-2 | 02 JUL 2010 | changed tail layout to matcha ref image i found. | shortened rotor blades. | Recreated all lods. | corrected Nohq. | Added demo mission. | Changed display name to match the dialog bis created. | Reworked shoadow lod. | Few other model tweaks.
  15. armatech

    (A2:OA) RQ-8A (FireScout)

    unfortunately not due to other commitments but maybe for arma3
  16. in SP 100% perfect but in MP the sea plane will not float and just blows up on landing/(taking off(sinks))
  17. unfortunately there is no way around it. The reason is simple growing use from image grabbing sites and lack of funds to be on a bigger plan if ya want it removed you just need to support the site. via a donation
  18. Excellent ill look forward to it