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Everything posted by andylee054

  1. I found a problem on my addon's Eventhandlers. If I added a eventhandler in my soldier's config like that: class Eventhandlers { init = "[_this select 0] exec ""test.sqs"""; }; The sqs will be triggered when we load this soldier in game. After I loaded the soldier, I order him to get in a car, then I found it will be triggered again when the soldier get out from a car. No matter how many times I do this way, the test.sqs will be triggered again and again. How can we stop it? I found "removeEventhandler" won't work in config's Eventhandlers. Any idea? Thanks.
  2. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Nice to hear that.
  3. Dear all my friends, We would like to announce the 'ROC MOD 3.0' is available now. You may find all informations and link for downloading as the URL as below: Taiwan Workshop's ROC MOD 3.0 mirror#1 http://www.ofp.at/ mirror#2 http://ofp.gamezone.cz mirror#3 http://ofp.gamezone.cz Thanks the help from redface ,ofp.at and ofp.gamezone.cz.
  4. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Oh, I see. The problem is in the config. The BIS US Soldier is set to the cost=40000, and the exercise soldiers in my mod are set to cost=100000. That's why they cann't shoot the US one. If you need US soldier to use this system, you may make a new US soldier for exercise. the config would be like that: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches {   class US_exercise   {     units[] = {"US_exercise_man", "US_exercise_MG"};     weapons[] = {};     requiredVersion = 1.75;   }; }; class CfgVehicles {   class All {};   class AllVehicles: All {};   class Land:AllVehicles{};   class Man:Land{};   class Soldier:Man{};   class SoldierWB : Soldier{};   class US_exercise_man: SoldierWB   {     scope=2;     side=1;     cost=100000;     displayName="US Exercise Soldier";     weapons[]={"ROC_T65k2_bfa","ROC_Throw","Put"};     magazines[]={"ROC_SS109BlankMag","ROC_SS109BlankMag","ROC_SS109BlankMag","ROC_SS109BlankMag","ROC_SS109BlankMag","ROC_SS109BlankMag","ROC_trainGrenade","ROC_trainGrenade","SmokeShell","SmokeShell"};   };   class US_exercise_MG: US_exercise_man   {     displayName="US Exercise MG Soldier";     weapons[]={"ROC_M249MG_bfa","ROC_Throw","Put"};     magazines[]={"ROC_5_56MGblankMag","ROC_5_56MGblankMag","ROC_5_56MGblankMag","ROC_5_56MGblankMag","ROC_TrainGrenade","ROC_TrainGrenade"};   }; }; Then pack it into a pbo file. It will works fine.
  5. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Can you show me the Miles-M16s ? how you config this stuff? Actully, here is the config for my miles system. In cfgAmmo should be like that. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class ROC_blankAmmo : ROC_5_56Ammo { hit=0.44; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0.2; minRange=10; minRangeProbab=0.250000; midRange=50; midRangeProbab=0.500000; maxRange=600; maxRangeProbab=0.080000; cost=2.5; visibleFire=16; audibleFire=16; visibleFireTime=3; tracerColor[]={0,0,0,0}; tracerColorR[]={0,0,0,0}; soundFly[]= {"",1,1}; soundHitMan1[]= {"\roc_mod\sound\blankhitman.wav",0.512589,1}; hitMan[]={"soundHitMan1",1}; }; class ROC_blankAmmoBrust: ROC_blankAmmo { hit=0.44; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0.2; minRange=5.000000; minRangeProbab=0.150000; midRange=100; midRangeProbab=0.600000; maxRange=300; maxRangeProbab=0.060000; visibleFire=25; audibleFire=25; visibleFireTime=5; cost=2.100000; }; class ROC_blankAmmoAuto: ROC_blankAmmo { hit=0.44; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0.2; minRange=1.000000; minRangeProbab=0.100000; midRange=10; midRangeProbab=0.700000; maxRange=200; maxRangeProbab=0.040000; visibleFire=25; audibleFire=25; visibleFireTime=5; cost=0.700000; }; Then, in cfgWeapon should be like that. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class ROC_SS109BlankMag:ROC_SS109Mag { scopeWeapon = 0; scopeMagazine = 2; displayName = "SS109 Blank Mag"; reloadMagazineSound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\reload.wav",db-40,1}; picture="\roc_mod\train\m_m16.paa"; model="m16_proxy"; modelOptics="optika_m16"; optics = 0; displayNameMagazine = "SS109 Blank Mag"; shortNameMagazine = "Blank Mag"; magazines[]={"ROC_SS109BlankMag"}; count=30; modes[]={"Single","Burst","Fullauto"}; class Single { ammo="ROC_blankAmmo"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="Blank Semi"; dispersion=0.000200; sound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\65Bsingle.wav",1.000000,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.085000; ffCount=1; recoil="riffleSingle"; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; class Burst { ammo ="ROC_blankAmmoBrust"; multiplier=1; burst=3; displayName="Blank Burst"; dispersion=0.000400; sound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\65Bbrust.wav",1.000000,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.085000; ffCount=3; recoil="riffleSingle"; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=2.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=300; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; class FullAuto { ammo="ROC_blankAmmoAuto"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="Blank Auto"; dispersion=0.004000; sound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\65Bauto.wav",1.000000,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.085000; ffMagnitude=0.500000; ffFrequency=11; ffCount=30; recoil="riffleSingle"; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=0.085000; aiRateOfFireDistance=200; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; class ROC_T65k2_bfa : Riffle { scopeWeapon = 2; scopeMagazine = 0; weaponType=1; displayName = "T65k2 + BFA"; picture="\roc_mod\c\T65k2.paa"; model="\roc_mod\train\roc_t65k2_bfa.p3d"; muzzles[]={"ROC_T65K2bfamuzzle"}; class ROC_T65K2bfamuzzle : ROC_SS109BlankMag { reloadMagazineSound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\reload.wav",db-40,1}; drySound[]={"\roc_mod\sound\65dry.wav",db-40,1}; soundContinuous=1; modelOptics="\roc_mod\train\roc_optika_t65k2_bfa"; optics = 1; opticsZoomMin=0.350000; opticsZoomMax=0.350000; distanceZoomMin=400; distanceZoomMax=400; magazines[]={"ROC_SS109BlankMag"}; }; }; The last thing is, the cfgVehicles should change the soldier's accuracy=0.700000; That's what I did for this system.
  6. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    I will release a new HALO pack for non-ROC's. If so, you can do what you want with that pack.
  7. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    OKey, I will try to remove some setting for those anti-air vehicles. Hope it will help.
  8. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Here are the name for miles. Rifle weapon : ROC_T65k2_bfa mag: ROC_SS109BlankMag MG : ROC_M249MG_bfa mag: ROC_5_56MGBlankMag Grenade: ROC_TrainGrenade Man who use this system will not fire any man vehicle which accuracy or cost are too high. In my mod, I set the exercise soldier's accurccy = 0.7, and cost=100000.
  9. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    The document is on the way. We will release it with upgrade pack soon. Please wait.
  10. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Thanks for you like this mod. Â I do really think about when to make the HALO in US version. I will release it if I made it. I asked the permission from Capt. Moore for the C130 when he released the first version. I have no the permission in the next version yet. For I always afrid of asking the others. Â I was an Army soldier 13years ago, and I always longing to use the mile system in combat training. Unfortunatily I have no such experience about it. But I insist to make it for everyone. It's nice to hear you who ever used it would like it. Thanks! I will try to write a script list to show you how to make your own missions in ROC MOD. Please give me some more time. Thanks again for you like it.
  11. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Another hint for you. If you need to make the soldier with camout face, you need to use the script in his init like that: [this] exec "\roc_mod\script\camoface.sqs"
  12. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Put this script in unit's init. [this] exec "\roc_mod\script\haloOn.sqs" Or just put him into a plane and jump out from it.
  13. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Sorry for the inconvenience, here is the knowing bugs list in ROC MOD 3.0. ============================== 1. 'Missing addons ROC_PLA' when playing Shooting Range Basic. 2. 'Missing addons ROC_PLA' when playing Shooting Range Advance. 3. Wrong NameSelection in M60A3 model internal view. 4. Wrong 70' Kinmen's soldiers name in group config. 5. Sometimes Soldier in HALO training will land on the sea in campaign Taiwan2002. 6. 'Mission addons ROC_mod' problem when using officer's para in officer's missions. 7. Wrong Helicopter's unitinfotype 8. Wrong ROC_BeretOPsoldier name in group config. 9. Wrong T65k2+TC85Grenade picture which shows in notebook. ============================== We will fix them as soon as possible. And we will prepare the downloading solutions before we release the upgrade pack.
  14. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Really appreciate all feedback from you. We will try to fix those problems as the best as we can. We have to use synthesizer sounds for we are not good skill in English. Of course we tried to use Chinese in OFP, but we found it is hard to us for the recording  equipments. Also we don't think that is a good idea for you who don't know Chinese. Actually, the Taiwan2002 campaign is 2 years old, we made it on Jan. AD.2002. That's the earlier product from us. We made it in Chinese briefing before. A lot of friends from the other countries ask we change it into English version. So, we did it after two years later now. We will fix the ZB00_1Halo as you siad, surly. Forgive us for we have no our own island during 2002. Because there was no one could make his own customed island for OFP in AD.2002. So we have to use the officer's one.  We are dedicated in making new campaign like Taiwan2002's. But we will use our own island this time. The quality of our new campaign would be like the single missions that we show you.  Many people ask me why we didn't made our mod to compatible with others mod such like the JAM's, Coc, ECP.....etc. Okey, I tell you why. Because we made a lot of change in config to make AI behaviour looks like human nature to fight in combat. You may find the soldier of ROC mod's will shoot single shot in far distance. But they will switch the firing mode to burst and auto when enemy get closer and closer. For I don't think soldier will keep cool to aim when enemy colse to him, right? It needs to make a lot of change in cfgAmmos and cfgWeapons in config. So, that's the reason.  We are planning to release the upgrade pack to fix the problem that you saw, also we will try to make some new demo mission to you as possisble as we can.  Anyway, we really appreciate you to play this mod. Thanks. P.S. Forgive my poor English.
  15. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Yes, the training exercise will be the most important part in our next upcoming campaign. We will set up a lot of missions in simulating Mile-2000 with blank firing attachment. Hope you like it.
  16. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Thanks all you interesting in this MOD. The bug that you mentioned 'mission addon.....etc.' I will fix it right away, and it will come out later.
  17. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    The flahbag just make somebody get hurt in this mod. Surly if you throw more flashbag to someone, he will get kill. That's the only way that we can make currently.
  18. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    One more hint for this mod, Hand grenade will be rebounded when fall to the ground. Not just stick on the ground. Check this out if you got it.
  19. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Thanks for your guys intresting in this MOD. I think I need help from others who can set up a mirror for us to decrease the barrier. If anyone who can do it for us, please contact me directly and I will discuss with you about the rest of job. Thanks to everyone.
  20. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Sorry, we know that. But we have no enough money to buy more bandwidth.
  21. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Oh, I forgot to tell you. The Campaign 'Taiwan2002' now is in English version. Have fun.
  22. andylee054

    WrpTool's ODOL Explorer

    If anyone said open others addon and learnning how to make it is stealing. I would say all addon makers are thief already. Because we are stealing the config from BIS whenever we use the class name in config. Also, when you use the same 'Name selections' in models are stealing the copy right too. And OFP will no longer have any addons or MODs in the world. If BIS sue anyone who make addons for OFP, we will destory the CD when we played and get boried. Then we will look for an other new FPS game, right? Publish the tools is not against the BiS, only the one who use others same model or textures as their own. If anyone who can not accept this, please don't use any textures from BIS, and don't write any class name under 'default' again, nor you are breaking the line of copy right too. Then, let's close the community and never release any addons again. If any addon maker don't like others open their addons, please don't release their own addon again. Just keep them stay in their HDD. You know what will be happened, right?
  23. OFP Taiwan Workshop planning to release our new MOD again, and here are some screenshots as below. ROC MOD 3.0 Screenshot The release day might be a few weeks later, for we need to check them twice and make some sample missions for it.
  24. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    Good point! I will do that after I release this mod, and I will make a Halo soldier in US version later.
  25. andylee054

    Roc mod 3.0 coming soon.

    over 300 units in this MOD, I really can't count out each one. We made 6 units for artillery such like: M110A2, M101A1, M115, M59 and PLA's 122mm , 155mm arty. In the picture that you saw is not M113, it's the APC of ROC made which named CM21. Also we made Mk19, M2 and IFV version for it. The special thing for this mod is we made 16 difference civilian's vehicle for upcoming missions and campaign. Most vehicles in this mod will auto change the number when you load them in game. In the other hand, we made two difference parachute for all men vehicles, one for Halo and one for normal. you don't need to make any script, they will automatically take over the official parachute. .....etc.