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Everything posted by ardvarkdb

  1. Has anyone had any luck creating a custom head proxy? I can either get it to show up but the eyes don't work (they stay shut) or not show up at all...it's the only thing left to do before the release of my PMC units from MGS4. Right now they work just fine, but there is some minor clipping on the head because I am placing a mask over the default BIS head, which doesn't always stay in it's place. (Click on picture for full size) *Note the excellent M4 thanks to RobertHammer :)
  2. (Click on picture for full size) MGS4 PMCs for Arma 2 (WiP. Release as soon as I figure out how to create custom head proxies. Any help would be appreciated.). RobertHammer's MGS4 weapon pack (released with units).
  3. I've been trying to create a custom head proxy for my MGS4 units for A2 but am running into some config issues. I've created the head model based off of the default A2 head with minor tweaks and have the proxy linked correctly in the model, but I am having a hard time figuring out how to have the proxy show up ingame. I've tried looking through the default Arma 2 configs, but there is so much there I'm a bit lost. Here is the config I have right now *which does not work* Pastebin Does anyone know how to define a custom head type so I can use the line " faceType = "PMCHEAD";" in the soldier config file? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks in advance. Ardvarkdb
  4. ardvarkdb

    Extracting PBOs after 1.05 patch

    You have to really delete everything with .pbo in the registry to get cpbo working again, but it did the trick. Make sure you click on "my computer" at the top and search there, as it will find all the .pbo's throughout the registry. Thanks for the help Binkowski & Rocko!
  5. (Click for Full Resolution) Praying Mantis PMCs (WiP), [ADO] Quesh-Kibrul v1.0, ICP animations
  6. Cool. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
  7. Bink, Are you just directly porting over Jonny's stuff or are you planning on modifying them?
  8. You'll need to change all of the USMC Soldier classes in the config to be Guerrilla classes. For example, replace every instance of "USMC_Soldier" with "GUE_Soldier_1". You'll need to change all of the USMC ones. You can find the guerrilla classes here. Hope that helps. Glad you like the units :)
  9. I do read this topic from time to time :) I am working on porting over the MGS4 units. More of a "redux" than a port though, as I have added a lot of custom models and stuff to make them match the source material. Should be ready sooner or later.
  10. Looks like a decent start. I hope you're planning to touch up all those textures and fix the random lighting. Seeing these makes me want to port my Multicam guys over from Arma...:j:
  11. ardvarkdb

    ArmA2:OHMOD Preview

    Really great looking stuff! Can't wait to try it out. Thanks for all your hard work.
  12. ardvarkdb

    Modern Warfare 2

    Here are some quick impressions from the single player so far. After playing the single player for a little bit (on Act 2 of 3 now) I have to say it's definitely a step backwards. CoD 4 felt much more immersive and the story was intriguing with a main goal. There was a feeling of "we trust you to know how to get from a to b" and you just had the little blip on the compass at the bottom of the screen that told you which direction to go in. That has been replaced with a GIANT white circle that shows through everything and says things like "FOLLOW", "Protect", and "125 m". These things are then placed right on top of what you need to find. It takes all of the fun and immersion out of the game b/c it's basically become connect the dots, with them telling you exactly how to draw the line. I'm sorry, but if you can't find a glowing yellow suitcase in a room you should go find another hobby or a better level designer. I don't need a giant marker placed on top of it. I have to say, the PC version definitely lacks any real "features" that are specific to improving the PC version (some features that used to be considered standard). The loss of leaning, even in single player, kills me. You also have no ability to customize the hud. I for one like to play without crosshairs or any ammo information. This cannot be turned off. The only options you are given are the ability to change the screen resolution and the quality of the graphics (textures, aa, etc.), remap the keys and play with the audio. Pretty sad that all of the features that were in CoD 4 didn't seem to make the transition over to this one. This game feels like they tried to turn the dial up to 11, but in doing so went for the Michael Bay approach to story telling (aka big explosions and special effects over a coherent story) rather than creating new features and telling a compelling story. The overall story feels rushed and scattered, jumping from one person to the next very quickly. The missions don't feel as connected as they did in CoD 4, and a lot of details are left up to you to fill in, which could have easily been added in as more missions. You do one mission and all of a sudden something HUGE has happened, but you never have this looming "something bad is about to happen" feeling. It just happens and you are left thinking "really? Where did this come from?" I've already played as several different people and I've only played 4 or so levels. It's hard to really form any attachment to a character when you are constantly playing some random person. Seeing a name displayed of who you "are" doesn't really make me feel attached to some random soldier. I've read that the campaign only last for about 4 hours or so, and at the pace I am going that seems about right. So far each mission has lasted about 10 - 15 minutes, counting the intro cinematics. I will say though that the game does look really good as far as character / weapon models and environments go. The animations are also top notch. It's too bad they didn't give this game some extra time in the cooker to really polish it for the PC. I've read a lot of the horror reports of the mp, and doubt I will play it. I'm sure their matchmaking is great for people that don't know how to use a server list and don't know what a good ping is, but as I mentioned above, I don't need a game to hold my hand to do the most basic of tasks like finding a server with people I like on it. If you are more of a single player person and aren't interested in the multiplayer I'd have to say this game is not worth the $60. Wait several years until it's on sale for 20 bucks.
  13. ardvarkdb

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    I think what bothers me the most is how terrible Infinity Ward has been at communicating with the community. Aside from their general silence in ignoring all of the PC communities questions, they don't seem to want to inform anyone on how the game will work and what features are included. Their community manager sure doesn't seem to want to interact with the community anymore. I love this article, link, where they asked IW if this was true and their response was "Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling said the company "can't comment on leaks," and was unable to confirm if the feature will, in fact, be disabled. "Players should reserve judgment until they get a chance to experience it for themselves on November 10 instead of viewing it out of context," I mean seriously?! Answer the question. The answer wouldn't contain any spoilers about the single player story, it's a simple "is this a feature" question. The "wait until you get the game in your own hands and try it for yourself" is the biggest load of crap I have heard from a game developer in a long time. Let's not tell anyone about what features are in the game so they'll be "surprised" on release. I for one, would like to know what I am buying, especially since as a PC user I have no option to return the game or trade it in (Gamestop is offering $40 dollars if you return Modern Warfare 2 for the xbox by Dec something). That's like a car dealer taking off the sticker with all the info and saying you can't test drive it. Buy it, you might like it. So lame. IW needs to use their profits to hire some real marketing professionals and public relations folks, because quite frankly they suck at it.
  14. I use mediafire to host my files and haven't had any problems. Are you trying to upload the file as a .7zip or as a .pbo?
  15. ardvarkdb

    Left 4 Dead 2 demo out for pre-orderers!

    The demo will be available on steam to everyone come Nov. 3rd
  16. ardvarkdb

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    I understand it's 'good' business to sell more products instead of extending the life of a single product, but they've been releasing new CoD games every year by leap frogging developers. Are we going to start seeing two new CoD games every year? One from IW and another from Treyarch? Treyarch has already said they are working on CoD 7, so for IW to do this purely to increase sales doesn't make sense. If they want to sell map packs on the PC than fine, there are ways to do that, especially if you have to register through steam to play the game. Why not just sell the map packs on steam like every other game? I think IW's success with CoD 4 went to their heads a bit and they suddenly think they are game developer gods. Who knows the reasoning behind their decisions, but it definitely didn't seem like a good one. I did like their pathetic excuse for why they removed dedicated servers (it was hard to find a good server). I'd rather not be on a server full of people who can't figure out how to use a server browser. I guess IW thinks it will be more fun to always be on servers with strangers, have rollercoaster ping and constant "host migration". It'll really help all those people who don't know how to click an item in a list though. How randomly matching people (based on SKILL as they put it, which they have yet to define how they calculate this) with other players is going to alleviate the problem of "servers full of jerks" is beyond me, because in my experience I have the least amount of fun when you play with a bunch of random people I will never see again. At least with dedicated servers you get the "usual crowd" on a specific server. It allows you to get to know new people and have a place to hang out and build up friendships. I canceled my pre-order b/c I don't want IW telling me who I get to play with, I'm an adult and I can find my own servers, thanks.
  17. Updated first post with link to version 1.2, which should fix almost all bugs and issues reported (thanks for catching everything). Here's a picture to enjoy. (click for larger version) SASR units aid CDF forces in capturing some insurgents.
  18. Yeah, that shadow shows up on anything that has a sleeve shorter than just a rolled up sleeve. As far as I could tell it has to do with the hhl sdm file. I tried tweaking it several times and even using a completely different rvmat file with different normals, smdi's, sdm's, etc and it still occurred, so I just gave up on it b/c it didn't bother me too much. As far as a new version goes, I have fixed that model error da12thMonkey, and I've updated everything else (implementing some new groups thanks to Binkowski), and adding some portraits and then I'll have a new version posted.
  19. Currently working on an update. Here are a list of changes so far that have been implemented: 1.) Fixed some texture and normal map issues (the leg holster straps but no leg holster). Had the wrong gear textures on the MG units. 2.) Added Woodland Machine gunner 3.) Added all missing items (radio, map, watch, etc.) to all units 4.) Replaced all heads with head proxy, which fixed almost all issues with the heads i.e. eyes closed, bad looking textures, all camo faces, etc. Things to look at: 1.) Custom choopper bug. Not sure if this is something with my units or other custom addons, as they work fine in the default Arma 2 vehicles. 2.) Adding more groups to the groups menu. Currently there are only woodland units in the groups menu. 3.) Create custom face icons for command menu.
  20. Sorry, I think I just wasn't sure what you were referring to. I'll have to put these things in for the next update. Thanks for noticing and explaining, I appreciate it.
  21. What do you mean by no maps? The faces? The body? They spoke just fine on my end when I walked up and spoke with them, but maybe you are referring to something else. If anyone else is having this problem and could provide a screen I would appreciate it. I'm trying to sort through all this new A2 stuff :j: As for the woodland gunner, I made x number of models, and only one ended up with MG gear, and he happened to be on the desert side. Updated the first post with an Armaholic Mirror (Thanks!)
  22. The actual addon has been released. Version 1.1 is available for download in the first post. Includes all 26 soldiers, but only a group for the woodland units. I was having trouble getting two groups in for some reason. All pumpkins have been squashed... Enjoy
  23. Thanks, I realized that this morning and have since fixed it, and the greeting stuff works fine. It also added some nice camo faces :) I'm finishing up adding groups, and then I'll be uploading a new version with the real units. I'll post again when the new file is up.
  24. hehe. I"m a fan of Halloween so I had to do something... The rvmat error was caused when I binarized the files. Sometimes it deletes the rvmats, sometimes it doesn't. It will be fine in the full release (due out soon). As for the uselanguage error, I have no idea what that is about. Is there something I need to change in the config?
  25. Re-uploaded the file. Something must have happened during the binarization process. Sorry about that. Should be working now. I downloaded it myself and tested it and it loaded up fine so I hope it works for everyone else. I do plan on eventually porting over some of my other stuff, but maybe not everything. There are 38 multicam SF units, and I just can't see going through and replacing all the hands and heads and various other bits for each one, so I will probably release a "condensed" pack :) I also might revisit the MGS4 PMCs, do a bit of a redux, since it pains me to see the quality of those compared to where I feel I am now.