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action man

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Everything posted by action man

  1. action man

    Lack of Action

    "lack of action" Dude you gotta stop smokin dat shit man!Are you a little confused or what? I know your'e just having a laugh arn't you,go on tell us it's all a joke Jeez "lack of action" never heard something as stupid as that in my life.
  2. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    T.B, please don't get carried away with implementing all the above sugestion's!The last thing we all would want is to turn these excelent mod's into LAG fest's! p.s a little burning body's script wouldn't do any harm
  3. action man

    OFP Addon request thread

    Scars09, sorry their's no space it's m60! Thank you very very much for the fixed campaign If you ever come to Manchester in England drop me a line and i will buy you a few beers and show you the sights
  4. action man

    OFP Addon request thread

    Scars 09,thanks for your'e time! Now the thing is i get the missing addon error with bog standard OFP+addons needed,I also get missing addon error with Y2K3 mod.(that's when i try to play the campaign)I have opened the editor and can place m 60 in it with standard OFP with addons needed no problem,i have also opened the editor with Y2K3,and can place m 60 in it! Looking at both saved mission sqm's vehicle=m 60. Edit=just remembered iv'e got jam3, But this is still soposed to work even when jam2 is required(thats according to the thread about jam3)
  5. action man

    OFP Addon request thread

    I've got a problem with a new campaign that i downloaded from OFP info! It is on the home page under downloads and then under campaigns.The campaign is called "BAS Alta Tension" In the readme it says addons needed are-Bas delta rangers and jam 2.I have got both addons,however when i start the campaign after the first cutscene i get message for missing addon "m 60",after that i can't play any more! I know m 60 is a tank,but the question is which addon m 60? Any ideas thanks in advance.
  6. action man

    OFP Addon request thread

    Scars 09, i tried to find that addon myself just so as i could beat you to it and gain some kudos along the way!Alas to no avail Because the god of the addon's strikes again All hail to Scars 09 seriously you are da man!
  7. action man

    PMC Rattler (25km desert terrain)

    Any body in need of excercising the ol grey matter? Then check this thing out! It's akin to a game of chess agains't gary kasparov Edit= the campaign that is.
  8. action man

    Desert FIA

    Ace! I will be implementing these into a personal custom YK23 config. Also ace that i am first to reply
  9. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Please can you put in burning bodies script! Or do an optional config with it in Please please please  P.S is that you on your avatar? coz if it is you look like someone not to mess with Edit= only just veiwed your profile,and i can see your from france! Hope you havn't been being a naughty boy
  10. action man

    When (what date) did you all first play ofp?

    Aug 01, and i swear apart from family holiday's,ilness,social event's ect i mess about with this game every day. And i am married with 2 kids
  11. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    T bird, a big plus for your mods is the fact that their is very little lag! So i hope in future updates very little is added so as not to start the game laging. However one little script such as "burning bodies" wouldn't do any harm would it
  12. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Erm correct me if i am wrong,but this is is it not a game/sim about war! Why would you be having"a hard time understanding why anyone would want that" I hope it goes in and adds a bit more realism.I would suggest that if you find things like burning bodies scripts or blood ect not to play war games but instead play different games! EDIT= i replied to the post as soon as i read it now reading on further most other people are of the same opinion as me.
  13. action man

    OFP Mission-Database´ "Mission of the week"

    Capt wess's delta force campaign=ace. I have just started it and the opening cutscenes are fab, their is also a lot of atmosphere.Even though i am English and the campign is Geman i still get the jist of it.Tonal campaign's and mission's are rare and i for one am going to keep this one Thank's for the hard work!
  14. action man

    CSLA 2 Update1

    What a shame! I have whiled away many an hour playing with this mod,a great loss! However it is far better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all well that's according to shakespere or some other ofp geezer type
  15. action man

    OFP videography

    Uziyahu,when i click your'e link i get message-"Whoops!  It appears that the page or file name that you are requesting is not available. Please go to the IDF Squad homepage to continue navigating the site." Then when i go to IDF homepage and navigate to OFP,or resistence downloads their are no vids  Edit=However i like your'e style Making it hard for us and having to work hard to download vid so as we will apreciate it more when we can eventialy download it
  16. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Yes you are right,after all the f$%&"ing about all it came down to was that if you leave the ffur breifing page to far to the left,when you exit ffur mod and then at some stage start flashpoint normaly you can't get the normal breifing's page! Edit-Get rid of that twat of a ruler(still nuf respec tu da mod )
  17. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    In the last 25 mins i have deleated my ofp folder(with ffur mods) and reinstalled from a backup which i made(before insatalling ffur mods) .Now everything is back to normal Now this is weird,i am going to install ffur mods, then check all is ok,then install things which i did last time! Then i shall go through a process of elimination untill i find out what went wrong!
  18. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Sorry perhaps i am not to clear! I can get the breifings page with any of youre mods,(the one with the protractor)the problem is when i play normal OFP without any mods i should get the normal OFP breifing page,however i can't get any breifing page at all!
  19. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    When i play normal OFP i cannot get the breifing page on the map. ie when i click on map in mission i get the map but their is no breifing notepad to pull out (the page which lists youre mission objectives, and shows other squad members and alows you to pick gear) This is after installing the desert version and the winter version,also 2005 version.Any ideas whats gone wrong and most important how do i get that mission objective page back when i run normal OFP
  20. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Just watched the movie,then played the mission again. I still think their is to much smoke!
  21. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I've just been using the 2005 pack,and playing as a spetznaz with a default rifle( can't remember name coz i'm in a rush) when you shoot the rifle, and so far i havn't noticed it with other rifles,although i suspect they will all be the same,i think you have overdone the weapon clouds, ie the smoke that comes out of the end when you shoot the gun! It looks like a 100 year old musket or blunderbus as just been fired.I think their is to much smoke,especialy since this is the year 2005. Any chance you could tone it down a little in a further patch p.s the mods great thanks for the hard work,and don't get the impression i am just whinging
  22. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    As a rule for the last couple of years i have used mod folders,prior to that i didn't Now the problem is that my OFP folder is 14 gigs in size(that's right folks,you read it correctly 14 giggs) Now with so many campaign's and missions i have downloaded which require addon's some of which are the same,or even the same name but different version's,it is an impossible task to sort it all out ie match the addon's  that are in my res folderwith the mission's/campaign's  that require them p.s then again i wouldn't have it any other way coz apart from playing the mission's just as much of my addiction come's from modding configs finding and installing addons needed,getting it all to work and,well ect ect!! For me the whole thing is like a game of chess,and when you get it right/working,then the feeling you get is ace.
  23. action man


    Fierce insurgent army! Well it is in my game anyway because i have changed res models for cechen rebels
  24. action man

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Iv'e got the winter pack,desert pack and the modern 2005 pack! they are each installed into their own mod folders.They all start and play ok,however with each one at the gui screen i get this message-no entry,config.bin/cfgweapons.ZuCannon.I'm guessing it's a addon in my res addons folder although i keep addons in this folder down to a bare minimum. Any ideas which addon it is so i can move it. thanks great mod
  25. action man


    Oh oh! Deja vous This question was asked two or three years ago and it turned into a flame war and got shut down,and any way in the end nobody came up with the right answer. I know coz i was that soldier My money's on this thread getting shut down aswell.