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Everything posted by armatech

  1. fix this issue it was battle eye being detected/blocked as a suspect file by my anti virus network. to fix i just allowed it to pass and hey presto no more mp crashes
  2. running 1.11 i can play single player with out issue but as soon as i hit the MP button arma CTD's with out any hints in the RTP on why. I'm gonna uninstall 1.09 and then reinstall 1.11 maybe this will fix it. AT ::edit:: Clean install arma 1.08 updated to 1.11 hit MP can CTD any advise? My RPT file i used My GF pc as i doing work on my rig RPT
  3. armatech

    Developer's Blog

    thanks for the info
  4. armatech

    Bank Building

    nice work I.M.G i like the concept and perfect for a first addon. Keep it up bro
  5. armatech

    Addon Sign Issue

    Ok for a few weeks i installed Vista Pre_SP1 and did not like the performance so i rolled it back to normal Vista since then i have had issue's where i could not sign myaddons I'm using the same key i have always used and that has worked for me before i tested on my girls PC and it works fine but on my vista PC that has worked before with the same setup/Bikey i get this in the log file for each addon i try and sign. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Error description: 8009000b: Key not valid for use in specified state. CPAcquireContext failed I HAVE TRYED: Clean installing all O2 tools by clean i mean i uninstalled all the tools and then went though my REG and removed all entry's relating to BIS tools and also checked all my temp and local settings folders for any files left behind. Dose any one know any more steps i can take to correct this issue?.
  6. OK i have been working on this little project that i hope BIS is OK with to help addon makers locate there pilot and cargo proxies on the model while in O2 viewer. It easy to setup and i hope it helps at least 2 of you lot out there. View readme.txt for simple instructions I left a sample model open "DummyDefault.p3d" for you to make any i missed and i know i missed a few If you need to make your own this a quick how to Ok as i was asked on the BI forum this is how to make your own Best practice setup a. Install All BIS Official Tools 02PE/BinPBO and so on b. Depbo ALL Bis default addons and copy the unpboed folders to your ca folder created at C:\my document's\ArmAWork\ca\ 1. Open the addon Folder with proxies that you depboed before you should look in C:\Users\username\Documents\ArmAWork\ca\Addon_Name\Data\Anim in here you will find the UH60_Pilot.rtm this is the file you need to change the default stance of the character so that he is shaped in a certain way to fit the gunners/pilot seat. 2. Open DummyDefault.p3d file and select window on the top bar and check show animations this will give you the animations panel. 3. Right click on that animations panel and select From Matrices and select the .rtm you picked in step 2 this will then add 3+ animations to the animations panel what i did was then delete all the animations but not the 0.000000 bit when you select this animation step you will see the model change to the shape needed for the proxy in your model. Now look in your model where you would like to view the proxies in the viewer and slow double click the named property and you will see the path required for your addon proxy keep this noted. \ca\temp\proxies\uh_60\pilot 3. Create this file path C:\Users\*user_name*\Documents\ArmAWork\ca\temp\proxies\*Addon_Name*\(with out the *) and save the changed default model to this folder called pilot.p3d.(There will be other names such as driver/gunner/cargo and so on) Enjoy Download Mirrors: armaholic.com
  7. armatech

    Model Proxies Archive

    i know but just wanna be a good boy and ask
  8. armatech

    Model Proxies Archive

    Well thats good to hear Fox lets hope some one from bis can post here to give the OK as i dont wanna break any rules
  9. Hi all. I'm trying to make a set of default arma model Proxies so that the community can have the Tools needed to locate there Pilots/Gunners/Cargo positions within 02PE{oxygen} but I'm having some issues when trying to apply the RTM files to the model so that its set in the UH60 pilot animation. i followed this topic but when i do what is in this topic i get this strange issue Click for full version There must be a way to do this as its annoying having to go in-game and move your pilot/cargo/gunner 1mm down and 3mm left. What i did so far: 1. Get a default bis model (Mlod). 2. Open in O2. 3. Apply the camel pilot RTM file to the animation window from path "\CA\air\Data\Anim\Camel_Pilot.rtm" this action will give me 3 animations each of takes or moves the proxies in the 4 views. 5. Load the view and set the RTM animation. Any help welcome and thanks AT
  10. OK i have only there errors in my RPT for my whole mod they only show up once but i don't like not having clean addons. IS there a way to find the very small normals any tops welcome i would guess its a few points that are at the same location but i don't 100% know this. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Warning: armat_predator\armat_pchela.p3d:0 Face 97, point 118, face points 118,119,117 - very small normal -0,0,-0 Warning: armat_predator\armat_pchela.p3d:0 Face 102, point 122, face points 120,121,123 - very small normal -0,0,-0 <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Warning: armat_predator\armat_predatorb.p3d:0 Face 238, point 215, face points 215,213,214 - very small normal -0,0,-0 Warning: armat_predator\armat_predatorb.p3d:0 Face 241, point 210, face points 210,209,207 - very small normal -0,0,-0 Warning: armat_predator\armat_predatorb.p3d:0 Face 238, point 215, face points 215,213,214 - very small normal -0,0,-0 Warning: armat_predator\armat_predatorb.p3d:0 Face 238, point 215, face points 215,213,214 - very small normal -0,0,-0
  11. armatech

    is there a way to find very small normal

    your a star ill try this soon thanks
  12. OK i have found that on vista fro some reason the tools will only work if you reinstall the tools after reboot after a bit of playing around with every thing i found this simple fix for the restart issue open (Edit) C:\Users\(your user-name)\Documents\ArmAWork\mapdisk.bat and change to this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> @echo off subst p: /D subst p: "C:\Users\"%username%"\Documents\ArmAWork" Note: Change (your user-name) to your PC's login name What this dose is remove the old P:/ and recreate it i have no clue why it fixes it but it dose enjoy You need to right click C:\Users\(your user-name)\Documents\ArmAWork\mapdisk.bat and run as admin
  13. armatech

    ArmA Talon

    They look cool man if needed ill PM you back mate thanks for the offer
  14. armatech

    ArmA Talon

    Just a heads up i have just finished my own model of the talon and when i get soem more time ill skin it and post it up for download. Just a FYI
  15. armatech

    A10 Re-skins Final

    wow at last a real reskin
  16. armatech

    A&B Predator Mod

    yes and point is taken mate i dint mean to sound like i was having a rant at you i like constructive criticism and it can only be good for people to point out issues they see i would like this mod to be the best our team can do so it all good mate. there will be more high detail shots soon it was just WIP shots posted
  17. armatech

    A&B Predator Mod

    the MTS ball is actually a real photo overlay and rapped around as i said it looks better in game and its very balanced also its meant to be up high so the ball would hardly be seen by an human eye. I am getting someone to make a me a movie and i hope this will clear things up for you and in how much detail will  be in it. the main part of this project is the scripts as they make it as true to real life as i can get it.
  18. armatech

    A&B Predator Mod

    ops typo lol. Thanks for pointing that out
  19. armatech

    Addon Sign Issue

    Hi i hope some one can't help me as for some reason i can seem to sign my work any more in the log file this pops up <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Error description: 8009000b: Key not valid for use in specified state. CPAcquireContext failed
  20. armatech

    Addon Sign Issue

    This cant be true as you can only select the privatekey file in binpbo options. its kinda stange as it worked befor then when i tryed it yesterday it went foobar is there any dependents that might be missing that could cause this issue?
  21. armatech

    Addon Sign Issue

    This cant be true as you can only select the privatekey file in binpbo options. its kinda stange as it worked befor then when i tryed it yesterday it went foobar is there any dependents that might be missing that could cause this issue?
  22. armatech

    A&B Predator Mod

    @plaintiff1 what uav are you talking about the small one or the big one
  23. armatech

    A&B Predator Mod

    No comment just wait till its out