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Everything posted by andylee054

  1. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Actually, we had script for those arty system. In our sample missions you just need to do is click on the map, and the artillery will take the job. We will release many sample missions for you to reference, including artillery war, Halo jump, rope down attack, new para systems, and camout face system.....etc. So that we will show you the script how to make them works.
  2. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Oh, I forgot to tell you why I post this news here. Because of our web site had some script problem, so we can't post any new information in this time. So we have to announce this info via officer forums. That's the reason why. I wish our programer can solve that problem soon. So that I can release more info to everyone.
  3. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Yes, Samren, they did very fine job as I know, their project leader is a real PLa soldier who's call sign is "AlexP". He is a very smart guy. So they have the resource to make more realistic texture for their MOD. That's the weakness of my MOD, for we cann't get much more reference data like them from out side of China. But their Original soldier models in MLOD format was provided by me. I think I can make it as possible as I can. In fact, I added ranking system and auto setup Chinese face system for them, not only the textures.
  4. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Yes, we put most units in Groups at this time.
  5. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    actually, I gave a lot of permissions to PLA's team before, the first PLA addon and weapon pack are made by me. In this version, I retextured all pla's units. Also I made a lot of common rifles for them too. Such like Type 81 rifle, Type 95, Type 81 MG, Type 56c (QBZ56C). so, there is no need to do that, right?
  6. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Thanks for the advise.
  7. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Oh, I see, the "Bangkok", but sorry we have no plan to make this one. We will release the beta version with some demo missions and updated the two old campaigns in a few weeks later. Also we will update the Kinmen island which added a lot of fields on it and all buildings were fixed geometry lod so that AI soldier can entry the house without problems. Than, we will publish the formal version after we made a new campaign for this MOD.
  8. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    well, I will do the best as I can.
  9. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Actually, the PLA stuff in our MOD just took some change on texturing . But we made some new howizer for PLA. We made a lot of new systems for this MOD such like, Auto setting Chinese face on both side no matter you play them in mission edittor or your own missions, Auto ranking system for each units, New para system for OFP's soldiers so the soldier will get shot during para on the sky......etc.
  10. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    yes, we will use them both in our old campaign and newer one.
  11. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    We are not dead yet just working hard. ha ha ha...
  12. andylee054

    Taiwanese( roc ) army new t91 rifle

    Atually, T means Type. ROC made a lot of rifles, they are named T65, T65k2, T86 and T91. They are developed all based on AR-18.
  13. Oh, I solved the problem. the script should be like that: ======================= _P1 = _this select 0 _P2 = "WEST Alpha Black:2" ~3 ?(_P2 == format["%1", _P1] ): hint format ["%1 = %2", _P1, _P2] ; exit hint format ["%1 <> %2", _P1, _P2] exit ========================== it works fine. ;)
  14. I tried a script like that: ========================= _Call01 = _this select 0 hint format ["%1", _call01] _Call02 = format ["%1", _call01] ========================= And it will return the call sign like: "West Alpha Black:1" Then I tried to verify the name like that: ========================= _Txt1 == "West Alpha Black:1" ?(_Txt1 == _Call02): hint "OK" ========================== But it is always failed to verify, and saw some error msg on top of the screen. How can I do? Or Can anyone tell us what is the format of the Call sign in OFP? thanks.
  15. That's OK for one '=' or '=='. It doesn't matter for what I got. The result is all the same. anything else?
  16. andylee054

    Sad news

    Rest in peace Lawrie. .... Cann't say anything but feel so sad...
  17. andylee054

    Problem of init in addon's eventhandlers

    Great!! It works!! Thanks a lot.
  18. In mission.sqm file, we may find the script like that: class Item1 { position[]={9922.818359,26.730000,4003.331787}; id=2; side="WEST"; vehicle="SoldierWB"; rank="SERGEANT"; skill=0.600000; markers[]={}; }; I tried to find out the way to get the ID or rank from mission.sqm, because I need the data for some sqs file. But I still don't get it. Anyone know how to do that?
  19. Alright, I tell you why. I made a lot of customed oriental faces, and I set those faces as TW00~TW30. I also made an class eventhandlers In my addon's config.cpp to call a sqs file which used to setface for my units. the script for eventhandlers would be: class Eventhandlers {Init = Â "[_this select 0] exec ""\roc\script\twface.sqs""";}; In the earlier time, my twface.sqs was made for setting the faces randomly, the script like that: _P1 = _this select 0 _Tr = random 3.1 ?(_Tr <= 0.1): _P1 setface "TW00" ?(_Tr>0.1 and _Tr <= 0.2): _P1 setface "TW01" ......and so on....to "TW30" So, the script will make solders has a random customed face. And user no need to add any script in init or sqs to see the oriental random faced soldiers. But, I found a problem lately, when soldiers get in car and out, the init would be triggered again, so, He got a new face!! That's why I think if I can get the id from mission.sqm, so, I can fix the randomed face on soldier by determing the ID. Maybe it's not the best way, or anyone know the better way? I also tried removeEventhandler command to stop the init, it's not work on class eventhandlers which in config.cpp. I wish the script would be like that: _P1 = _this select 0 _Pid = _P1.ID _Pr = _Pid / 31 ?(_Pr > 31): _Pid = _Pid - (_Pr * 31) ?(_Pid = 1): _P1 setface "TW00" ?(_Pid = 2): _P1 setface "TW01" ..... and so on.....to "TW30"
  20. yes, that's all want, but I want to use some script to dig them out. such like: _unit = _this select 0 _unitID = ID or rank....etc. than I can use the ID or rank to do the other thing in sqs.
  21. andylee054

    Fbi and pd officers released

    I played these addons times and times, and I really admired these works. They are really great!!
  22. andylee054

    Kinmen island by taiwan workshop !!!

    Sorry for I didn't anwer the question about how to put those objects on map in the editor. Actually you cann't find those objects, because I didn't write a config.cpp for them. All objects that you see on map are done by wrpedit.exe tools. There are only p3d file needed when I put them on map by that tools. I will think about write a config.cpp later and publish them with my new campaign. Cheers.
  23. andylee054

    Kinmen island by taiwan workshop !!!

    You are a really nice guy. Thanks. I will check your HALO script ASAP. Thanks for your help again.
  24. andylee054

    Kinmen island by taiwan workshop !!!

    Thanks. I know we can set a face for our charators in campaign's description.ext file or in editted missions. But, do anyone know how to set random customed faces in our own addon pbo files?
  25. andylee054

    Kinmen island by taiwan workshop !!!

    I really apperciate your feed back and encouraged me to go on these works. I will make my new campaign all in English and with speech. On the other hand, I don't know how to make my own units randomly in Chinese face. Can anyone tell me how to do that? And can anyone do me a faviour make some air packs or amour pack for this mod? Because I got my own self to dedicate in this mod in this time. Thanks a lot to everyone , specailly to fighter and theavonlady, thanks for your help always. Â