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Everything posted by ade_mcc

  1. PC Gamer (UK) has their "100 best games of all time" in the Spetember edition, ie. available to buy in August. Last year, OFP was #22 or so (I started a thread on the subject) and I doubt with the recent hype, it will have dropped by many places if at all. - Famous last words! Didn't OFP have little to no publicity in the States, with the majority of sales in the rest of the world? Hence the lack of mention in PC Gamer (US).
  2. ade_mcc

    Replacement Packs

    The new (and very exciting) FFUR 5.0 pack should be out soon with many interesting features; The new EECP shouldn't be too long with ECP1.080 almost (hopefully) done; and Y2K3 version 7.2 has just been released, You can't really go wrong with any of these fine packages.
  3. ade_mcc

    Dynamic Afghanistan

    Had great fun playing this mission last night. Followed the readme pretty closely (always good to keep close to hand! ). Met the CO and got my first mission! Lept in the first helecopter I came to, radio'd the Insertion command, chose my destination and had a lovely view of another helecopter leave without me :-( Okay lessons learnt, restarted and radio'd the Insertion command whilst still on foot. Got picked up and got blown up en-route. Ah well, another fatality of war... But learning quickly. Third go and success! A routine patrol turns nasty but with the height advantage we quickly slaughter the rebles. I arrange to be taken back and the CO is complementary enough. Bit of rest and the save option is available! But I can't save - im playing on basic mode. Hmmm, not sure what the difference between basic and advanced is but I flick to advanced and save and fall asleep. real life sucks big style but weekend soon! So more of the same tonight. But questions! (and I scanned through all 27 pages so far so hopefully I wont repeat too much if at all). 1 - Do patrols always run into opposition? One quick go this morning had me patrol for around a minute before being told that all was okay and I could RTB. Was this due to no opposition, or maybe because I took so long to get there? Deliberate or bug? 2 - One evacuation had the helo attacked and downed before it had reached me (out of sight). So I radio'd again and another helecopter came instead with no enemy encounter. Is this attack random or not and if not can I do anything to stop the second helo being attacked again. For example, change my evacuation point or use waypoints to have the helo rescue me from another direction? Have I been penalised for loosing a helo? 3 - I read earlier that with the different mission types and locations, there are 68 individual missions. When I restart from scratch, am I equally likely to do any one of these 68 missions, or are some saved for days 4 for example? 4 - Are similar missions (in single player mode) taking place on the island at the same time as me. Or to elaborate is there any point where I would be on the way to a mission, only to get asked assistance to help another patrol near by? Or might I see any other action going on from just flying around? Probably not and probably big lag if this is the case! 5 - Just what is the difference between basic and advanced? These questions by the way are just because I am curious - I've never ever played an OFP mission/campaign quite like this and im really quite excited and keen to see how far this developes. I cant code and I cant make models so i'll just play test anything that is made available. Keep up the good work Honchoblack and all fellows associated!
  4. ade_mcc

    game upgrade?

    Presumably Rembo, you are re-installing so not having the disk at all is a real problem. (I think you need the disk to hand whilst upgrading if you were to get all the way to 1.96). As Clausewitz said, the GOTY edition is probably your best bet depending on your area ~ Å10 Sterling and for a little cost will enable you to play countless missions with the most up-todate vehicles. Alternatley, if you are not in a rush and if all goes to schedule, ArmA will be upon us in ~6months that will contan everything so far plus a whole lot more on an improved engine for a mid-range price. (from PG Gamers article - see recent thread).
  5. ade_mcc

    game upgrade?

    Patches Link If you currently have v1.30 then it sounds as though you have OFP CWC (and maybe Red Hammer addon) then you will only be able to patch to v1.46 maximum. If you had GOTY then you should already be patched to v1.75 at least. (which is why I think you don't) edited to sort link out
  6. ade_mcc

    PC Gamer 1st look

    PC Gamer whilst not die-hard fans, have always rated OFP very highly and look on it a lot more fondly than many other slightly oder games. I remember reading their previews and the review of OFP CWC over and over again, as they just seem to get it. i.e dont try compairing to BF or counterstrike. I visit (but dont post often) on their forums but any anti-OFP post that comes in is shot down very, very quickly. And by putting FDF on their cover disk recently (and hopefully others soon) should make the lead up to ArmA very interesting indeed. Now just got to wait till tomorrow when the August edition is available to buy....
  7. ade_mcc

    Crashing in 1.46

    I had CWC with Red Hammer but struggled to get a copy of resistance so bought the GOTY edition. Hence some home games on the LAN with my brother, but only at v1.46 level. Note to self to get broadband at home....
  8. ade_mcc

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    From my previous post Okay, I get it. Hahaha. No it wouldn't.
  9. ade_mcc

    Sell ARAS online

    Yeah, I think it refused to work on certain CD/DVD players as well. I had Trackmania with it on and it was certainly tempremental at the best of times - 'please insert correct disk' or something when it blatently was. Presumably they will use either FADE or an updated equivalent. I don't remember there being many negatives if any to that system.
  10. ade_mcc


    Yep, its mod folders all the way!
  11. ade_mcc


    Wow - If you can pull it off, it would certainly be one of the most ambitious and comprehensive collection of addons lumped together. For this I applaud you and look forward to downloading your work Thunderbird! I just hope that the desert pack doesn't cause you any major setbacks.
  12. ade_mcc


    Cheers MrN! Dedicated last night to playing this mission and I sure wasn't disapointed. The use of scripts and plenty of enemies kept the tension up whilst the sand storm is a constant help/hinderence (a good thing! Extracted in the chopper last night but plan to try other forms of extraction tonight if not working too late. Note, it is possible to do despite my non leet OFP skills. Dustbowl - An essential download and my mission of the year so far.
  13. ade_mcc

    My dalek

    WEIREDFELLA who claims to be friendlyfire [mistake # 1 - multiple user names] is asking about the speed of a Dalek in a OFP forum. Thats why I have a problem. friendlyfire - whole sections of most of your posts do not make sense.
  14. ade_mcc

    Ofp 2 Featured in Pc Zone (uk)

    Come on, it's To Be Confirmed Either that or Trinity Baptist College perhaps...
  15. ade_mcc

    My dalek

    Why on earth does this statement require a 'Yay' or a dancing banana??? :antioverusesmilie: grumble grumble Anyway. Just make it go at a speed that feels reasonable in game. Or google and do what the Scottish fella did and make it go 5mph. And edit your posts! And use the queens english! [/rant] sorry, long day in the office.
  16. ade_mcc

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    And prey tell Blackblood what FLEE is an acronim for!
  17. ade_mcc

    Dynamic Campaigns

    Edited just in case......
  18. ade_mcc

    Between A Gibraltar Rock & A Hard Place

    Replayed the mission last night and this time the helo evacuated without a hitch. Got the missing addon error so UnPBo'd the mission and removed the offending item, replayed and finished without a hitch. Good work UKSubmariner / Crazy Ian! The mission relys on being caught in the ambush so I think the design and flexability of the start works. Your in this situation - 'How do you get out of it?' With an option to play from the start of the intro, the mission is more likely to turn into a long distance sniping scenario, and much less of an ambush.
  19. ade_mcc

    Using mod folders to organize missions

    Grouping SP missions is a tricky one. There are a few by author (eg Avon Lady), a few by Mod Group, (eg BAS, FDF), a couple by island (desert, CATs Afghanistan) and then a whole load in 'General'. It does get tricky when certain misssions mix and match addons from all over the place so a bit of organisation and thinking is required - I have a list of my favourite missions with the required addons to help jog my memory. Grouping MP Missions at least is not so bad in that at least OFP can filter the missions into each island. So maybe thats a better way forward or ArmA or OFP2. One folder containing subfolders of missions, but a better way of dispaying + filtering in-game. That way I can search for a mission by author or island or type or whatever. Just thinking aloud.
  20. ade_mcc

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    That should be a very cool feature and could lead to some very interesting scenarios - tactically withdrawing whilst drawing the enemy into the trap etc. When you say rigged, does this also mean that it can be set to blow on a timer, or if disturbed by the enemy? Sounds as though I want the moon on a stick! Sorry, im just curious. Looking forward to the release when you are happy with the result.
  21. ade_mcc

    UKF Land Rover 110XD WMIK

    Probably not an issue, but the release date in the read-me is 07/07/2004? I like this release because it is out of the blue, unexpected, a genuine suprise and has really made my day. That and i've always been delighted with the quality of PUKFs releases. Now, how to leave work early without too much suspicion!
  22. ade_mcc

    UKF Land Rover 110XD WMIK

    This sounds very exciting - Congratulations Messiah and the PUKF team! (no smiley can express how I feel)
  23. ade_mcc

    Between A Gibraltar Rock & A Hard Place

    The tension created in this missions was fantastic! I was going to give a good account of my thoughts and feelings through this solid mission, but it waS a bit spoiler heavy so maybe later. Only one problem at the extraction where the helo picked us up, escaped the situation and hovered but then just kept hovering.....for 5 minutes at least anyway until I lept out. I didn't get the missing addons message:epl_weapons, but I didn't think it got that far. Is this a bug? I'll reply tonight and try again.
  24. ade_mcc


    Mr N, I presume that the link on the first page to OFPEC is the "final" version? I shouldn't really of had to have had a reason to download CATS Afghanistan, but this mission is incentive enough. Will play tonight!
  25. ade_mcc

    Between A Gibraltar Rock & A Hard Place

    Ahhh, i've been waiting a while for this, checking the PUKF forums on regular occations to look for any updates. We need more guys like you and The Architect to creating missions using the PUKF addons. Will give it a play tonight and report back. Cheers! (still lovin' those landies!