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About -IC-Wedge

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  1. -IC-Wedge

    2 sided planes/ transparency

    not quite sure what you mean..... Is it not possible to do it with a single plane??? also how do you invert?? Many thanks Wedge
  2. Is it possible to have a plane with the same texture on both sides?? If i explain...... I am making a metal gang/walk way. I have created the texture in Photoshop with correct alpha channels etc. In 02 the texture works perfectly...ie i can see through the holes in the metal floor. However..... I cannot seem to find out how to repeat the texture on the bottom of the plane keeping the transparency. I tried cloning the original plane and flipping it but then you cannot see through the transparent sections again because the bottom of the plane has no transparency. I hope this makes sense to someone. Sorry if this has been asked before i used every term in the search function to no avail :-) Thanks in advance Wedge
  3. -IC-Wedge

    How do you recreate Snow!!

    @spirit i will happily help were i can....just gimme a pm
  4. -IC-Wedge

    How do you recreate Snow!!

    this was my effort some time ago http://www.armaholic.com/pfs.php?m=view&v=3-ica_wintermod_01.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/pfs.php?m=view&v=3-ica_wintermod_05.jpg http://www.armaholic.com/pfs.php?m=view&v=3-ica_wintermod_03.jpg
  5. -IC-Wedge

    MyMap folder destination

    Mine read p:\ca\ic_barbuda works fine
  6. -IC-Wedge

    IC ISLAND: Isla Barbuda

    Yeah i also agree the runways are a little short. We live and learn I have no problem landing them and as i said they are not really designed for AI but if it doesnt mess too much up then i will tre and extend them on the next version.
  7. Same... Im running a 64 x2 dual core 4200+ with 2g ram there is no way i could edit any size bigger in ps than 10240. It already takes about 15 mins to save that as it is when u got all the layers etc :-)
  8. -IC-Wedge

    Where can I find this object(s)?

    These models are called Pytle = Sand bags
  9. -IC-Wedge

    IC ISLAND: Isla Barbuda

    As i said in the 1st post..this island is designed for tournament style play...therefor a very symetrical layout. Also stated that it would not be how i would normally design an island. I had to find a mix between the two and i feel i have achieved that for its purpose. Had i designed a basic island i would have had one main runway and maybe a secondary dirt runway. Thanks for the feedback guys posotive and negative.......its all a learning curve One things for sure...i wont be getting the airport wrong next time.
  10. -IC-Wedge

    IC ISLAND: Isla Barbuda

    Well as you can see if you look at the editor there is a fairly large area of water to the right this was left for a bit of expansion ...so you never know. The East may yet have more in store :-)
  11. -IC-Wedge

    IC ISLAND: Isla Barbuda

    he he thanks for the responses. Yeah the runways are bugging me anyway but hadnt even thought about the numbers lol i knew they meant something but had no idea what . The main thing thats bugging me is the runway on the sat map. Just couldnt get it right....mainly due to the size of the sat map and amount of layers it takes about half an hour to save it and import it and test it. What do you guys think of the central city. Its my favourite part. Oh and if anyone can give me back any info on frame rates that would be good. Early betas proved it to be fairly smooth. Wedge
  12. . ========= IC Barbuda ========= Created By Wedge For The International Conflict Arma Tournament ========== Foreword ========== Isla Barbuda is a project that has been designed for the IC-Arma Tournament. Therefore it has been designed with the tournament style play in mind.I would not normally design such a terrain with a symetrical layout but for this it is needed.All heightmaps were made by hand in PS. This island has not really been designed with AI in mind so thier effectiveness is unknown in citys/towns etc. ========== Island Info ========== Island Size - 1024 x 1024 Object Count - 76'675 Island Style - Desert Citys - 1 Towns - 15 Bases - 3 (With Airfield's) ========== Known Bugs & Others ========== V0.9.0 -No Sat map texture for runways, so it does not show in editor. -Airfields not properly configured for Auto Pilot. ========== Contact ========== Please Report any bugs to myself @ www.ic-arma.com Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6 DOWNLOAD LINK [32.5mb] Please could someone help host All the best Enjoy Wedge Internal Coordinator IC-ArmA
  13. -IC-Wedge


    Ok i have tested all buildings in my island...these include Factory hotel church tank garage all the ladders worked as they should My island WAS in the P:\CA folder and binarized with Binpbo and works 100%.
  14. -IC-Wedge

    "Cannot load material file"

    a couple of questions Do you have the most recent version of Visitor as the old one did not use to convert. I have nothing in my folder - objects section of the preferences (never have) and is the path of your original rvmats correct
  15. -IC-Wedge

    Schmalfelden Visitor Source Files Posted

    Mate thanks so much...so simple but it worked. I think i can finally release my island