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Everything posted by Zenga

  1. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Politics? but these are only facts
  2. Zenga

    Latest screenshots available

    this all is nice .. but give me the game and i will see by my self..
  3. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    cmon.. this are russian forces.. and not Sahrani comunists.. if you see the screenshots of OFP2 or Game2 you will see they are usin the same guns like in A&A.. they are North Sahrani forces, NOT RUSSIAN, simple as, thats wat BIS say they are seeing as they on the island of Sahrani in the Atlantic, just with communist bloc weaponry, like china, north korea, egypt etc etc. just because they have russian sourced kit doesnt make them russian. bootneckofficer Since when does China use Russian equipment? Â china,hungary,tchech republic ,slowakia, many african countries, are usin russian equipment or copies.. or new models based on the russian like Ex Jugoslavia they have own Models M84 tank M74 (kalashnikows) Cz scorpion M80(bmp) and many more you can see it in operation peacekeeper BF2
  4. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i give up you are too many against me..
  5. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    but its also about te look the weaponery of the us looks better..
  6. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    you need 4 hits to destroy a M1 there i no balance! do you remember in OFp how many times you have to hit a Tank before you destroy it Bmp - Shilka 1 Hit T55 2 Hits T72 3 and finally T80 4 Hits and back to the money.. they are poor but they have a lot of 72 hmmm strange no money but sooooo many tanks ok enough of this.. i want the game like you want it.. im just here to describe what im thinking of this game.. i love it.. but they should cahnge many things.. to make this game perfect.. i will wait until the first addon came out.. im becoming a A%A freak every f***** day i wait for some new informations.. and nothings come.. this is so depressive.. and in this forum i can loose some agressions.. when im writing bad about the BIS team.. to make them also a little it angry and let them know how it feels when you are waiting for a game for 6 years and they still dont when the relase date is cmooooooooooooooooooooon !!!!
  7. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    cmon.. this are russian forces.. and not Sahrani comunists.. if you see the screenshots of OFP2 or Game2 you will see they are usin the same guns like in A&A.. they are North Sahrani forces, NOT RUSSIAN, simple as, thats wat BIS say they are seeing as they on the island of Sahrani in the Atlantic, just with communist bloc weaponry, like china, north korea, egypt etc etc. just because they have russian sourced kit doesnt make them russian. bootneckofficer and why have America the newest weapons.. i think this is playin in earlier 90tie and they have the guns from 2000 .. the M4 Carabine  and M16A2 from the screenshots are too new AND Tnorth sahrani" too old.. . Oh god..  Bis is always talkin about balance ´between sahrani and usa what balance.. no T80´s
  8. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    tell me why..!! tell me why one of these two sides have better weapons then the other..  and what do you mean they are poor!!?? this is only a game..!! or are they payin they cars in virtual dollars i know that my posts are diffycult to understand for you but i think  that the game is maked fo the us market they have 360 mill people in the USA... Europe have only 320 or so.. dont missunderstood me.. this is my school english i would explain it better so you guys can understand 100% what i mean...
  9. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    cmon.. this are russian forces.. and not Sahrani comunists.. if you see the screenshots of OFP2 or Game2 you will see they are usin the same guns like in A&A.. they are North Sahrani forces, NOT RUSSIAN, simple as, thats wat BIS say they are seeing as they on the island of Sahrani in the Atlantic, just with communist bloc weaponry, like china, north korea, egypt etc etc. just because they have russian sourced kit doesnt make them russian. bootneckofficer and why have America the newest weapons.. i think this is playin in earlier 90tie and they have the guns from 2000 .. the M4 Carabine  and M16A2 from the screenshots are too new AND Tnorth sahrani" too old.. .
  10. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    cmon.. this are russian forces.. and not Sahrani comunists.. if you see the screenshots of OFP2 or Game2 you will see they are usin the same guns like in A&A.. they are North Sahrani forces, NOT RUSSIAN, simple as, thats wat BIS say they are seeing as they on the island of Sahrani in the Atlantic, just with communist bloc weaponry, like china, north korea, egypt etc etc. just because they have russian sourced kit doesnt make them russian. bootneckofficer Ok they are north Sahrani but they have russian equipment .. and why they cant have the new one like RUSSIANS ??
  11. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ahhahahaahah sahrani comunists... yes..
  12. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    cmon.. this are russian forces.. and not Sahrani comunists.. if you see the screenshots of OFP2 or Game2 you will see they are usin the same guns like in A&A..
  13. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Depends where Sahrani lies geographically and the time of year. Clear skies in Florida in Summer would be very bright, but clear blue skies in England in Winter would look even more washed-out. True, but I was under the impression that Sahrani must be somewhat near the equator considering the southern part is tropical, and thus would have some fairly bright sunshine. i think the same weapons like in OFP some new lookin weapons like AntiTank or the new M16 A2 or M4 Carbine also a new american model.. i dont know which year the conflict in A&A is playin but the American side have much better and Modern Weaopns than the Russian Units they are strong but the same like in OFP 1985 and USA have units of the 90ties... and there is not a T90 or T80 i heared you need 4 hits to destroy a abrams with a Launcher .. i dont know ? and the Kalashnikows are from 1974 AK74 the new model of Kalashnikows in the russian army is black and looks little bit diefferent i have no idea about he details.. but it is a another weapon.... they should change this.. maybe ? no new weapons just new Models and this only for American units
  14. Zenga

    ArmA Progress Updates

    DEMO DEMO DEMO DEMO DEMO DEMO DEMO DEMO DEMO !!! now when can i play it ..!!?? i really have no nervs more. ! im still waiting .. 7 f***** years for this game .. not this.. but everybody now waht i mean... OFP were relaesed 1999 and now what?! wait till oktotber,november,december??? please give us the demo.. and let us sniff a little bit of A&A !! i love the chech republic and the girls are very god damn hot. (im every weekend i jaroslavice fishing) but i hate you guys because of this release thing.. so please hurry up and give us the demo.. you are playin A&A every day and you bored ... and you want to do a another project .. finish A&A and make some new... but finish it !!!! do you now that i have bought me a new pc to play OFP.. only for this game and i have spend a lot of money in you products... please dont dissapoint me !! greetings from Croatia..