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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Why don't people play Coop Missions??

    Its how you play the missions. You can play CTI missions like Domi or Evo or INS like big coop missions or just simple run-and-gun fun lasting for hours. Finding servers where ppl play them as a team can be a bit tricky, but its possible.
  2. -)rStrangelove

    Gamespot Reader's Choice, vote for ARMA 3

    There should sections for arcade shooters and semi realistic shooters. And both games come out in different years. ArmA3 could be shooter of 2012 if lucky.
  3. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution for Duala

    Had some great fun on GITS server tonight, gotta say Duala runs really good. Nice work :)
  4. -)rStrangelove

    AI going to be player centric?

    Nothing wrong with raging as long as its done on a professional level. ;) So thx for trying to understand my point. To be more precise, what i was trying to say (as direct answer to OP) was that even if BIS decides to take away control of distant AI actions, there are still ways for skilled scripters to work around this, like it always has been. I'd trade fully sim distant combat if i get 20+ fps for it, thats for sure. ;)
  5. -)rStrangelove

    Confused beginner

    Too many versions to confuse too many ppl i say, they should really just sell A2 CO and Reinforcements and pull the rest to get the ppl on 1 level again.
  6. -)rStrangelove

    AI going to be player centric?

    I find this thread kinda funny tbh. How do you miss something that you can't witness directly but just see its results when you get there later? Example: In the mission notes it says you'll be operating along other groups which will be north of your start position. Now as the mission unfolds you really hear shots and explosions in the distance and when you look at the horizon you see smoke trails north of you. Fine, you think, this is what its says in the notes. Later you are ordered there and see smoking vehicles and lots of bodies around. This is what you expected and therefore you deem this mission well done. But what really happened? You heard distant sounds, saw smoke trails and later on some damaged stuff. Question is: would you really be devastated when someone told you distant combat is all simulated? Note: simulated doesnt mean the result of combat would be simple. There could still be some heavy comparisons about the strenghts of each group and their equipment taking place, making the result (who wins? how many units are left?) somewhat realistic or better, realistic enough to appear belieavable to the player. Personally i dont really care what is simulated as long as i dont see the game is 'cheating' and the results of some 'hidden' calculation is believable.
  7. -)rStrangelove

    What Would You Like Me to Make?

    Satellite view: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10147 but you can also just place a red marker, its up to you. I guess the best coop fun would be if all players get into a chopper with good allround view and search the area together, each one looking in different direction. I'd use 1 player slot as the heli pilot, as humans can conduct better search patterns. When assaulting the hideout, the pilot could provide overhead watch and report any fleeing suspects for example.
  8. -)rStrangelove

    Harvest Red Co-op Enhancement?

    See, that's the thing: the OpF/ArmA series can't be played 'through', the MP & Addons experience goes on and on and on ...
  9. On which button do i get a virus and which one is a trojan? ;) Seriously, i'd use the poll tech built into the forums.
  10. -)rStrangelove

    What Would You Like Me to Make?

    Coffee, and a hostage rescue mission. Loved those in RavenShield, but obviously we cant have flashing & storming rooms in ArmA, so actually you should use the big landscape and make the players first search where the hostages are. Just an idea: tracking satellite-phones normally leaves you with a big area to search cause they can't be pinpointed to precise GPS coords. So when the terrorists are communicating, the players see a rather big marker (2km) and need to search all villages for suspicious behaviour. Or use a satellite view addon. Or maybe the vehicle of the terrorists has been identified already and finding that vehicle inside the marker would lead to the place where the hostages are held. :D
  11. -)rStrangelove

    New realism unit

    They have invented a Squads and Fanpages section just for you mate :) http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=90 And:
  12. -)rStrangelove

    All the Bis game have Counter Strike sounds

    In all honesty even the dynamic sound engine in BadCompany1 is creating a sound environment that no other game has so far, the only other one coming close would be GRAW1 & 2. As Zipper already mentioned, DICE obviously did their homework on this long ago and paid a lot of money (development time and sound rehearsals with military personnel) and now they're in a position where they can still build on that. BC2 and BF3 have 'only' revamped sound samples with added punch, but the sound engine is still the same. 2nd very honest opinion by me: BC1 and BC2 ran very good on the 360 and PC and therefore they prob tackled on the sound that much because they have no other problems. I guess we all can agree on that the ArmA series had different problems that needed fixing / optimizing first rather than the sound. That said, i'm glad about the news we hear lately concerning the updates on the engine, like less stuttering/higher fps, water, physx and interpolation. Nevertheless one day i hope BIS does a new sound engine from scratch featuring dynamic sound levels like in BF. http://vimeo.com/20869893 http://www.slideshare.net/aclerwall/how-high-dynamic-range-audio-makes-battlefield-bad-company-go-boom-1292018 http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2011/02/28/war-tapes-the-sounds-of-battlefield-3.aspx
  13. -)rStrangelove

    ARMA 3 Engine Handling of Objects at Range

    The vision of a Nam mod for ArmA3 where you can actually crawl into VC tunnel systems is making my mind explode in delight! :D
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Developer's Blog

    Wow, finally interpolation for ArmA. If it works it should smooth out things quite a bit (if done for near objects also). Other games had this for quite a while (CS1.0 comes to mind), but i admit ArmA2 with its huge islands and lots of game objects is a totally different dimension for these problems. :) Thx for the infos, i see my money has gone to the right ppl. Keep it up!
  15. -)rStrangelove

    Reinforcement if...

    count units group player
  16. Others - TESTING TESTING TESTING do triggers work, does the mission end, does a vehicle patrol end up underneath a bridge and do all helicopters have decend space at their landing pads. Testing possibilities are endless tbh.
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Will you buy ARMAIII?

    Okay, 6 guys for NO!, wtf is wrong with you? Ok 1 i could accept cause he prob done it for the lulz, but 6 ... cmon! :D
  18. It's an action game. Hate to say it, but even in the OpF Demo back then we were driven by 1 truck to the front, ejected and had contact 20 seconds later (200m distance?). Now is that realistic? No but fun.
  19. -)rStrangelove

    Death of Retail. No future for the High Street and the Mall?

    Online. Although i like game packages on my shelf. And posters, and handbooks, and maps of the game world. Ah, the memories. :)
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Lags that make me sad

    Could be a dust problem. Buy a laptop coolerpad and connect it to USB, that should solve the problem. Otherwise, maybe Win7 is doing stuff with your harddisk for whatever reasons.
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Arma3 - content pack chace Bi-sudio - army packs

    Depends how the addons look and what they bring to the table equipmentwise i say. If done great (like BAF DLC) then sure, but it doesnt matter at all from what country i'm from tbh. That said, personally i find the Germans in ArmA2 rather boring, the US plain ugly (digital gtfo!) leaving me only with BAF or other community addons to play with (Duala factions mmmh!) :D
  22. -)rStrangelove

    ARMA 3 Engine Handling of Objects at Range

    @DMarkwick: nice demo Btw are we only talking about how human players see targets in the game? Cause any transparency doesnt mean anything to the AI obviously, it adds/swaps just another thing in AI code. It wouldnt solve anything about the 'AI sees your foot underneath the bush on 200m and shoots out your left eye' behaviour.
  23. -)rStrangelove

    The island - living or abandoned?

    Abandoned with scripts would be a good thing. Nevermind the bugs, you cant escape them anyway, fixed setting or not. :D I get the same feeling when walking around in ArmA, its all dead quiet. Adding life into a mission is what most ppl dont see as a priority therefore i guess its often lacking believability. It takes additional time for mission maker and thats a bad thing when you finished something after a whole month of work - you want to get it out asap to get feedback. Also, adding life adds fps strains on top of what you already have in your mission. Nevertheless it's an important atmosphere booster. Whenever i ride along in RedDeadRedemption on my PS3 i cant help but being amazed how beautiful the landscape & life sim is. ArmA could learn a thing or 2 from Rockstar.
  24. -)rStrangelove

    ARMA 3 Engine Handling of Objects at Range

    A lot of the distant object problems in ArmA would kinda disappear if BIS would finally implement transparency. Objects in the distance should have a certain transparency level added, based on distance, weather and their size. No more ugly popups of vehicles, trees, houses and infantry. A lot of 3D games (young and old) use this tech, why not ArmA?
  25. Remove one mission feature / mod at a time and test if the lags are still there. Takes a bit of time but works. In a perfect world you would have saved a different version your mission everytime you added something new to it, but hey... ;)