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Everything posted by ag_smith

  1. One more option is missing: none! Mod configs cause too much lag for me.
  2. ag_smith


    PhD, not MD. He is not medicine doctor. There is a diffrence, you know...
  3. ag_smith

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Haven't they said "delayed until OFP2"? That's at least what I remember. A real shame, though.
  4. ag_smith

    Operation Gulf War Crisis

    Haven't they said "delayed until OFP2"? That's at least what I remember. A real shame, though.
  5. ag_smith

    Iluminated reticle in optics view

    Stupid problem solved. Looks like I have to blame ODOL Explorer. Don't ever try to use models exported from ODOLEx if you get strange errors of this sort.
  6. I've been trying to fix this problem for 6 hours now... somebody please help. A description of the problem: - I want to have an illuminated reticle in scope optics view. Just like on BIS' XMS - a red dot visible at night. - I have semitransparent dot texture. - This textures is mapped on face with vertices set to 'shining'. - Effect is that the reticle is dark, invisible at night. When I use ODOLex to decrypt optics p3d from XMS.pbo, I get the same results (or even better: muzzle flash is also dark in optics view, even though set to shining). Here is the model p3d file if anybody wants to take a look. Yes, I did my homework, searched the forum. No results found.
  7. ag_smith

    B52 Textures

    And when you use them, the mob(bad part of the community) comes to flame you like hell. Like they did with Martin. MfG Lee Since then there have been dozens of addons with textures imported from FS2004. I don't think anybody cares about it anymore.
  8. ag_smith

    Poor addon texture quality in cargo view

    Mipmaps are automatically created downsized versions of your texture. Every 3D engine does this to save performance. In your case, it seems that the texture doesn't get along well with mipmapping in OFP engine, but I'm no expert at this, so I don't know exactly why. Here is a link to PAA tool. It's another texture compression utility. Try using diffrent options, maybe this will help you. Also try using .pac instead of .paa format, or vice versa.
  9. IIRC, there was gunner sight on DKM's BTR-80? But maybe it's just my memory playing tricks... Anyway, the Fennek is really outstanding. It really brings a whole new quality to this kind of addons in ofp.
  10. ag_smith

    Moving Carrier design

    No. 64m is the limit. Â Have a look at philcommando's USS Midway. Maybe the soldiers don't stay on deck while moving, but the planes do, and surprisingly, it performs veryl well, while moving.
  11. ag_smith


    You also forgot to ise sharp edges on 'em. Â Yes to bananas, hoooray!
  12. ag_smith

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    I absolutely agree. PDF would be the best option. PDF995 - PDF virtual printer - this will let you convert .doc to .pdf easily.
  13. ag_smith

    Poor addon texture quality in cargo view

    Try to see how these textures looks like on faces in any other LOD. My guess is this specific textures are not very MIP-map friendly.
  14. ag_smith

    pacific feelings..

    Looks like your island need more sand on the beach. Apart from that, it looks great.
  15. ag_smith

    Reign of Fire

    Then make it yourself. :P This is not a place where you come and say I want that addon and somebody goes and makes it for you!
  16. ag_smith

    New Chinese Release

    Seemingly, effect of incorect addon dependecies. @authors, looks like you need to pay more attention, what you put in requiredAddons section in cfgPatches.
  17. ag_smith


    Some good ideas here. Overdoing and adding more and more never finished addons has been always a problem of many mods & addon teams. The one thing that would make creating these minimods much easier is a collection of open-source models, that everybody could modify as needed without time consuming chasing down authors to get apropriate permissions. A good example here is HYK Infantry. Hyakushi said once that it's enough to give him a credit if one releases any derivated work. We'd need a large number of different open-source addons to make developments of these minimods way easier. Belive me, it really takes a lot of time to get replies from many addon creator (especially CSLA :P ).
  18. ag_smith

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    http://home.arcor.de/parvus/mpc/OPEF_ingame_2/OPEF_update_8.JPG Hey Parvus, that's TomiD's Su-17, not MiG-23.
  19. ag_smith

    Dozer Mouse

    Mods, please move to A&M Complete.
  20. ag_smith

    Dozer Mouse

    Mods, please move to A&M Complete.
  21. ag_smith

    Possible solution for multi-turret tanks

    Well, somebody could give it a try, sounds promising...
  22. ag_smith

    Antonov 124 updated

    arghhh... why haven't I looked at post dates.
  23. ag_smith

    Antonov 124 updated

    Any mirrors? Link is dead. Does it have a cargo script like NO Mi-26? If no, may I suggest you try to implement something like that? Would be absolutely grrrreeeat!
  24. ag_smith

    Retextured Malden

    One word: overkill....!
  25. ag_smith

    Mapfact nogova released

    Still, I think the method I proposed is simplier and much more convinient.