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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Campaign will be epic, can't wait. 'Nuff said. :D
  2. I like it. A lot. Especially the engine improvements we've learned about so far from it. Given the fact that ION's website is full of references to Gaia's creations, is he involved in the making of the campaign? Because those scenes seem to have a Gaia-epicness about them. I'd love another campaign of Eagle Wing quality! :D
  3. Thanks mate! Will give it a try ASAP.
  4. Thanks! I'm looking forward to it! :D
  5. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    = Teaser pictures, no? :p
  6. It is when your internet is crap and you won't use it at all outside of this particular campaign. :(
  7. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Nope, only a beta, but that's since ended.
  8. I'm just having problems updating my ACE2 after finding out that there's been so many updates and new releases since I last did so. Frankly, I just don't want to spend so much time downloading something I don't typically use outside of certain user-made missions/campaigns, especially with my shitty internet. :butbut:
  9. I'd definitely vouch for a non-ACE version. ;)
  10. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Apparently the campaign starts off based on the events of Operation Anaconda, and stays somewhat true to that for a while, but then goes completely off track.
  11. Zipper5

    ArmA II Revamped soundtrack

    Agreed. Well, I gotta hand it to you boytitanium, you lasted a pretty long time, but you're no Janowich. ;)
  12. Zipper5

    ArmA II Revamped soundtrack

    How can you increase the quality of tracks? Saving them with a higher kbps rate does not magically make them higher quality, it just increases the filesize... Seriously boytitanium, are you just trolling us?
  13. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Yeah, I found MW2's story enjoyable, just not as good (nor as smart, obviously...) as COD4's. I hate the MP in both now, so sick of the grenade spamming, hacking, and everyone using only the AK47, but I digress. Looks like neither aspect of MOH is enjoyable...
  14. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Meh, it seems others also share the same opinion. I'm glad I canceled my pre-order after the terrible first beta. Let's hope it doesn't sell well enough to give them incentive to continue with such crap...
  15. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Well, the first review I've seen for it is up on IGN. Just as I thought it would be. Going to wait and see if more reviews agree with the same sentence.
  16. Zipper5

    Omg why i can't buy arma 2!!!

    What? Sprocket doesn't work for you? :confused: This should have been posted under this forum section, by the way. ;)
  17. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    Here's two more teaser pictures from a new mission:
  18. Of which you surely are one if you're on these forums. Do you at least acknowledge that it makes zero sense for them to be trying to appeal to an audience outside of simulation fans by retaining the Operation Flashpoint name?
  19. I think that was a fact established a long time ago, probably shortly after DR's release.
  20. Zipper5

    ArmA 2 multiplayer Servers only

    Careful guys, this is boytitanium you're talking to, who brought us such threads as remote control PCs and FADE causing entirely unrelated events to occur.
  21. In terms of some of its features, yes, but remember that it's still running on RealVirtuality 2, ArmA's engine, whereas Arma 2 runs on RV3.
  22. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    OFP's lasted me 9 years. I still play it with friends quite often even today. :p
  23. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Well, if it has similar success to Bad Company 2 or Modern Warfare 2, you won't see the price drop, even 11 months after its release. :rolleyes:
  24. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 73968

    If I'm not mistaken, even VBS2 doesn't have proper reload animations for each weapon...
  25. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Watching the first video, it looks like it's trying too hard to look like Modern Warfare 2... :butbut: