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action man

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Everything posted by action man

  1. action man

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Hi! just downloaded the latest config and addons for it.Only one problem this time--no entryOFPK2K3NXB.bin/cfgWeapons.KORD please could you help
  2. action man

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    HI! i've just got the latest config up and running with the mod.It works but i get a few messages when loading. Addons missing config bin no entry weapons blaa blaa blaaa ect ect.I downloaded the full mod by the way! Now don't get me wrong the mod is very good and a lot of efort must have gone into it,full respect to you.However the mod is getting so complicated with the ammount of new stuff i am getting more and more error messages with each new config.Are you getting mixed up with things and perhaps forgeting things like addons ect ect. Once again you must have worked hard thank you
  3. action man

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Thanks Benus! just did as you suggested, i downloaded the full marine pack and installed it to the ECP addons.AS you said i was missing the c8x blaa-blaa-blaa stuff.
  4. action man

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Well when the super config came out i downloaded the addons one by one.When this latest config came out i delated the mod folder because of the same problem,then i downloaded and installed the entire mod in one go! But still the same
  5. action man

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Hi, no i don't CTD,and i have got a gig of memory.My card is a raddy 9800XT with 128mbs memory. I also get one or two other messages when i load the mod!However i just click OK and i can play the game.The problem is at the moment i i have drunk to much beer to remember what the messagea are! CHEERS
  6. action man

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    Congratas on the mod! Just a little gripe,i can't get any iron sights working in first person with this latest release!
  7. action man

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thank you very much mr "redface". you are the MAN
  8. action man

    OFP Addon request thread

    Anybody know what the addon "mistress" is? I am missing it in the mission-Sarajevo sniper town from Belgian editing studios.Thanks for any help
  9. action man

    Check this out!

    On the forums at operation frenchpoint is a link to a usermade campaign for BAS tonal useing frenchpoint addons! All i can say is it's fantastic.Try it out!
  10. action man

    Check this out!

    In the last day or so frenchpoint has changed it's url here is the new one.http://www.ofrp.net/ i am sorry i can't put a direct link in because i don't know how to! (only just learned how to copy and paste
  11. action man

    Marine missions

      http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~invasion44/yabbse/index.php             hope this link works!  look in user missions and then "new mission set" the link to the first missions is somewhere in the thread.
  12. action man

    Marine missions

    Their's a guy on the invasion 44 forum that as nearly completed a set of missions for the marine pack (don't know why he posted them on 44 forum) i have alrady downloaded 2 of them that are finished and they are very good missions!!
  13. action man

    Ofp causes divorce

    This topic rings bells with me,i'm 41 with two kids and have been playin flashpoint since it came out!Just recently every night and if i'm not playin it i'm reading about it.The wife is goin mad and i think i must be addicted. How about a warning on the  next game packaging something like they put on fag packets!!! Â
  14. action man

    Cheats for goty

    I've had the game since the day it came out,and have been playing it on and off ever since! Any body using god mode to beat the game in my opinion will ruin the game for themselves.However after reading this post my curiosity got the better of me.I found the file and installed it and got it working.I must admit it was fun! Now i have uninstalled it and i am just wondering will it activate "FADE".If i does and i have to reinstall the game would FADE go away? Â Thanks for any replies. Â
  15. action man

    Your opinions on ofps "competition"

    What about Hidden and Dangerous! in it's day in my opinion it was the best game of it's kind! Playing the game you really felt you were in the forties period it had great atmosphere! Last year a newer version of the game came out called Hidden and Dangerous deluxe.Their are no bugs in this game and the graphics are a little bit better,their is also and editor with this version.Still it can't compete with OFP
  16. action man

    Downloading patch

    On the first attempt i have just sucessfuly downloaded the 1-90 patch from the official codemasters site! That was after 4 atempts and a wasted 3 hours trying to download it from 3dgamers.com.(kept getting errors and incomplete zip messages)Take my tip and don't bother with the latter as it seems to be a load of crap! p.s i've only got a 56k modem don't know if that is anything to do with it!
  17. action man

    Firemen strike

    I think that if they don't like the pay and conditions they should go and find another job!After all it's not compulsory to be a fireman!!
  18. action man

    The guy on resistance box

    The guys name is Herbert, i know coz it's me dad.The picture woz taken a few years ago when he was running our local army cadets
  19. WOW!!! just started playing Antipaty and it's f*****g A1.I will give it 10 out of ten.But it's a ball ache downloading all the addons!!
  20. action man


    Wooohhhaaa! calm down tiger.will you accept my apologies!
  21. action man

    I return again

    so what you tellin us all that for!! want a medal or what!!
  22. action man


    I've been reading the posts on this thread for the last few days and had quite a laugh.Then as is the norm on this forum some twat goes and spoils it all by getting all to serious!!Jeeezzz!!! try and lighten up a bit man the whole thread is just a joke and only for fun. By the way i meant that cloney guy.
  23. action man

    Where's dmitri lukin?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (scario @ Aug. 23 2002,17:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, Red Hammer was unrealistic, and you get a feeling that the missions including vehicles was just put into the campaign because it was possible in OFP. And yeah, Gastovski could fly a chopper, but he is at least working with planes (just look at the first cutscene and the bonusmission). (But mr. Lukin is guestplaying some seconds in the original campaign also I think. The guy who's executing a Crew-member in the endscene has Lukins face! I dont know if BIS added this after Red Hammer was released (played the original game first in v1.30). Sombody may know...) Hm.. I dont understand what this have to do with resistance..well well  <span id='postcolor'> I've replayed the cutscene,i'm at version  1-75.And it's Dimitri Lutkin launching an rpg ,and also he has got an evil grin on his face!
  24. action man


    Now this is a joke,but it could be -Fools insisting answers!