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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I could have told you it was an Astute class submarine just from looking at the silhouette, nevermind that ASTUTE is written in ascending order. That one's nailed. PS: Don't judge it by Astute's concept art. Much has changed to the overall design since then, including the raised aft casing and the forward casing mast/sonar.
  2. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Sounds like you're onto something there. UnuldorCZ, rev it up! :p Argh, ninja'd big time!
  3. My advice would be start off simple, learn how pbos and mod folders work before diving into things like ACE. Also find out how to tweak the skill and accuracy of your friends and foes using the game's config. Also bear in mind that addons can break official and user missions aswell as other addons, and that they're not allowed on some servers (learn how to enable and disable them, or use separate shortcuts or launchers).
  4. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    They're an anagram of Seamen Whatnot. :p ...along with Wanna Meet Hots, Satan Went Home and Aha Women Tents. Statue in a wheat field?
  5. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Agreed. 3 popular artist's videos by chance? Dont think so. I like the scarecrow reference too. Dont forget we might not yet have enough clues to make the link, depends how long BIS want this to last.
  6. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    As Yegor spotted, the last digits yield an interesting google image result. It's a bit of a stretch though. http://www.google.co.uk/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&gbv=2&biw=1399&bih=779&site=search&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=001690759&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=
  7. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Yep, that's what my money's on. Interesting. Such as?
  8. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Messing around with the letters in case they spell anything. Anagram site
  9. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    ofpec.com hacked too, someone that can read magic eye (not me!) needs to try and download it. Looks like its only a thumbnail at the moment...
  10. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Seen, well spotted LukasCZ. Download, right click properties, have a rummage around.
  11. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Bagsy not deciphering that, I value my eyesight! :p
  12. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    No one else think it's odd that armedassault.info have just announced unscheduled maintenance for a "hopefully" short period of time?
  13. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&game=1 One of the affiliate sites perhaps?
  14. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Good job these hackers are punctual ey!
  15. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Note the word "misinterpretation" in the ending titles. It nearly happened multiple times during the real Cold War, it was by no means out of the question during Harvest Red.
  16. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    We don't ck, we just have his word. But it'd be the same for anyone that actually went there, no point witch hunting over it. (and how do man? long time no speak! :P)
  17. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    If you doubt him, drive there yourself and open the box, take a picture, and you can be the new forum hero. Meanwhile, let's focus on the current clues...
  18. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Excellent, cheers guys.
  19. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Depends who the enemy is! If it is Cold War / WW3 themed, it could be a counter-attack to a Russian/Soviet invasion of Europe, or an attack in itself. But if it's another enemy, say China or an as yet unmentioned foe, it could well be a retreat towards Europe. Though it looks to me more like some response or counter-attack. What do the black lines with crosses represent? Defensive lines?
  20. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Seriously though man, you legend! This.
  21. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Manage your expectations. Just in case.
  22. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    :eek: ...
  23. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    May I refer you to my earlier post.
  24. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Anti submarine helicopter warfare expansion!
  25. Daniel

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Pretty crazy to see BIS using Astute as a clue. Wonder if they left any clues around Barrow... :p