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Everything posted by marco-polo-iv

  1. marco-polo-iv

    AH-64 Pack Release

    @raedor features: replacescript for killed helos, burningscript engine start and stopsound new weaponsounds
  2. marco-polo-iv

    AH-64 Pack Release

    Mirror1 fixed
  3. marco-polo-iv

    Variable ones hand over

    Hi All, I work at present on a weaponpack, in which all weapons with same caliber resemble and fire modes the same magazine use can. All weapons with caliber of 5.56mm are to be able to use the 30 rounds magazine and the BetaC magazine. Also everything functions already, only I get the model change not. If I enter a firm model function it, only I had the model by variable handed over. Already does someone have experience thereby, or is at all possible it to hand variables over of a class to another?
  4. marco-polo-iv

    Variable ones hand over

    exemple Config // Weapons Cal 5.56 mm FullAuto #define Real_(f5,p1,p2,dn,p3) class Real_##f5 : Real_556Full{scopeWeapon = 2; scopeMagazine = 0; model = p1.p3d ; modelOptics = p2; displayName = dn; modelSpecial = p3;} Real_(G36A,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36a,,Real G36A,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36a_c) Real_(G36K,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36k,,Real G36K,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36k_c) Real_(G36C,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36c,,Real G36C,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36c_c) Real_(G36E,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36e,,Real G36E,\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36e_c) so it works (change Model) // Magazine Cal 5.56 mm class Real_556Full_BetaC : Real_556Full { scopeWeapon = 1; scopeMagazine = 2; modelSpecial ="\Real_Weapon\g36_var\g36e_c"; valueMagazine = 2; magazineType = "2*256"; count = 100; displayNameMagazine = "BetaC Magazin Full"; shortNameMagazine = "BetaC F"; picture = "\Real_Weapon\m_pics\m_betac.paa"; Real_(f5)={}; }; doesn´t work (don´t change Model) class Real_556Full_BetaC : Real_556Full { scopeWeapon = 1; scopeMagazine = 2; modelSpecial =(p3) valueMagazine = 2; magazineType = "2*256"; count = 100; displayNameMagazine = "BetaC Magazin Full"; shortNameMagazine = "BetaC F"; picture = "\Real_Weapon\m_pics\m_betac.paa"; Real_(f5)={}; };