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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. Sorry Suma, i must've missed the bad news... ? ;)
  2. -)rStrangelove

    CPU/GPU Balance?

    I dont care who Jon Peddie is, but i dont think somebody writing such an article would buy an SSD just for running ArmA2 to get the best out of it. Let alone checking out latest patches to see how this game performs now compared to its release.
  3. -)rStrangelove

    Possible Terrorist Attack in SoCal/Arizona

    What i'm missing here is the typical mysterious tankbusterish 'WHY' instead of the 'WHAT'. ;)
  4. -)rStrangelove

    POLL: leaning system.

    Haha, interesting way to see it. Sometimes i get this in (may i say it?) CoD-like games: an area with full of cover blocks so its easy to see where the next combat will arise in. Anyway, part of my point was that it doesnt make sense to optimize firing-around-cover-finecontrol if theres no cover object to be seen on the next 1000 meters. I guess there are 2 sides to that medaillion.
  5. -)rStrangelove

    POLL: leaning system.

    I'm with kju on this one, - leaning is not that important and doesnt really need to be 'fixed' (its kinda ok as it is) - what is really needed would be more objects on maps that provide proper cover - already existent objects providing cover should be fixed: firing through windows, corners that still block ur bullets in midair and bunkers/other stuff which dont allow proper firing from covered position due to geometry issues
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Adding physx to beta patches

    If physX would work in ArmA2 via a beta patch (even partly) and addonmakers would start re-releasing their greatest addons with physX enabled it could hurt ArmA3 sales.
  7. -)rStrangelove

    Goran Tomasevic's photography

    Quite an experience watching all these. Some make your jaw drop to the ground. :o
  8. Maybe HDCP copy protection in gfx driver kicking in? Never used HDMI for pc gaming so its just a blind guess.
  9. Sounds like its passable by AI but not players?
  10. -)rStrangelove

    BIS at the GC: Very kind!

    Yeah, it looks awesome - maybe because its not really animated at all. When you shoot someone in RDR this ragdoll plugin takes over, creates a force impulse on the model and the plugin makes the model trying to regain ballance as if being drunk. Very nice effect indeed and the most realistic 'being shot' movements ever witnessed in a game.
  11. -)rStrangelove

    that ArmA3 booth-banner, quanta costa?!

    Yup, def good question. My money is on BIS, now they just need to be willing to take it.
  12. -)rStrangelove

    Making diamonds using an acetylene torch

    How much $$$ in form of acetylene do you burn in 5-8 hours and how much worth is the diamond you'll get? I sense a catch22 lol :D
  13. -)rStrangelove

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive announced

    Why would anyone be pissed about this news? No doubt Counterstrike is what most ppl here went through before playing OpF & ArmA. It's a part of FPS history. Personally i dont think i'll be interested to play this again but lets see what they come up with.
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Bit overwhelmed

    Gravyface, i'd advise you to play through the SP tutorial missions to get familiar with all the keyboard layout. You get commands what to do and a box is telling you which key it is. In case its not binded yet you can hop into options and rebind it. Takes an hour then you should be ok with most infantry / vehicle stuff.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    CONSPIRACIES: Operation Evac

    Its part of the story, after you're half way through u realize you're the zombie. thats why everybody is trying to shoot you :rolleyes: ... or maybe i got that wrong :D
  16. Some kind of War-dwarf who has been in the sun too long. :D
  17. -)rStrangelove

    For Dummies

    I think most of the fps / control issues are down to the stiffness of certain animations in ArmA, making ppl feel like their virtual body is holding them back. Esp when coming from other games where you can roam around freely on a single keypress.
  18. -)rStrangelove

    Where did you buy Arma 2?

    This ^
  19. This can't be a realistic feature, imagine driving around in a tank on a crowded street full of trucks and then suddenly your turret points north.
  20. -)rStrangelove

    England 'Riots'

    On German news it has been said that the policemen were the only ones to shoot at the man. They fired at their own mic to make it look like that man shot them first but apparantly the bullet found was the same hollow one the police is issued. Thats what they said over here.
  21. -)rStrangelove

    How far?

    It's like he tried to pee in a corner of an oval office. Same result.
  22. -)rStrangelove

    Biggest Computer Graphics Advance Since 3D?

    I really dunno what to make of all this tbh. They called out about the gfx revolution in 2003 already and still the only thing they have to show is a video full of promises. Unlimited detail in 2003: 1. 2003 - 2011 is a long time so why aren't they in a position where they can offer demos for download? 2. Why are they still such a small team if the tech is so impressive? Students & others must be knocking on their doors every day. 3. They know they're lacking art talent in their team, so why don't they work with a team of game developers? It can't be the lack of outside interest after showing these videos for years can it? Forum post in 2010: Main website atm: Hmmmmm ... i guess the revolution will take more time.
  23. -)rStrangelove

    Raven Shield question

    Good call. How about joining an Xfire R6 group for match scheduling? I spotted this one: http://www.xfire.com/communities/rvscommunity/ And here is a thread offering solutions to install IronWrath under Steam (i think): http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1710089
  24. -)rStrangelove

    West-Kent Map UK WIP

    Nice. Would be fun to remake the Battle of Britain with I44 planes. :)