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Posts posted by Alpha-Kilo

  1. fideco,

    Thanks for the reply. I already know the profile you indicated and I agree that it is one of the best. But what exactly are the "minor tweaks" you made to improve it?

    A lot of time and effort is wasted because every user of voice control software has to do the same tweaking. I am trying to summarize the knowledge of the experts in a way that new users can easily make a good and complete profile.

    My list includes some questions about certain commands and menu options. Your tweaks might be have the answer to some of the questions. I'd really appreciate your help.


    Are you by any chance looking for "mute.zip"? It mutes your in-game voice and suppresses the repetition of the commands you give via voice control. Some users say that this repetition is a good thing because it helps to verify if a command was issued correctly. Here is a link: http://soundscapes.cozywebhost.com/stuff/mute.zip

    If the link doesn't work I cn send you the file by email.

  2. Mad Russian,

    I agree with you as far as single player missions are concerned: If an intro is good, it's nice to watch it - otherwise it can be frustrating. And 5 seconds is too short to tell a story (apart from Cymbal and "Fire!").

    I don't know what makes a good intro but I know what makes a poor one: Boring stereotypes which remind us of old Hollywood B-movies. And long battles filmed from strange camera positions. And scenes which appear random and out of sequence.

    Another problem is language: If you don't understand the intro it becomes frustrating frustratingly quick - even if it is made well and contains important info and everything! That's why I am quite sure that most or all intros/cutscenes will be skipped when we play this mission in my group. Even the short intro to "Behind enemy lines" was skipped.

    To Laggy: If you intend to include German subtitles or dubbing I volunteer. Just send me a PM!

  3. Laggy,

    your idea sounds like a very challenging mission. Challenging to make and challenging to play.

    The problem with intros is that the mission makers seem to like them a lot, but most players want to start playing as soon as possible. If you want to make a lengthy intro to your next mission, you might want to provide an incentive for watching it: The intro could reveal some information which is not presented in the briefing. (A simple example: You have to search and destroy an enemy camp. The briefing says: The camp can be anywhere. But in the intro you could see the camp in the forest with a castle in the background. Now you know where to look.)

    If an intro is made well, I will watch it once or twice, but what I don't like is an outro. I would rather walk around the area after completing a mission. ArmA2 with the modules and the dialogue system is perfect for free roaming without a specific task. After "Behind enemy lines" I could imagine to start a little punitive expedition but the mission is not designed this way.

    In your next mission you could let the player choose which ending he wants: Suppose an officer congratulates the character on the successful completion of the mission. Then, the player may walk to a tent --> end mission or he walks to an ammo crate and chooses fresh gear --> start free roaming. At any time he can return to the base to either pick up more ammunition or to go to his tent and exit the mission.

  4. Tap your "center" key to confirm your looking the same way as your moving.

    Is there a way to "center" the Trarck IR the other way round? Can you configure a key to make your body turn to where you look? I think this would make the orientation much easier.

  5. My favourites are single player missions. Some of the best have been mentioned already. I also like coop missions with up to six slots, simply because I usually play online in a small group. Some of these missions can also be played successfully in SP mode, which is a bonus.

  6. Reaper,

    I daresay, this was luck. My group also tried to take a truck and we were spotted by an APC. We dismounted and hid in a village before the APC could shoot. One of us destroyed the APC but there was a skirmish with a few enemies who engaged us on foot.

    After this fight we continued our journey with the truck. On a narrow road in a forest we were attacked by a UAZ with a machinegun. This time most of our team were shot down immediately. I was the medic. In this role I avoided the confrontation and jumped off the truck at the first sight of the enemy. I was lucky to make it into the safety of the trees. Soon I was the only survivor. I tried to shoot the gunner but I was killed by a second UAZ I had not even seen.

    This was our last attempt to beat this mission using vehicles. The engine sound makes it too difficult to check for enemies. We found hiking and hiding worked better for us. Perhaps I would try it with bicycles if there were any at our disposal, but certainly not with engine-powered vehicles.


    Good to see your ban has been lifted!

  7. In the German version which I own there is definitely no option to change all dialogue to English, neither during installation nor in the game.

    It works like this: Any written information (manual, briefings, subtitles etc.) is in German. Dialogue is in the language of the speaker. The locals speak "Chernarussian" which is either real Czech or a generic dialect of Czech designed to make the language sound a little different. (Not sure about the Czech, though. I don't speak the language but I read different statements - you will know better.)

    In other threads on this forum some people ask for all English dialogue because they don't want to read subtitles all the time. There are some inconsistencies, however: Russian soldiers acknowledging orders call their officer "Sir" and injured Russian soldiers say in English "Oh, that hurts!". Someone who speaks Russian complained the quality of the Russian language in the game is very poor. The American English of the USMC sounds good but some people complain that the voice actors aren't soldiers which makes some of the phrases and the radio chatter unrealistic.

    I'd like to know your opinion about the Czech used in your version of the game. Do Americans and Russian really speak Czech? Are the words and phrases realistic? Can you identify "Chernarussian" as an existing Czech dialect?

  8. How can it be that you can't use the red-dot sight on the G36, is that a balancing issue? I mean, would the weapon be too good if you had both telescopic sights and red-dot?

    You might want to search for Burns' G36 fix. This addon lets you use both sights. The active sight depends on your firing mode: Single shots = telescopic, burst and auto = red dot.

  9. American side is kind of boring to me, i much prefer the russian side. Just give them strong english russian accents. But the option to choose language in game options will fix any issues about it been hard to tell enemy or foe amd everyone would be happy having the preference to choose.

    What a terrible situation: American side is boring and Russians speak a foreign language. If this is your only problem with this game you should consider yourself lucky!

    You are basically asking BIS to record these voices again. I don't think they will do it but then again - they might have just been waiting for someone to make this suggestion so that they have something to do.

  10. [quote name=vasmkd;1380537 Why do the russians speak russian in the game when i have a 505 uk version in Australia?

    It's pretty hard to understand ur teammates in editor missions. U can't understand them if u don't read the subtitles and this is a major disadvantage' date=' especially if ur playing as russians and being shot at/trying to shoot someone etc. Its distracting if u have to read it, especially while action is hot.[/quote]

    I also find reading subtitles distracting in the heat of the battle, but I am pretty sure that the language system will be kept as it is. The workaround is to play on the American side. By the way, in ArmA1 everybody spoke English and that sometimes made it hard to tell friend from foe.

    Also noticed that when my russian soldier was hurt he said "my f$#king leg" in english.
    I noticed the same thing and I absolutely hate it! This inconsistency spoils the atmosphere, is unrealistic and denies us the opportunity to learn some Russian swear words.

  11. To me the faction I play in a campaign is not important. This is a game and the story is all that matters. The only possible disadvantage I see in the Russian perspective is the language. In ArmA2 everybody speaks in their own language so I guess you will use subtitles in your campaign.

    I don't have anything against subtitles in a film but in a game I find them distracting. Assuming that the Russian-speaking part of the community has every right to feel similarly this obviously is not a very good argument, just a selfish opinion.

  12. I also don't like to play with the DVD in the drive and considered buying the download version of ArmA2 but reading about the problems so many had and the "help" they received from the call centres made me buy the boxed version instead.

    I can accept the way BIS has handled this matter so far, but the idea of letting the original DVD create the validation would be an improvement. As long as just the DVD and the PC are involved and no external servers are needed I am all for it.

  13. I have completed 0.95 in single player mode. As I said before, I lost several men at the beginning of the game. For me, this was the most difficult phase of the mission. After that, not much happened and I reached safety as a fire team leader instead of a squad leader.

    I used forests and hills as cover and avoided enemy contact as much as possible. My men were issued the "hold fire" command. Before crossing open spaces I carefully scanned the area from a concealed position and then we dashed into the safety of the next forest. I followed this routine until we reached the base. For me this version was very similar to 0.92 even though I chose a different route. This time I approached the base via the village in the northeast.

    After reading that this version was supposed to be more difficult than its predecessors, I expected at least some enemy presence at the end of the mission. Even a weak enemy might have at least have a few spotters watch the base. Some enemy groups lying in wait of possible convoys or targets of opportunity would also seem believable. A strong enemy might even have roadblocks on the main road and/or some tents with reinforcements in the area. The friendlies might send out patrols to secure the vicinity of the base. This kind of activity would provide an additional challenge to the group. Some of it may have to be scripted and randomized with Kronsky's patrol script or similar means. An option to skip a few hours and try and sneak into the base after nightfall might also be worth considering - though I personally don't like night missions in the ArmA world except in full moon - always on the 15th of a month in the ArmA2 world.

    Something strange happened at the end: I approached the officer and ended the mission. This time, no "weird talk", thanks for changing that. The outro was strange, though.

    With the survivors of my team I was facing the body bags of those who had not made it home. A helicopter was waiting. We saluted the fallen.

    Suddenly I heard machine gun fire and two of my survivors were shot down. As this was the outro I had no control. I was not hit and the mission ended.

    Then, I remembered that when I pushed the middle mouse button to report to the officer a voice called out an enemy APC. I had seen one during my final approach. It had not been able to shoot at us but it may have spotted and followed us. But there were so many armed vehicles and friendly soldiers in the base that I did not consider this single APC a threat and decided to end the mission. Could this APC ruin the outro or was this one the surprises of version 0.95?

    Criticizing the uneventful part of the mission may be unjustified because the mission relies on the modules - perhaps I was just lucky or the extra difficulties were programmed to happen in areas which I chose to avoid. I must also say that a serious battle would surely have obliterated my team because I am not good at commanding AI. And a feeling of suspense is always there, even if nothing happens. This makes this mission a favourite.

  14. nominesine,

    I tested version 0.92 with only human players except the pilot. It was challenging and we needed a little more than an hour to reach the base.

    Last night I started version 0.95 as single player and after half an hour I had already lost most of my team. My current position is roughly 2 km northwest of the crash site, just before crossing a foot path and reaching a forest. I guess I won't be able to make it to safety.

    I find it incredibly hard to control the AI efficiently and I prefer to play team missions with humans. This one is no exception.

  15. nominesine,

    please give Laggy my regards. We played the mission and it was not laggy at all. From reading the forum threads we knew what to expect so we survived the first skirmishes and made it to relative safety. After approximately 50 minutes someone said: "We are making good progress and the mission is not very hard." 30 seconds later we were all dead.

    So we played again, this time more carefully and it took us one hour and 7 minutes to reach the base. Our medic was killed at the beginning of the mission but we did not have any more casualties.

    The best thing about this mission is that it really forces the players to play in a slow and disciplined way and fully concentrated at all times. We are definitely going to play it again and I will also try it in SP mode.

    We noticed something strange at the end of the mission: Our group reached the base and we approached the officer who was standing next to his desk. He said: "I will only tell you my name, rank and serial number." as if we were enemies capturing him. But then we heard the music and a message informed us of the successful completion of the mission. Did we trigger the wrong ending somehow or is the officer supposed to say this sentence?

  16. Meanwhile I have played version 1.2 and I'd like to say thank you for this mission and the update. Everything worked well, including the jets and guiding the bombs to their targets. I am glad about the choice of weapons and I used the Mk 12 sniper rifle, this time.

    While I am typing this, I am thinking it would be good to carry some satchels which can be used as backup in case the jets fail to deliver the bombs for some reason. I don't remember if satchels are in the ammo box, though.

    In the current version you made the "farm" a separate mission goal. I must confess, I completely ignored the farm when I first played the mission. Knowing that the farm was used as a garrison I expected to poke into a beehive with my first shot at the sentry, but then I found the place disappointingly under staffed. But then, the inhabitants of the garrison might have been tasked to defend the village. So, please take this as an opinion, not as a complaint. I really think your mission is very good as it is.

  17. I read this thread and the one at OFPEC. Unfortunately I cannot download it from OFPEC.

    The mission directory doesn't list a single entry for ArmA2. For ArmA1 and OFP missions and campaigns are listed. Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to register for ArmA2? I searched the forum at OFPEC but I didn't find any help. Could someone please tell me how to use the OFPEC website?

    This is a general request and not related to this particular mission which I have found at Armaholic. If it is too much off-topic, please simply disregard this posting.
