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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel

    FCS for helicopters.

    ACE did it years ago. No reason why BIS can't do it. Just make it so Apaches can't fire AGM-144L in the absence of Longbow FCS. I'm not really against the tab system either, as long as it reflects the radar's real life range and capabilities.
  2. Aw, they didn't let Coogan get up to full speed! Great links though da12thMonkey, cheers.
  3. Daniel

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    How would it affect PvP?
  4. Daniel

    FCS for helicopters.

    Can't vote: you're poll is missing choices and your options aren't precise enough. For example moving the mouse would be an accurate simulation for firing the AGM-144K - it's following the beam that's slaved to your control or your line of sight. BIS actually need to make the distinction between the K and L versions and what aircraft can utilise them. The FCS does need a major overhaul but this thread isn't the right way to discuss it.
  5. Daniel

    And off the old bird goes

    Thanks for the link! This is actually pretty cool, especially linked with this. Just had an in flight call a few minutes ago checking in off the west coast of Australia which lined up perfectly with the map. Such as shame its the last mission.
  6. That still has nothing to do with render to texture. I doubt any vehicles in Arma 3 will have mouse clickable buttons.
  7. Seen that video before, sounds good to me. Anything unique with high gameplay value that's cool at the same time has my vote. As you say, as long as it's not possible to lone-wolf it, you'd end up with some really cool missions. One of the best suggestions so far.
  8. Again, I could be wrong, but I believe this method was in place before BAF was released. At least this way people don't confuse BIS units with community work in the event of bugs or compatibility issues.
  9. Daniel

    Difference between M4 and M16

    I'm pretty certain ratoa won this argument.
  10. Daniel

    Stealth Kills?

    That's a fair point. Though in my mind they'd get used more than knives. I assume everyone else's minds work differently. :p
  11. Daniel

    Stealth Kills?

    We had bayonets in OFP, we used them often enough.
  12. There isn't. Apart from a few malcontents who seem to think they are the PvP community.
  13. Mate, if you represent the PvP community, i'd go on ignoring you too, not that I think BIS is. If you want to inspire some change, you're going to have to be a little bit more constructive.
  14. Daniel

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    But you have to agree that Arma 3 is going to ship with stock MP Missions. Missions that are available on servers from the word go are going to be played by all the new players that buy the game as soon as its released. And that Jojo's was a suggestion for one of those missions, not for what the programmers should be working on.
  15. Ah back when Pendulum were good... Awesome video nightsta1ker, thanks for sharing.
  16. I think this current choice keeps it in line with other UK vehicle addons, correct me if i'm wrong.
  17. Daniel

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Yeah, I could see that working quite well. Obviously with a few tricks thrown in to show people what Arma can do compared to Insurgency. :D
  18. Daniel

    Stealth Kills?

    British Army Phase 2 Training
  19. Daniel

    Stealth Kills?

    The danger is that the AI would not be competent enough to deal with the player armed with a knife. There would have to be serious repercussions for the player not getting the kill exactly right, such as the AI shouting out, or overpowering the player, or simply not dying straight away. Personally, I think stealthy throat slitting and take downs would be sort of cool and certainly useful under certain circumstances, but I believe it would take too much development to get it right, especially in Arma.
  20. Daniel

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    Absolutely. It'd be a victory for BIS and honest journalism.
  21. Daniel

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    That's because according to a Creative Lead at BIS, there isn't one. So no tribute this time around unfortunately. Ha, point superbly proven.
  22. Daniel

    Army hero's shock as he is used in.. ARMA!

    It's not at all like a British tabloid to print utter bull. Oh wait...
  23. +1 for a green paint job, it'd be a real shame not to see this on all the great non-deserty maps.
  24. Daniel

    Tanks/vehicle not afraid to drive in trees

    That's not really fair, it's perfect if you only need a small map but with lots of micro terrain and a shit ton of atmosphere. I've had some excellent firefights there, against enemy armour too (although i was too busy trying to not get shot to notice any path-finding issues). If anything it could be the higher terrain resolution causing problems.
  25. Daniel

    Tanks/vehicle not afraid to drive in trees

    The OP's point is that tanks shouldn't really struggle somewhere like Proving Grounds. There's no forest - just lots of ground clutter. You could argue that even fallen trees wouldn't do a tank much good, but for the sake of gameplay... amirite?