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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    Knife proposal

    So the tactic was wrong? I.e. they used the wrong weapon for the job.
  2. Daniel

    Knife proposal

    Is that the fault of the bayonet or the tactic?
  3. Daniel

    Knife proposal

    I agree, but as you say, it happens, and is a plausible scenario. So what happens when you're low on ammo? You might be granted air support. You might be forced to fix bayonets and charge your way out of a tight space. Both have happened over the last few years. Both plausible scenarios. I don't see why they shouldn't both have a place in ArmA2.
  4. Daniel

    Knife proposal

    What's wrong with being low on ammo? It's a perfectly plausible scenario.
  5. Daniel

    Mystery Missile launch off the coast of California.

    I still think the "smoke" in the distance looks like contrail that has been spread by the winds at high altitude. Have any videos of the "accidental launch" appeared from different angles yet?
  6. Ah, Fox, read the post again. :p And Pufu, that is some insane level of detail.
  7. Daniel

    Battle: Los Angeles Trailer

    Looks good! Reminds me of how Terminator Salvation could have been had it not sucked. :p
  8. Daniel

    Mystery Missile launch off the coast of California.

    Always amusing to see the conspiracy engines slowly churning into gear.
  9. Daniel

    Chechen Rebels

    That'd be smart for an update. Keep these "regular" Chechens and add some with more civilian gear too. Sort of like different tiers.
  10. lol @ quoting Tankbuster. Thanks for the update BIS!
  11. Daniel

    Mystery Missile launch off the coast of California.

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Richard Branson! No, actually it's a plane. With a sunlit contrail.
  12. That's your personal opinion, and a very good one. But if someone else would prefer some protection for their own free addon, what harm is that? It's not selfish. What right has anyone else to force otherwise? The particular addon would be released with the intention of being played, not as a tutorial. I don't think it would discourage other authors from releasing work that can be accessed easily and learned from. You said yourself you don't mind others learning from your work.
  13. The real thing(s) is still under construction, the only photos are artists impressions and are likely to change, especially considering the recent Defence Review.
  14. My bad, should have checked his post.
  15. Well, it lead to a response from BIS that confirmed BIS won't be implementing extra protection for community authors. But it also let's people express their views, which is healthy. As long as people respect each other's posts and don't start getting petty.
  16. Disregard. Had an error with ace_clientside_config.hpp but had a friend send me theirs and overwrote it.
  17. Ha, if you've ever seen the concept art for Astute class, you'll know it varies widely and rarely matches the finished product.
  18. Daniel

    ArmA2 Marmite?

    eBay yourself some Marmite!
  19. Daniel

    Chechen Rebels

    Nice one Stag! Testing now. :)
  20. Ha, glad someone else picked up on that too. :p
  21. Ah excellent, can't wait to test!
  22. Daniel

    Why are you playing BIS games?

    Because i'm still addicted. :eek:
  23. That works fine until people start exploiting the work of others for real money. In fact the above system works and has worked perfectly well for missions, scripts, terrain, you name it. Models, however, are more of an issue. Especially for any modders who could choose to sell their models, but choose to release them as ArmA2 addons on the understanding that they don't appear on Turbosquid. Nobodies saying scripts and other community content aren't "worth" as much as models in sheer hard graft, but you can't deny they can fetch a better price outside of ArmA2. Hope we can keep a healthy discussion up here, i'm almost sitting on the fence as it is. It's obviously one of the more heated and opinionated topics.