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Everything posted by alext223

  1. Thank you so ever Freaking much! D/L'n now, keen to see what it looks like from the air. Just need some AusCam troops and Etc, etc.......
  2. Thanks for the game BI! Don't know who will take the credit for the game in '11 though. P.S. Oh those specs make me laugh!
  3. alext223

    [GUIDE] AI Squad Command

    Good work there. Should help a few people out there.
  4. I'm happy ArmA2 is a CD key. Not the biggest fan of online activation, Empire: TW was the first game I've owned that requires steam or such to play, and it was the first game that I've ever played that is unplayable. Considered my self lucky if I, not the game, returned to the desktop! But I'm sure it isn't steams fault, it was just the first time I've had to use them. I just don't like the Idea that I can't install a game that I paid full price for (Mostly at release too.) and require a 3rd party to play it. But it is there for a reason, secure their income. The rest of my games never a serious problem. (And BI, always reliable from '01!)
  5. alext223

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I have had couple of ctd's and multiplayer has laged and dropped out on me a few times. Don't know how the AI will behave with my plans in the editor, (Herd helicopters are still the same, but haven't tried for myself yet.) But overall, very happy with the game. Thanks BI.
  6. alext223

    Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear 10th Birthday

    Ahhhh, and old classic. Makes me feel old to think when I first played it. Heck still got the cd's! Think the graphics would come as a shock though.
  7. Thank You! Now to just Un-PBO a few more files and I will be able to peel myself from MP and back to the good ol' editor.
  8. alext223

    Arma 2 Weapon Ranging and Correction Tables

    Very useful! Thank you.
  9. alext223

    RCIR - UN Peacekeepers

    Thanks for this! Add some more depth to a mission or two.
  10. When I picked up the game retail at EB games, the clerk asked me about the game, my answer was "The best war nut game around. And the editor, streuth! Go to the wiki and keep scrolling!" Playing solider since '01 and plan to keep it that way. TBH, I hope BI survive OFP2 onslaught, Codemasters ain't selling a sim like VBS or SB pro, besides for the looks, we just have to wait and see. Bout time I got off MP! Happy hunting!
  11. Ripper! Thanks mate! Looking forward to the later versions.
  12. alext223

    steel panthers MBT

    Still have the cd's of SP 2 modern battles and SP 3 brigade command. Pity they don't work.
  13. alext223

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    Very cool map dude! A definite CWR map! Just how many tanks can I fit on the map and still get a decent FPS? Cheers man. Keep up the good work. Alex.
  14. alext223

    Scariest/Most atmospheric game

    My three games 1. Diablo 2. Doom 3. Quake Sorry if I am showing my age, but nothing has come close to the experience those games gave me. ( Crysis is up there, and the Total War series have a home on my HDD. And how could I forget, ArmA! ) It just seems to be the same stuff over and over for me. Just a bit more dressed up each time.
  15. alext223

    Luckiest man alive?

    Pardon the pun, but He just missed out on a Darwin award!!!!
  16. alext223

    Estimated Min. Computer Requirements

    Bummer! Upgrade time! Ahhhh, things to look forward to.
  17. alext223

    TrueMods - 2nd Release

    Well, an idea that I have to solve the ammo counter problem is: Just have it turn on in the gear screen. Easy. ( I hope. ) How to do it, I can't say, thats up to rg7621. ( Mate. Really like your work. Makes SP a bitch to play! Just need an idea so I can go to work with the editor. ) @ andersson: Dude, you are right Thats why I think the gear screen would be the beat place for it. Still takes you time.
  18. alext223

    TrueMods - 2nd Release

    Been using the "true range" for a while now, ( Stuffed up a few SP missions I made ) but worked my around them and can't play the game without it. Looking forward to the rest. cheers dude. alext223. Oh, & to andersson, are there bullet counters on modern rifles? Ummmmm, Ahhhhhhh......
  19. alext223

    t5th Internet Cable Cut

    HEY! When governments tax your booze and smokes to the high heavens, you tend to have too much time to think. And drugs are illegal in most countries too. But those make you even more paranoid. Hummmm.
  20. alext223

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    To Universal: A Australian PC mag ( PC Power Play ) just reviewed a Sapphire HD 2600 XT AGP card ( Not an ATI fan, so, not sure if the card is good or bad. ) . They gave it 3.5/ 5 rating. Not sure if they have the review on their web page, but at least it gives you somewhere to start looking. Happy hunting. alext223
  21. alext223

    Staff Sergeant (SSgt.)

    Why not just increase the scale of ranks that are present at the squad level. I mean, thats what the game is based on. Right? Heck! Even I'd like a few more classes of sarge's to help things along. I mean, they are the backbone of every army. Col. David H. Hackworth (Ret.) thinks so.
  22. alext223

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    WOW! I couldn't breath while watching vid! That is amazing! I could just barely believe my eyes! And I'm still having troubles! You guys are doing a FANTASTIC job with you talents in your spare time! Hope you guys can find more spare time in your lives to get where you want to get with your work. Waiting for the day when this moves to the :Complete thred. In good time. In good time...... Later!
  23. alext223

    t5th Internet Cable Cut

    I think it would be fair to say that most of us don't have any idea as to what caused it. My guess, either a fishing trawler or some power that be, is, pardon the pun, testing the waters. To what ends? Your guess is as good as mine. But if all this was just "shit happening", the data from this could be useful to somebody, somewhere, sometime.
  24. alext223

    1st Infantry Division

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! MUMMY! They're not playing nice! They won't let me play with their toys! But seriously, WOW/ drool. The screen shot of the three on the roof and the A-10 in my new wallpaper! Awesome! Cam! Mate! Get a PO box set up so we can all send you beer in thanks! Think of how much you will get!! Happy hunting yall! alext223. BTW: That image makes a great wallpaper!