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Posts posted by Alpha-Kilo

  1. Dslyecxi: Thanks for your explanation.

    I think that your video is the perfect advertisement for a bundle of Ama2 and TIR5. Is there any plan for that? I'd rather buy an Arma2 and TIR5 bundle than a collector' editon of the game with dog tags and a t-shirt.

  2. I have to say that your video was very impressive. The ArmA footage in high resolution was spectacular. Of course this doesn't say anything about the actual gameplay but the scenery is absoutely amazing.

    I'd like to ask a question about TrackIR, f I may: You advertize the improved situational awareness very well but in your video you never aim through iron sights or scope. Do you have to disable TIR when you bring up the sights? Or, if you don't - how do you align the rifle so that you can aim properly?

  3. I think there is a file called "OFP compatability addon". You can find it on the OAC homepage. Open it and it says you are required to install OFP and Res if you want o play these campaigns in OAC-ArmA. Perhaps is a "proof of ownership" thing, I don't know.

    I have legitimate copies of OFP and Res, but I don't want to waste precious hard disk space on my notebook. Does anybody know whether OFP:R can be deleted after verification?

  4. You might want to try Amazon and similar sites. But not all consumers are unbiased and you have to find ways to decide which source and whose opinion you can trust. This is what I often do:

    If I am too lazy to google for a game-specific forum I usually just read the customer reviews at Amazon. Beside the reviews in text form, they also publish a bar diagram showing the spectrum of views at one glance. This is a nice little feature. Reading as many comments as possible helps to form an opinion. Sometimes it helps to check what a certain user has commented on a game, book or film I already know. If I share his view on some items I am inclined to believe what he has to say about another one. The style of writing and spelling are good indicators for the quality of a comment.

    If I am very interested in a game I don't just read the specific forums but also those of its competitors. (It is interesting to learn what Ford has to say about a GM car, and vice versa.)

    But forums and similar platforms should not be trusted before the product is actually available. I strongly suggest not to base a firm opinion on any product on pre-release "information" of any kind, whatsoever. If it comes from developer, producer or publisher it is nothing but marketing clutter, anyway, and most fan-sites and their allocated forums tend to simply spread the hype. Only after the release of a product fan-sites and user comments become useful.

    By the way, user comments can be extremely valuable if you are not sure when to make the purchase: Has the game in question been published in a state you consider playable or does the developer need some time to patch it before you are willing to pay for it? Does the first patch correct the issues you find important or do you want to wait for another patch? The question of timing can make a difference in terms of money if you have to invest in hardware before you can play.

  5. Quote[/b] ]I still believe that for some reason Berias men just don't fire at me anymore.

    In PB I have not experienced this phenomenon (yet). But in Mr. Murphy's Battle of Ortego the enemies stopped shooting at me. They took cover when I attacked and they performed the search-the-horizon-animation but they did not see me even if was standing right in front of them.

    I just thought I had a faulty download and now I am surprised to read that the same thing happens to other players in other missions, as well.

  6. Thanks for this mission, which has always been one of my favourite missions in OFP and, more recently, in CWR 0.36.

    I think that I like your version even better than the original. The village you chose adds a lot to the experience. Many breached walls, haystacks, open barns, bushes, hills etc. can be used as cover or hiding places. It is possible to steal the car without firing a single shot. Even if this mission is just a "quick'n'dirty import" I will definetely keep it.

    May I suggest something? I think this mission would be even better if the player could choose weather and time of day and if more (preferably all) weapons/explosives were available. Different Weapons require different tactics and this would increase replayability.

  7. @Griffon2-6: Your suggestion to exploit the fact that Joel is a civillian has worked extremely well in several situations (though it may not be realistic to regard a person armed with Kalash as a non-combattant). But this unfair advantage helps to solve some problems in this mission. Thanks for your help.

    @Joel: You bravely attacked a group of enemies while the rest of our squad merely watched you from a safe distance. You passed the test and from now on you are a full member of the team!

  8. To Griffon2-6: Thanks for your help. In one of your previous postings you suggested quite bluntly to murder Joel. This is obviously the way to detatch him permanently from the squad. But is it really necessary to be so drastic? I am sure leehunt27 created Joel for a purpose and the book with the cross on the cover tells us not to interfere with the Creator's plan. But if there is no other way to accomplish the mission...

    To Joel: Griffon2-6 claims that your repeated dis-obediance has been causing considerable delay and this may jeopardize our whole operation. I will not tolerate any trouble-makers on my team but because you are a civillian I will give you a last chance: I'll colour-code you to become a team of your own. If this helps you will be allowed to stay. If not, I am afraid we will have to go on without you. You have been warned!

  9. I'd like to say thank you for this wonderful mission. I like the way the story unfolds with unexpected events. It feels like playing through the plot of a film, but with more freedom.

    Probably it's an ArmA problem, but like some others in this thread I find squad control very difficult. My men sometimes refuse to take weapons or ammunition from dead bodies or from crates. My work-around for this particular problem: I have to take the weapon in question and drop it on the ground. Then I have to order a squad member to this position and tell him to pick up the weapon. Some times this method works and sometimes it doesn't. In any case it is a very time-consuming process. If there is an easier way to do it, I'd be grateful for a hint.

  10. I also enjoyed the stealth/recon challenge and I think this mission serves well as a testing tool for new clan members etc.

    But for training purposes I would welcome an option to show the right solution after calculating the score. This way the candidates could actually learn from their mistakes and find the motivation to practise harder.

  11. Quote[/b] ]2008 ! Who said that ?

    BIS did. Source: www.arma2.com

    I just wonder: Has the release date been postponed yet? It seems that any release info has to be postponed at least two or three times before a game actually appears in the shops. But is it really a good idea to consider buying a game before the publisher has been given the chance to patch it up half a dozen times so that it comes close to the promises made on the box?

    My advice to the topic starter: If your computer can handle ArmA, do buy the gold version. I guess it should be good for at least another year.

  12. No Gemini, you're definetely not the only one who thinks like that. Your idea has already been raised in this thread but unfortunately The.D decided against it because the addons are updated quite frequently and it would be too diffficult to keep an all-in-one version up-to-date.

    I am thinking about a different approach: All addons exist in armaholic's database. Would it be possible to modify Yoma's Addon Synchronizer or a similar tool to synchronize the content of armaholic's addon section with the addons stored on the user's PC? Ideally, the user should be ble to decide which addons he wants to synchronize. In this case, only the addons which are part of the compilation would have to be considered. Perhaps it would be practical to host these addons on a specific server to which the users would have to connect from time to time in order to keep their compilation updated.

    In brief: I am thinking about a way to introduce a kind of "automated updating". Does this make any sense? If so, the mission section might be synchronized in a similar way.

  13. I do agree with Celery: Abbreviations in front of the mission names would be a little dry and if mission names contain enough information the abbreviations would be unnecessary in the first place.

    But the abbreviations would make missions which are similar in terms of gameplay appear next to each other in the list regardless of the mission name. I believe this would make sense and I could tolerate a somewhat dry mission list. And I personally don't think that mission names like "Operation Horseshoe" contain sufficient information.

    But I do see a practical problem: The mission makers may not want to rename their missions. And if they did, many players would have the same mission appear twice in their mission folder. This confusion would certainly be counterproductive.

    A possible solution may be a simple Excel sheet which contains the mission name and the abbreviations in different columns. Sorting the Excel sheet by column would help locating a specific mission type and mission makers would not have to worry about regulations for mission names.

    Does this sound like a good idea?

  14. I'd like to discuss these thoughts:

    1. A similar standard could also be used for SP-missions. The first abbreviation might be SP for Single Player and than mission types could be described, such as TL for Team Leader,

    TM for Team Member TS for Teamswitch, SO for Solo, D for Day mission, N for night mission, etc.

    2. It should be a rule that readme files should bear the same as the mission plus the word "readme".

    "sp_tl_ts_d_missionname_v1-03b.sara.readme" would be the readme file for a Sp-mission, You play as team leader. Teamswitch is enabled. It is daytime. This is follwed by the mission name and version number.

    Would this be useful?

  15. I think that mission-making is about unorthodox ideas and twisted plots which keep the audience entertained in an intelligent way. I welcome missions and campaigns which can be discussed controversely because of the stories they tell.

    Mission-making should not be a competition in political correctness because in works of fiction p. c. tends to lead to boring and repetitive stories.

    Regardless of whether there is any anti-Americanism in "The Cause" or not, you should be able to make the next part exactly the way you want it to be. If some of your characters (who don't necessarily represent your opinion) might hurt anybody's feelings, you could easily write an appeasing readme. Or you could make an ironic statement by rephrasing a complicated legal disclaimer which has to be accepted before playing your campaign.

  16. The German/Morphicon version of Arma originally contained 9 single player missions. Patch 1.08 added mission 10: "Blood, Sweat and Tears" (which had been exclusive to 505 prior to 1.08) and the library which also bears the number 10. Using the same number twice seemed a little unorthodox and I suspected I made a mistake when I installed the patches.

    I checked the forum to clarify this matter and to my surprise I saw that the international versions of ArmA appearantly have a still different way of numbering the missions. "Blood, Sweat and Tears" is mission number 13 and the Atari mission "Devil's Cross" is mission number 14. Now I am a little curious: How many single player missions do exist in the various versions of ArmA?

    This little table illustrates the situation:


    01: Konvoi-Hinterhalt...........

    02: Reinigungsoperation........

    03: Lieferjunge....................

    04: Kampfhubschrauber........

    05: Nächtlicher Angriff.........

    06: Eiserne Faust................

    07: Alligator........................

    08: Schlachtfelder................

    09: Kommandant..................

    10: Blood, Sweat and Tears...

    10: Die Bibliothek.................

    11: n/a..............................

    12: n/a..............................

    13: n/a...............................B, S & T (see German No. 10)

    14: n/a...............................Devil's Cross (exclusive to Atari)

    I would appreciate if someone would be so kind to list the content of the SP mission folder.

  17. @ Potatomasher:

    You should have asked if the new patch will be published before American release.

    Seriously: Patch 1.05 is expected after the 505-release but before the end of February. It is speculated that this delay is meant to satisfy 505 as they advertise certain "exclusive" features. The delay grants them one or two weeks of exclusivity before Czech and German versions can be patched to the same level.

  18. @ Mobius

    A very good idea to ask a helicopter pilot for his comment!

    I once had a chance to talk with a professional pilot about realism in flight sims. This discussion was about real life fixed wing aircraft and their counterparts in MS-FlightSim, so I won't go into detail but this might be interesting:

    The pilot considered flight sims actually harder to fly than rl aircraft because certain sensations were not (or not properly) implemented in games. He mentioned things like the weight of the aircraft, vibrations, the feeling of the joystick, certain issues with limited viewing, wind, clouds. etc.

    He thought the best way to compensate all this in games was - you might guess it - a significantly simplified flight model.

    It would be interesting to know the opinion of your pilot colleague about this. By the way, if your pilot is kind enough to actually try out ArmA, it would be good to know what kind of controllers he uses: keyboard and mouse, a normal joystick, a flight stick with separate throttle and pedals, perhaps even Track IR?

  19. I also think it is time to ask BIS for an official statement about which bugs they are going to fix in the near future and which features they are planning to add to the game, if any. The thread "ArmA News" might serve this purpose.

    Such an official statement or - even better - a Q&A session with the community could probably stop most of the "whining" which basically is just the repeated mentioning of bugs to which BIS has obviously chosen not to reply at present.

    Fortunately, the talented members of this community have already begun to fix some of the biggest issues. If BIS would decide to communicate its plans, this might save the modders a lot of unneccessary work.

    Apart from the discussion of numerous bugs and promised but omitted features there is still huge potential in ArmA because of its unique game concept and its mod-friendly structure. Most OFP fans are aware of this and are probably willing to simply wait for the communinty to put things right. Only the casual gamer in his ignorance might still believe that this should be done by the manufacturer prior to selling the product for money. The casual gamer would certainly benefit from a less restrictive information policy by BIS.

    By the way - those who keep posting that BIS is already working on a patch, or that the programmers themselves are not satisfied with the current flight model, etc. - would you mind saying on which information these postings are based?

    My personal opinion on the matter is: Every product may be faulty, every human being may make mistakes or rush a job under pressure, etc. These things happen and they can be justified and rectified if the communication between supplier and customer works well. In this forum and many others the customers have shown their willingness to communicate and offered their help and cooperation in many ways - now the ball is definetely on BIS' side of the field...

  20. Lordhorus:

    It has been said many times that copy protection is the job of the publisher, not the developer. Thus different publishers may indeed choose different methods.

    According to various community websites the German publisher Morphicon confirmed that the copy protection (of the German version) will be Securom. This started a fierce debate on the forums. Many of those who posted their opinion said that Securom would be almost as destructive to hardware as Starforce. Others claim that the latest version of Securom would not cause any trouble. In order to be on the safe side you might want to get a spare DVD-burner and see if you need it.

    Morphicon confirmed that blood will be in the German version. But don't worry, it should be possible to disable blood in the options menu.
