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Everything posted by almanzo

  1. So far, no one has even mentioned one very important thing that needs to be considered when talking about big cities. How stupid would a metropolian area feel, without a decent amount of AI civillians, vehicles and so forth? For mission makers who have used the civillian module and the civillian vehicle module, you know how much this lags the game. Imagine the amount of civillians needed for a whole city. I don't see how this is relevant for ARMA. ARMA is a battlefield simulator, depicting grand scale warfare. It would of course be cool to have cities, but there is more than enough of other stuff to fix, before even thinking about doing something about urban warfare.
  2. Hi! I am very new to scripting. Like, brand new. Haven't really written any code exept a basic course in Delphi many years ago. I get how languages work, but I am not familar with common commands and are a bit slow. Now, I have started with a campain. I have been thinking about doing so for a long time. It is for now not a usual campain, simply a string of MP missions to play with my coop group. I am working with my first mission atm. So, here comes my question. What I want to have done is this: One of the objectives given to the players, are to free their leader, who are held captive by opfor and are scheduled to be executed after 15 minutes after the game starts. For now, I have two triggers for this. I have named the leader "lead", and on mission start, he is set as captive. When the time runs out, the first thing that happens, after 900 seconds, is that the officer starts to say a speech with the say command. I have even managed to have him lipsync while talking. :D Another trigger is set to run after 949 seconds, and this trigger sets the lead unit to not be captive anymore. Now comes my question. Is there a way to have both of these actions be in the same trigger. is it possible to do something like this (I am not writing code now, just how I imagine the code :P) So, I have used the basic condition maker in the trigger, so timeout 900 on everybody. then this comes in the on act: "man1 say ["pang",5], then add 51 then lead setcaptive false"
  3. And now I've tried the script, and it worked as I wanted it to. I have one question though. Why is the "spawn" command needed? Why can't you have the script look like this: _man1 say ["pang",5]; sleep 51; _lead setcaptive false; What is it that the spawn does. Isn't the "sleep" command what I was looking for? I want to wrap my head around how it works. The link to the wiki didn't really help me that much. Though, I might just be stupid :P
  4. Thank you very much Demonized! I'm finding this to be very much fun. Arma has recruited a new mission maker :P
  5. almanzo

    Behind the scenes...

    PM me as well, please! =)
  6. almanzo

    possible bug?

    I am currently doing a review of ARMA: Cold War Assault, to bring new players into our lovely universe. But I will still try to be as honest as I can. In one of the first missions, I encountered two bugs. The mission is "flashpoint", and the same thing happens everytime. The helicopter that I am not in, crashes into some trees every single time. And just before my commander have gathered all his troops at the tree to give a short briefing, one of the soliders spot a BMP, and then they just idle. Becouse of the change of state (now they are in aware or something like that), they don't trigger the "briefing" trigger, and the soliders get stuck on idle. The game does not freeze, but the soliders just stand there, doing nothing instead of getting the briefing. Whats up with that?
  7. almanzo

    possible bug?

    1.99 Updated from game of the year edition.
  8. almanzo

    CWR² Demo

    I have four, and three of them are in their plastic GTOY :D Enough bragging, I have to be blunt, I do not understand the ticket-thingie, so I post my issues here: Montignac I had to skip by the oh so brilliant next mission cheat becouse it was unplayable. Both AT soliders stopped moving completely, one on his knee, the other standing just beside him. The rest of my squad was just lurking around, doing nothing. The truck drove off without us in it, and nothing happened. I guess it's due to the town not being fully cleared, but I searched for a LOOOONG time. Same thing with the mission where the resistance forces should save you. They kill off the baddies, and when finish, they just stand around. Nothing happens, and I tried to sweep the immidiate area without luck. I bet the trigger shoots in when the enemy present=not true, but if so, the area is set to large, it doesn't really need to be very big tbh. And I have the same AI issue as others have. Don't remember what mission it was, but after clearing a town, it get's overrun, and you are supposed to flee by heading back to the truck and drive off. All of my team started buddy jumping towards the truck, exept the AT who obviously had been issued an order to take out one of the tanks. He never came, and the rest of the team spend ages before reaching the truck. Had to cheat my way through that mission as well. If there is some way to make the AI understand that the area is clear, it might solve the last issue. And I really don't understand why the AI don't issue a "fall back" command on AT troops. AT troops have been the issue all the time. Some trigger figgeling needs to be done. Oh, and by the way! Love the fact that you use the old menu from OFP ;) But finally, I just want to say: Guys... I LOVE you! I have no idea of how many times I've played this campain in OFP, but it's replay value is by far the highest in my over 15 years of gaming. This make it shine again, and I LOVE it! Thank you so much for an awsome effort in bringing back the industries most beutifull pearl. Finally, it's hard to hit something again :P
  9. almanzo

    Caring about the Player

    I would say that they actually accomplished that with Cold War Crisis. You started off as a grunt, and as the story progressed, the challanges did as well. You were intruduced to new gameplay elements all the time in OFP. First different weapons, (and being a part of a 8-10 man troop was awsome!), then different ground vehicles like trucks and jeeps, then leading, then tanks, then tank platoon leading, then helis, then airplanes. Then soloing. I do like a challange. My main issue is that sometimes the challanges are a bit off scale. Four guys should never really have to fend of an entire squad, as they had to do in PMC for instance. Make the engagements realistic, give options on how to engage (flee, retreat, flank etc) and make it exiting.
  10. To be totally honest, from my point of view (or rather listen), the sounds in ARMA are much closer to what it feels and sounds like to fire a gun, than COD and BF. My experience with guns is limited to the HK A3G3, but it compares to ARMA way more than any other game. For one, ARMA II is really the only game that focuses so much on the sound reflection (aka echo). Its really rather nice to hear. I was wearing ear protection everytime I was shooting. COD and BF just sound like movies.
  11. almanzo

    They better have female soldiers...

    The Norwegian army have female soldiers in the army, among storm troopers, among standard infantry, the second battalion, the engineers and so forth. For us, it would be unthinkable to deny women the ability to join the army, but it's only men who can be "forced" to serve.
  12. almanzo

    New expansion?

    The gamespot article on ARMA 3 says this: "Arma 3 will be the first new installment in the series since 2009's well-regarded Arma II. The studio released a stand-alone expansion for that game, Operation Arrowhead, in June 2010, and a second is planned for release next month." http://www.gamespot.com/news/6314587.html?tag=updates%3Beditor%3Ball%3Btitle%3B1 Can someone confirm this?
  13. almanzo

    ArmA3 scenario first look

    I agree with you 100%. There is no question, I am going to buy ARMA III, but my expectations for the campain is rather low, I hate the hero approach. The grunt in a large scale war made OFP the gem it is, same with resistance. BI campains have been dissappointing since ARMA 1, so my hopes are not really high, but who cares, we will have CWR2 and maybe CWR3 anyways :P I buy the new game for the new engine, so that I can enjoy coop with even more immersion. But I really, really miss a good campain, I feel the story telling potential in ARMA II and future ARMA III isn't exploited as it could have been. So far, they've been mostly show off of new tech. Anyways, it'll be better than all of the other shooters. Can't say that I've played a decent FPS or tactical shooter campain for a long time really.
  14. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Lol, two norwegians responding to the same claim at the exact same time... :P funny ^^
  15. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    No, these are real hacks by a real hacker group. Different name, these are "Iranian" and ours are "persian" ;)
  16. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    another significant breakthrough with this one is simple. In the interview, the subjects admits to be BI developers. This could be seen as the first "official" statement from BI that this is their doing, so they can't continue to claim that they are being under attack. It's not that I have had any doubts about the fact that this is them. The reason I am posting this is because it tells me that the official reveal of what this project is, is very very close. I suspect the next "hack" to be the official announcement.
  17. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    http://www.file-extensions.org/draw-file-extension the .draw is a vector file.
  18. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    the 10 year anniversary of OFP CWC is upon us, and we have no idea whats going on...
  19. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Secret development running alongside ARMA2 updates and DLC's? There has been a lot of talk about a new game now, BIS people ARE reading the thread. They must have thought that the magnitude of a scheme like this could trigger such a rumor. If it was indeed false, or this was not as big as the things looks like wouldn't it be wize of BI to call it off or to reveal it... Or at least issue a statement that this is not true?
  20. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I translated "We are watching you." from English to Farci and this came up: ما نظاره گر شماست. It doess not resemble the Farci line in the e-mail our dear web admin got... And he has not responded on the requests to copy-paste the letters. Either way, we need someone to be able to read farci to tell us what it spells, or rather we need our admin here to paste it or translate it in a translater. For the record, google translate doesnt do Farci... The original e-mail can be found here: http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/6994/p8h8email.jpg It seems the farci there means something completely different than "we are watching you"... Any iranian fans following this thread?
  21. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yeah, I guess you are right. I got a little enthusiastic I guess... But still, doesn't the subject of the e-mail say something at all? Maybe that we should play around with the formatting or something? I just don't want to overlook anything, while at the same time admitting that I got a little to much worked up over my find :P I've considered this thing way out of my league the whole time, and when I thought I actually had figured something out after all, I kind of went up in the sky :P My heart was beating as hell :P
  22. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I am sorry for over posting, but I've read into the puretext website, and it seems the software only strips away formating on the text so I guess it's not the software. But I really can't see that this is a coincidence. The subject of the e-mail was pure text, a google search for it gives the webadress http://www.stevemiller.net/puretext and the last hack gave us the name miller? It's rather unrealistic that all this is just a coincidence, don't you all think? What about the other software pieces steve miller has made, anything useful for this purpose? http://stevemiller.net/apps/
  23. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Downloading the software puretext from the personal site of Steve MILLER RIGHT NOW, Come on guys!
  24. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It was THE TITLE!!! First hit on google searching for "pure text" points to STEVE MILLERS HOMEPAGE!!!!! Try that on google! I am actually contributing! Yay! http://www.google.no/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=pure+text http://stevemiller.net/puretext/
  25. almanzo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Mine... In addition, it was automatically marked as important by google mail, as it stated "marked important because it was aimed at you personally" or something like that under details. Another thing suggesting it is unique for each person. Also, the subject "Pure text" can mean something... edit: And it very much resembles a hand, grabbing something. What if it is a character of some sort?