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Everything posted by -J4F-Thunder666

  1. -J4F-Thunder666

    Degeneration : YAZM

    cant wait , one of the best Mods ever played :), we have alot of Fun with your A2 Zeds ! watch it from 22 Minutes Thunder
  2. -J4F-Thunder666

    Degeneration : YAZM

    omg best news since Arma 3 Release ! And the zeds are useable in own Coops like A2 ?# greetings and have a nice Day
  3. -J4F-Thunder666

    [COOP] Dynamic Combat Generator

    what exactly this means ??? is it playable with RHS Units ? and how i can find all the Menus the other Guys talking about ?
  4. -J4F-Thunder666

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    what the Hell , this is Porno ! Congratulations, now it is the real Arma III. Can you please talk more about Future Plans ?! Maybe a heavy Sniper Rifle or AR`s Variants ? Or maybe a own Island like "Bornholm" ? Thunder
  5. -J4F-Thunder666

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    hi Guys, if i download the lite or SA Version of IF44 and try it to open in Editor i get no Isle from IF44 :(. Should this Isle not be included in the full conversion SA for Arma 3 ? Thunder P.S. iam a old Dick :D and a bit confused by requested installations for IF44 in A3. I own IF44 and DlC. What exactly i need to play in A3 ? thx
  6. -J4F-Thunder666

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    @Chief: wow sounds good i must test this !! so we [J4F] has no Server at the Moment cause there was no Interest of C&H. Only for Zombies and Survive Bullshit. If one of your brave Guys interested by C&H and have a Server so we have own C&H System from orginal IF44 Maps and Arma 3 ! Please talk to me if u interested. Greetings Thunder
  7. -J4F-Thunder666

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    @theChief : Required Mods this means the IF44 standalone Version for Arma 3 is released and playable ??? Thunder
  8. -J4F-Thunder666

    Proman Public crCTI

    thats right. thx for info
  9. -J4F-Thunder666

    Proman Public crCTI

    hi and thank you for this ! We are really CTI Fans since OFP. So is there a Plan for the old Islands/ Arma 3 Map Pack ? greetings Thunder
  10. -J4F-Thunder666

    SyNcRoNiCzZ AddOn Release Thread

    any Chance for a A III release ? PLEASE ! :bounce3: Greetings Thunder
  11. -J4F-Thunder666

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    really nice Mod ! But i wish you can create a Script Version for MP Servers without Mod loading. greetings Thunder
  12. -J4F-Thunder666

    Uav Marker Script

    ok tested on lokal and dedic. Server. this >>> init.sqf execVM "PrykUav.sqf"; and _null = this spawn {While {isNil "PrykUavInit"} do {sleep 2}; _this spawn PrykUavInit;} in the init Line Player or a Trigger(Condition: is alive Player). 1. all i get is the orange or red Markers(changing false/true) of the empty Vehicles in west Base. Nothing else ! this Markers do not disappear after the given Time. Always visible.(?) 2. i get no other Makers at Map. No friendly or enemy Markers. (??) tested with a manned Greyhawk. :( please include a simple example Mission for pvp to test it at Server. thx in advance greetings Thunder
  13. -J4F-Thunder666

    Uav Marker Script

    but it shows both Sides(friendly, enemy) right ? Not only enemy ? Thunder
  14. -J4F-Thunder666

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    thx for the Info and your hard work Guys ! Greetings Thunder
  15. sounds reaaly good, i cant wait for this. thx and good Luck for your work. Thunder
  16. -J4F-Thunder666

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    the "Beach" DLC will available/useable if the A3 only Patch is released ? greetings Thunder
  17. -J4F-Thunder666

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    sounds good this means for A3 only without A2/OA installed ? Thunder
  18. -J4F-Thunder666

    East Static Weapons Pack

    thx for this Mod, will find the Way to our RU/US Mod C&H Server :). And i hope a US Tank Pack comes very soon.
  19. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH M4/M16 pack

    So no MG`s like 249, MK84, 240 in close Future ? Greetings Thunder
  20. Hi, i try to let jump my Soldier from the Cargo Space of the new C-130 Mod with open Ramp. So far so good. All above 100 Meters my Player perform the jump Animation inside Cargospace. How i can avoid this Animation ? thx in advance
  21. -J4F-Thunder666

    Parajump at C-130 Ramp..avoid jump Animation

    hmmmm i dont hope so :(. It works below 100 Meters but above the Guys always "flying". Read this Post #92. If this isnt a Joke, it should work. Greetings Thunder
  22. -J4F-Thunder666

    C-130J Port Release

    cant wait for this :D. sounds really good. please give a update when ready. thx for the Moment i have my player in the Cargo . but he always perform the flying Animation. How i can avoid this jump animation ?
  23. -J4F-Thunder666

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Hi Mr. Hammer, is there a Chance for a MG Mod(249.240) soon ? Greetings Thunder
  24. -J4F-Thunder666

    ArmA 2 US Helicopters Import to A3

    wow 1 Hour ago i loaded from your Website :). This Choppers so amazing. THX Guys for this ! Thunder